Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 114

"No, this is also dismissed." Seemingly aware of everyone's confusion, Xuexia continued to speak, "Just waiting, it is a waste of time and completely inefficient."

Even if you said that, I would not think that I was within the scope of what you said, Xuexia.Your dislike for me, I knew about it ten years ago.

I really didn't expect to meet again ten years later, I will be hated by you again.

In the novel, I usually like it again.But how can I be hated when I am here.

Sure enough, my youth has long passed, and listening to the world's BOSS come here to experience youth is just my own self-deception.

"Xiaoxue also said, I haven't seen anyone over so late. It's really a waste of time to wait like this."

It turned out that the dumpling on Yubihama's head not only trembles when he is happy, but also when thinking. This is a new discovery.

"Then how to solve it!" My sister is going home. As my brother, how can I go home late? Bi Qigu wanted to solve this problem quickly, and then pack the baggage back.

"This... Let's think about it together"

This method really looks like Bai Qi.

"I have it. I'll contact the press department and ask them to try to write a report of lost and found." After giving the suggestion, Sakura Ting took out his mobile phone, stepped aside, and dialed the phone.

"Small algae, it's amazing." With Venus in his eyes, he looked very admired.

Bai Qi, if you are as reliable as Ying Ting or under the snow, I can rest assured, I don't worry about what you will complete the HAPPY plan.

But even Lin Ye is not optimistic about Ying Ting's suggestion. After all, there are more than 10,000 Wu Gao people, and there are always a lot of things to lose. To avoid trouble, the Information Department will not accept such troublesome things.

Soon, Ying Ting came back,

"How about small algae!" Bai Qi asked with expectant eyes.

I saw her shrugging heavily.

"The other party said that they do not accept lost and found cases, and they scolded me,'How many lost items do you think this school needs to find in a day? Write everything that we will die'"

"Or let's set up a consultation window." After thinking about it for a long time, Yuhihama felt that this was the only way to say it.

"No, we can try to ask the campus radio."

"I remember the show was hosted by an active voice actor? That seiyuu named Serizawa. The radio program during lunch break is quite popular."

Suzuki clearly understands this aspect and hurriedly added.

"Yes" Xuexia nodded, "And if it is broadcast, the scope can reach the whole school, and the students will be in the school at noon, so there is no need to worry that no one will happen to the owner."

Bai Qi's eyes lit up when he heard the news, "Let's go and try it!"

"Go to the campus radio, the result is the same as the news department? I have never heard of lost and found reports on the show." Sakura Ting was a little cautious, feeling that the possibility of rejection is high.

But for people like Bai Qi, no matter how high or low the possibility is, they always try first before talking.

"Chlorella, let's go and see it first."

Although Xuexia made this suggestion, it was a bit hesitant to be said by Ying Ting.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue go and try it. I just want to meet the master who broadcasts a familiar voice at noon."

"That..." Faced with Yubihama's enthusiasm, Yukinoshita helplessly nodded in agreement, "Let's try it first, and if we are rejected, we can think of other ways!"

"Then I won't go."

When everyone was about to leave, Biqigu raised his hand.

"Eh eh, small enterprise, how can this be, you don't go alone or something."

Than Penguin, you are too naive indeed, Miss Tuanzi will not let you go.

"At least one person needs to wait here! So I just need to wait here."

"In this case, I'll stay here too." After thinking about it, there is nothing to do when I go there. Lin Ye thinks it is better to stay here, at least you can save a few steps.After the event is over, you can go back to the apartment directly.

"Eh eh, Ye Jun also wants to stay. But if the time comes, if there is a place where boys are needed, Xiaoxue and the others will be very hard?"

Yubibin pursed his lips and made up his mind to continue saying, "Then the small enterprise and I will stay here and wait for the owner, Ye Jun, you and Xiaoxue will go."

In an instant, Lin Ye understood Yubihama's plan.Do you want to get along with Biqigu? It's really not good to bother yourself with this.

"Yes." Nodded, Lin Ye agreed.

When he reached the central square, Lin Ye saw that Suzuki in front of him suddenly stopped and stared in one direction.

"What's wrong?" Following Suzuki's gaze, Lin Ye saw a short-haired girl with blue-purple hair.

Isn't that the school girl I met on the vending machine last week?But Lin Ye didn't intend to come forward to strike up a conversation. If just to help Bai Qi, Lin Ye might go, but for now, forget it.I have found one anyway.

Chapter 131

"It's Yuyuan Qianliye."

"Is it your classmate?"

The two first-year students I met casually are classmates, which is really a bit of a coincidence.

"No." Suzuki shook his head, a little regretful, "If it were my classmate, that would be fine."

"But don't the seniors know?" Suzuki was surprised that someone hadn't heard of the celebrity Mien Chiri, who was the chief executive officer.

"Is she famous?"

It's strange that I don't know Yuyuan Qianli, and I think about it, I don't care about the celebrities of Zongwu High School, even if they know more than Qigu.

"She has a world-class vocal level, and she sang at the entrance ceremony. She sings German songs that are very similar to classical music. I don't know what it means, but it sounds very nice!"

"German? That's pretty good."

"Eh eh, you are talking about Mi Yuen Chiri!" When Bai Qi heard what Suzuki and Lin Ye were talking about, he immediately became interested, slowed down, and wanted to join the conversation. .

"Yes, Senior Sister Bai Qi."

"I also heard about the opening ceremony. I wish I could listen to it again." Bai Qi's hands were in prayer, and Bai Qi was full of expectation.

"It will, Bai Qi." Pulling Bai Qi next to him, Sakura Ting's arrangement was full of pace at any time, and she was between Lin Ye and Bai Qi.

You don't worry about me, you have to guard against this time.

"For the Academy Festival in November, Qianli Yuyuan will definitely be there, and it is likely to be the finale."

"November, it’s only April now! Seven more months, it’s too long."

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