Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 116

Facing Serizawa's whimsical imagination, Lin Ye also admired a little, it was really possible, he could think of so many dangerous things.In addition to Huang, criminal acts such as arms, drugs and robbery have all appeared.

Shirasaki was worried about Serizawa's misunderstanding, and quickly explained the whole story.It explains the source of things and their conjectures.

Serizawa, who was confused at first, gradually revealed curiosity in his eyes.

Are girls really so full of interest in this love thing?Comparing Yubihama, the emotion revealed in Serizawa's eyes just now, the source found almost the same.

"It turned out to be a love letter... You found a very interesting thing. I personally want to help you, but I am also powerless. I'm really sorry."

With her head down, Serizawa expressed that she could not help.

After thinking about it, Xuexia was able to understand the other party's difficulties, but in the end he could only accept it.Forcing others to do things they don't want to do, Xuexia still can't do it.

"How about this!" Sakuraba, who had been silent before, expressed his opinion at this time, "As long as Serizawa-san will add similar information during the broadcast tomorrow at noon."

"The method is good. This is my personal conversation, not a broadcast of lost and found. However, the so-called content of the conversation also involves many aspects, such as some more sensitive issues. This is also..."


First, Bai Qi lowered his head, and then Sakura and Suzuki also lowered their heads.

Xuexia was a little bit astonished and didn't know if he was doing well or not.He glanced at Lin Ye and bowed his head slightly.

Facing this scene, Xuexia bowed his head, and of course Lin Ye followed suit.Although there are few things that I usually bow my head, I can't say that I don't. It's just an expression of respect, and I don't need to be particularly concerned.

However, to be honest, it is still a bit uncomfortable.

"This...I..." Serizawa still hesitated, even though the five people were like her, but she was worried that this kind of thing would be discovered and it would be troublesome.

"Well, although this kind of thing is not very good, we can't provide gifts or monetary rewards, but our Ministry of Service can accept commissions to accomplish some of Serizawa's things that he has more than enough energy."

"Entrusted?" Serizawa was a little curious, "Any entrustment is fine?"

"As long as we think the appropriate commission is okay." It was Xuexia who spoke, with a little eagerness in his cold voice.

Lin Ye felt that Xuexia had a little expectation of getting the other party to agree.However, this is fine, anyway, the Ministry of Service is an organization that accepts entrustment. If you get the other party to agree with something that is not a reward, it is not very good.

"You are willing to listen to my request..." Serizawa thought about what Yukoshita said again.

After that, she said with a smile.

"Then, I agree to your request."

"Great, Chlorella."

When he is happy, Bai Qi always subconsciously shares with people next to him.

"Okay, Bai Qi, don't be too happy too early." After comforting Bai Qi, Sakura Ting turned his head to Serizawa and said, "What is Serizawa’s classmate’s entrustment, if we can’t do it, please. It's not good."

"I think you all know that this year there is a freshman named Mien Chiri."

"It's the one with short blue and purple hair who is very talented in singing, right?" Yukoshita had only heard of it, but she also heard it when Suzuki was talking with Linye just now, because she was a little curious. Glancing away.

"Yes, it's the Yuyuan Qianli. Actually, I want you to investigate her."

Serizawa's expression is only pure curiosity, and has no negative feelings such as hatred for Miyuan.

Xuexia frowned, wondering if he should help with this kind of thing.After all, investigating something is closer to breaking the law.

Lin Ye feels that it’s good to accept it directly. Even if other people can’t find anything, he can do it. For this kind of thing, Lin Ye doesn’t have any psychological pressure. Before, he asked people to check all the information about Dongma and Sha. Again.

But seeing other people's attitudes, Lin Ye couldn't directly say accept it.After all, he is not the minister of the ministry.

"Don't do it like this, I am committing a crime," Serizawa smiled and continued to explain. She knew that it was her fault for not saying it clearly.

"What I want to know is her evaluation in the music department, or her attitude to class. To be honest, I want to meet her directly, but unfortunately I don't know her contact information and work is very busy."

Are you busy at work?But it's impossible that you won't be able to spare a little time, you can only say that there are reasons why you can't meet directly!Lin Ye decided to ignore this, and it would feel a little troublesome to delve into it, and it is also the privacy of others. There is no need to know the current situation.

"This, won't it cause any trouble to Yuyuan classmates?" Bai Qi was a little worried.

"Don't worry! No way."

"I see, let's hand over the investigation to the Ministry of Service!"

Xuexia finally agreed.

"Just leave the broadcast to me."

Finally, the two parties reached a contract.

Author's message:

PS: Thanks for the blade of the two-dimensional people.I can't think of a good plot lately, it's a little bit Cavan.

Chapter 133

"Small enterprise, what do you think of Ye Jun is a person." Just when Lin Ye and a group of people went to the affairs building to ask the Broadcasting Department, Yubihama, who chose to stay in place with Biqigu, hesitated, and finally hesitated what he wanted to ask. Asked out.

Higiya was a little surprised, and she didn't expect Yuhihama to ask him this question.

He and Lin Ye are not in the same class, and in the club, they don't communicate much, asking themselves that there is no useful news at all.

The one in front of me is not interested in the foreign student Lin Ye, right!Abominable current charge.

"No, I don't really know him very much. You know I and him are not in the same class, and..."

"I know all of this!" Yubihama drew his hand, motioning to Biqigu that she knew what she knew, "I just want to ask what you think of him as a boy."

"Boy? It's purely my personal opinion, right?"

"Yeen, that's what it means."

It turns out that you chose to stay with me just to ask me this!

"Normally! But occasionally I can confront the head of the Xuexia... Minister without losing, I admire it! I don't know if this is because he is an overseas student."

"Well, there's more, there's more!" Yubihama also has a deep understanding of this.

"Eh, there are many more! I usually keep silent when I'm in a club, and occasionally make some comments."

"En, I was relying on Ye Jun for the cookie at the time, so I finally learned it. Although it was painful during that time, ah, it was not painful. If I always experience it once, I don’t want to Up."

"As for other things, I don't know much."

As Yubihama still looked expectantly at Lin Ye, Biqigu turned his head and looked into the distance with his iconic dead fish eyes.

"In fact, in fact, I always feel that even if Ye Jun is in the club, he thinks completely different from ours. It feels like he completed the commission because he was in the ministry, rather than actually accepting it in his heart. It feels a bit like a small business."

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