Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

Altman I really didn't want to rule the world Chapter 228

He heard that Daniel around me: "Delete? Delete?"

There was no answer directly to the Rattan, but silent chose one of many projects.

Then everyone saw that in the Christian screen, a line of words appeared: Delete the project human.

Next, Chris's prediction results change: the earth is about to enter ...

The next result did not have a rootic uncertainty, there is no big disaster that destroys the earth, there is only a peaceful future ...

However, no one will accept, and you can't accept this answer.

Only ... Rattong.

The blue giant was in his mind, and a inexplicable premonition told him that the blue giant would give him an answer.

However, before this, he needs to know the truth of Christiens predicted. Is Chrisis really right?

He checked the Crees' circuit, check the background data, check the system program, but it is a "all normal" answers again.

In this reply in this time, the heart of the Rattong is gradually sinking into the bottom of the valley.

"Check it again!" He coldly, let the researcher responsible for the inspection continue.

"Do you want to check again?" The researcher gasped, Chrisis data, the number of equipment, and every serious examination, it took a lot of time and energy, but before this, he had already checked it. Twelve times.

But the answer to the Violet Palace is rare cold: "Continue, to check it out!"

Rattar is proud, that is a proud capital, but proud does not represent the cold, and people who have been in the Roeway have known that the Rattong is actually a very child, he is very gentle.

However, this researcher found at this moment that the Rattong Palace seems to have changed ... Probably because of Christiens's forecast, everyone is very anxious.

Therefore, this researcher has not refuted, but the point of understanding: "Yes! I know."

After finishing, he once again invested in the thirteenth inspection.

Sitting in the Rooy Palace in front of the computer looked at the small hamster in the cage, there were few decks to show a little fragile: "What to do ... What should I do ..."

Suddenly, a blue light appeared, he founded that the light source saw that there was a change in the computer in front of the computer, which is almost the same as the picture when Chris is out of control.

But this time, the brown yellow background in the screen gradually opened, and finally emerged several characters. The Violeng read the English letters: "Agul ... Agu Ru? Agu ... What? What is this? meaning?"

He has a little confused, repeatedly with this word, he all over the memory, nor did it find the meaning of this word, which sounded like a name?

Next, the computer screen in front of him appeared again, and the blue light occupied the brown yellow background, even rushing out the screen, and shot on his body.

The Rattong was shrouded, but he had to raise his hand. He was in his eyes, but when he retired, he put his hand and saw his place has changed.

It is no longer his laboratory, but a dark world, but in this dark world, a giant of light that is covered with dark blue is between heaven and earth.

"Agu Ru ..." Violeng looked at the huge existence, and I knew the meaning of just that name. "You are Agu Ru? What do you want to convey?"

Bring him here, in front of him, what do you want to do?

Agu Ru did not speak. He just turned his head, the huge eyes of the bright light deeply gaked his loudly questioned Rattong, and disappeared again.

When the Ruito Palace returned again, he was still in the study room, and everything in front of him did not change anything, just as if he just saw it is just a dream ...

No, it will not be a dream, Agurus, Agurus ......

In the heart of the Rattong, this name is repeated, recalling the huge light giant. What is it? He saw those scenes for the second time, see Agu Ru, what is it for?

In the next few days, he gradually gave up the continued examination of Chrisis, but started a careful study of the light seen before, and studied Agouru ...

That, maybe it is possible to save the power of the earth, Agusu may be the defense mechanism of the earth in order to resist foreign invasion ...

But this is just a guess. In the process of finding, he got an unexpected answer - the earth may be life because the earth has its own self-healing, with its own resistance mechanism!

He is more convinced of the existence of Augu Ru. Agu Ru's emergence is that it represents the Earth's will, I want to tell him something, such as how to save the planet?

He immediately shifted the research direction and wanted to seek a method of responding to the crisis by visiting the idea of ​​the earth.

However, when this day was proposed, he was opposed by most members of the Alchemist.

Daniel thinks that it is now a proven to explore the truth of Christiens prophecy, not what is the idea of ​​virtually no elegant Earth. The earth is just a planet, and its constitution is a living circle living in this planet. How can it be a living body?

However, the Rattong did not pay attention to their question, but stubbornly borrowed Provel, Daniel, and gave himself into this huge research base.

The guys of the Alchemist can't understand his thoughts. It can't understand what he is about to do. It doesn't matter, and the heart is proud of the Violater, he has decided, to use his own way to save the earth. .

However, just a person, in the end, it is divided, and the Violet is trying to give himself a helper, and the Rice Sen Dear issued an invitation.

Dr. Rice Sen, must be supported as before.

Just as he expected, Rice Sen Pricing did not ask what he had to study, and raised the little hamster who once felt to her. It came to the experimental base.

"Look, I sent your girlfriend!" Rice Sen is happy to hold the cage in his hand, and handed it in front of the Vermit.

When she saw her, the Face of Rattan is slow, revealing a happy smile from the heart: "Thank you, see you is so good!"

But Rice Sen has a little susceptible. She actually loved the Rattong, so when she invited her in the Rattong Palace, she did not ask if she had to study anything, and she came here.

However, when the true arrogance, she is somewhat unconfident. She and the Genius in the Rattan are completely unable to compare, nor the members of the Alchemist Star. According to the reason, the study of the Rattong is no wheel. To her ...

So she asked questions in my heart: "Why do you want to call me?"

"I need a truly powerful partner," The Vozer smiled and gave an answer.

"Then, why don't you find a star of alchemy?" The Star of Mingming is a better partner.

The smile on the Rattong face gradually disappeared and even became lost: "They can't understand, I am doing some things.

I want to close the channels above the observation room, open the underground channel, all the probes are underground and adjusted downward. "

His adjustment is some of them to understand that rice does not hinger, "" What do you want to do? I want to find new particles from the inside of the earth, it is almost impossible. "

It is only here if rice can think of it. She feels that the Rattong may want to make human beings more step by discovering new particles, in order to face the upcoming crisis.

However, after you don't say new particles, how long does human beings need to be skilled, and it is difficult to find new particles. For so many years, no one wants to explore new particles, but no one has succeeded.

In the Observatory, the Viilla Station was watching the pool that was deliberately made by him. .

If in the near future, the earth is really destroyed ... "

Rice Sen looked at him, some couldn't believe him, but still he meant to continue: "Can you use this ability?"

The Rattan is slowly nod. He looks like the pool, so it is like the darkness that can be walked deep, witnessing the sense of earth hidden within the earth.

"I just, I want to know what His real thoughts! Earth, real will!"

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