Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 115

Facing the academy festival that was only seven months away, Bai Qi could only sigh in his heart, and he hoped that time would pass faster.

Then, if the daily life is enriched, it will surely pass quickly.Carefully glanced at Lin Ye, Bai Qi showed a slight smile.At least he has made Ye Jun successfully join the ministry.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. This is the rumored office building that absorbed our tuition fee growth."

Suzuki's speech drew Shirasaki's response.

"Don't you think that the word'office building' sounds a lot like'Siwu Jie'?"

Shirasaki casually made a little joke, wanting to enliven the atmosphere.

Everyone present was speechless, and it was clear that it was spring, but a cold wind blew on the scene.Even Xuexia was a bit embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.


Shirasaki smiled, not seeing the atmosphere at the scene.

Looking at Bai Qi's expression, Lin Ye thought she had said something interesting.But the people around did not respond.

Turning his head, Lin Ye didn't see what he was going to do.

A few seconds later, Bai Qi seemed to be aware of the abnormal atmosphere present, and a tear was shining in the corner of Bai Qi's eyes.

"Sorry, it's all my fault, it's because of my lack of strength."

At this time, Lin Ye missed the existence of Biqigu a bit, no matter how bad his character was, at least he could find some suitable solutions.But now, it is a bit embarrassing for Lin Ye to find some cold jokes that can understand Japanese.

Glancing at the other three people, she saw Ying Ting staring directly at her, as if she was holding herself responsible, which made Lin Ye very depressed, why did she push everything on her!

Xuexia chose the most suitable one. He didn't look over here. He just stared at the affairs building in front of him, thinking about how to deal with the broadcasting department.

As for Suzuki, what was revealed in his eyes was "Don't leave this to me as a school girl, I can't do it."

Sure enough, there is no reliable one around him.

"Bai Qi, we are in the affairs building, we are going to the broadcasting agency."

"Eh, okay."

Seeing Lin Ye leaving directly, Bai Qi put his own affairs aside, and chose to drag Ying Ting to follow quickly.

"Excuse me, what is the matter with you coming to the broadcasting department?"

Not far from the corridor, a girl greeted them.

pink.Lin Ye's heart was shaken by the flowing pink hair, but then she calmed down.The impossible will never appear here.It's just that the hair color is the same, there is no need to make a fuss.

"Yes, we just want to ask the Broadcasting Department for a favor."

As the minister, Xuexia was the first to say the purpose of coming here, but the other party raised a hand to indicate that he was not listening very clearly.

Then I saw the girl hurried to Shirasaki and the others.

She has long waist-length pink hair and two white headbands tied to the left and right.The bow tie on her chest is blue, which means that she and Suzuki are also freshmen.Her eyes are strong and powerful, giving a slightly haughty impression.

But the long pink hair that impressed Lin Ye the most.This is the pain that always exists in his heart.

"Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time."

"No, we interrupted it."

Xuexia shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't care.

"You are..." The girl blinked, and after repeated confirmations, she finally asked, as if she knew something, "You are Xuexia-senpai, aren't you!"

"Yes, I am Yukino under Xuexia."

"I'm Mizuyuki Serizawa in the first grade, please advise me."

After bowing slightly, Serizawa got up and glanced at the four people behind Xuexia, but when she glanced at Lin Ye, the girl was shocked.

"Does Serizawa know me?"

It's impossible for Zong Wu Gao to know me!And it's still in this grade.By the way, remembering that I fainted after eating Yubihama's cookies last week, I met a girl with pink hair, wouldn't it be her!

This life really meets everywhere.

"I..." Under such circumstances, Serizawa was embarrassed to say something, and the other party was like this, and he was a little uncertain. If he really admitted the wrong person, it would still be embarrassing.

"I remember, it should be the day after school last Friday! I was not feeling well at the time. If I did anything bad, I apologize to Serizawa."

"No, no, the senior didn't do anything. It's just that I was surprised to meet the senior here. It's not that there is anything else."

"In this case, that would be the best."

Even though I was confused at the time, I still remembered that I didn't do anything excessive.

But now feeling the cold eyes under the snow, Lin Ye felt that he was going to be misunderstood again.However, do not weigh on your debts, and do not care.

I didn't care how Xuexia saw him.

Chapter 132

"So, what can you do?"

After talking with Lin Ye, Serizawa asked Yuukixia about the purpose of everyone.

"I'm really sorry to take the liberty to visit. In fact, we have something to ask the Broadcasting Department... I wonder if you have time?"

Obviously it is a very polite words, but because of Xuexia's cold voice, I can't feel any sense of politeness.However, Serizawa had also heard of the name of Yuxue under the snow, and didn't care.

"If you have time, it doesn't matter if it's not too long." Serizawa replied with a smile.

"In fact, we found one thing, hoping to find the owner through the lunch break program."

"Sorry, we don't accept lost and found broadcasts. We have accepted it once before, but after that there were so many similar orders that we couldn't handle it."

Serizawa's face was sorry but declined, after all, the amount before was really numb.

This result is the same as that of online news.Lin Ye wondered if there were other solutions.

"It's better to go to the Student Affairs Office for lost and found." Since the Broadcasting Department cannot accept this, Serizawa can only make a suggestion for the Ministry of Service.

"If it's a normal lost item, of course we will do it." Xuexia's calm face also showed a slight disappointment.

"What did you pick up? Pistol? White powder? Or a huge amount of money?" Serizawa asked curiously, blinking his big eyes.

"No, we didn't find these things... If it is really such a dangerous thing, the best option is to call the police."

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