Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 182

"I think Kasumigaoka has a little understanding of Ying Riri's family situation!'

"I remember that his father was the British ambassador to Japan." Although it is only a rumor and has not been personally verified, the credibility of this kind of thing is still very high, and Ying Lili is just like that, so there is no need to doubt. of.

"But you may not know that his father was the ambassador to the Central Asian Federation three years ago."

"Central Asia Federation?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned.In addition to the netizen who said that he was a member of the Central Asian Federation, the federal state established with the establishment of the Galaxy Group in the past ten years includes more than ten countries in the former Middle East and Central Asia. Whether it is economic, political or military, it is one of the best in the world. Even if the news is not as popular recently, this country is definitely one of the hot topics of news.

As for the national level, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is also not clear.However, Ying Lili's father used to be an ambassador living in the Central Asian Federation.

Lin Ye nodded and continued, "On the flight from Yinglili to the Central Asian Federation three years ago, when she arrived at the Central Asian International Airport, she encountered a terrorist attack. She was taken as the target of hijacking because of her identity. And because I was there at the time, I saved Ying Lili by accident, so you will understand later that it is nothing more than the story of the hero saving the beauty. After that, Ying Lili had different feelings for me, so , I think I want to avoid her a little bit."

"That's it!" Thinking of how good feelings would be saved by Lin Ye if he encounters such a thing, and it is perfectly possible for him to be a handsome guy, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said that he could understand.

"No, wait?"

Lin Ye was taken aback, a little surprised that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had noticed this time.Is it because I doubted how I saved Ying Lili? This is definitely impossible to say. There are too many things involved. It's not that I don't believe the two in front of me, just to avoid trouble.

"Are there any questions, classmate Xia Zhiqiu."

"You said you were in the Central Asian Federation three years ago. How long did you stay there."

"Since the establishment of the Federation, they have basically stayed there."

The conjecture that was rejected at the bottom of my heart was springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain, causing Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's heart to faintly tremble.

"Aren't you Chinese?"

"My current nationality is China, but it doesn't mean that I must stay in China!"

What's more, this identity is all forged. If it weren't for this nationality, Lin Ye would directly claim that he was the nationality of the Central Asian Federation.

"You..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's breathing became heavier and quicker, and the eyes looking at Lin Ye were even more complex with expectations.

No, it’s still not certain. If you make a mistake, it would be too ugly, and the netizen who is his own is also too nonsense. Is the world really so small that you will meet in school? At that time, the other party was a mature adult, not a high school student like this.

All this is just a coincidence, it's just that I have thought about it too much.

"Are there any questions?" Looking at the way Xia Zhiqiu looked like this, Lin Ye was very suspicious that the other party wanted to ask him something, but he didn't ask.

"No, no more." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shook his head slightly, indicating that he was gone.

At this time, the staff of Fantastic Library also took the copy in and handed it to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Seeing the manuscript in hand, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt a little calmer. Now she wants to see what the novel written by the other party is.

"Since there is no more, then Sakura and I will leave here. At the same time, I hope that Xia Zhiqiu can keep the content of today's conversation confidential."

After finally getting it done, Lin Ye wants to leave, and now I can go to lunch at this time. After that time, I will accompany Lin Ye to the art gallery. Then today’s task will be over. Tomorrow It's about Ureshino. The rest is the Golden Week holiday, so you can have a good rest, and if Yukino wants to go out together.Of course, what Lin Ye wants to visit most at this time is Kyoto, but if Xue Na is unwilling, then it can only be forgotten.

Moreover, Xue Nai has not responded to his message so far, and Lin Ye is still a little concerned.It's just that I didn't go back to Chiba directly to her apartment to find her in Tokyo.

However, Lin Ye didn't think anything would happen. After all, Xue Nao's character would also be entangled with such things.

Maybe now I am worrying about agreeing to myself!

Chapter 204: I Actually Have Someone

"No, wait, give me your email address and mobile phone number," not wanting to misunderstand Lin Ye, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu added, "I think I will discuss your novel with you in the future, and last week. It’s not over yet, don’t you please me, do you think it can end just like this."

"Okay, okay, I see, let's exchange addresses with infrared light!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stared at the past email address on the display screen, her hand trembling a little, this is her familiar address that can no longer be familiar, but her mailbox has been changed, and the other party can't recognize it.

When seeing Lin Ye put the phone in his trouser pocket indifferently, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little disappointed. After all, the other party did not recognize it, although his new email address was just the letters of the first name and last name.

But, is this the netizen who encouraged her a year ago? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little puzzled, a little unbelievable, but the facts made her only blame for accepting this result.

Even if Lin Ye did not answer directly, the evidence was already placed in front of her, and she was not allowed to accept this result.

Now that she met here, she wanted to know why he didn’t fulfill the agreement a year ago to become the first fan of his signature, and was he his nature last week? This is what she imagined. The gap is really big.

Finally, seeing that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu didn't say anything anymore, Lin Ye was finally relieved. As for contact or something, just ignore it like An Yilun did. Lin Ye didn't believe that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu would be more difficult than An Yilun. .

Moreover, at school, Lin Ye also knew that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was acting as a beautiful girl with the flower of Gaoling, unlike An Yilun who was known by all the school students to be a pester.Even if Shiyu Xiazhiqiu wanted to do something to herself, she would not do anything in the public.

Then he is safe.

"Student Lin Ye has this point, don't you want to have lunch with me." When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu put the printed manuscript in her bag, seeing that Lin Ye wanted to leave her again and went straight away, the exit stopped. .

Is it true that he is so unattractive and unable to attract his attention.

Or, because of the girl beside her, she deliberately acted like this to show her honesty.

Xia Zhiqiu blinked, feeling that he could do something.

"No, I actually have an object. Adding you will make it redundant."

Having dinner with this woman, Lin Ye only felt that it would be troublesome, and the sight in the other's eyes made Lin Ye always guess what the other party was calculating, which made him unconsciously want to stay away.

"Sakura Ting shouldn't mind having one more person!"

Sakuraba Yuzao heard Lin Ye say this and only wanted to refute it directly, but then when Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said this, she nodded and agreed. If she really refused, maybe the other party would really misunderstand him and Lin Ye. Relationship.

It's just a contract for a novel, why so many things happened, Ying Ting didn't understand, Lin Ye didn't understand, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was even more unexpected.


"How did Lin Ye meet him? Is it a classmate?"

The three people who were eating lunch in the restaurant were watched by other male customers who were dining in the vicinity.This combination of men and women is really a bit eye-catching.

Both girls are beautiful girls with black hair. In addition to highlighting the female figure, Sakuraba's concise dress also contrasts her with Kasanooka.Some of the blue dresses on Xiazhiqiu Shiyu made her gentle and euphemistic.

Two beautiful girls with completely different styles, of course, are able to attract the attention of people around them, and what they hate most is that this boy seems to be very ordinary, so why sit with these two beautiful girls!


The world is really unfair.

"No, it's not." After taking a sip of the juice, Ying Ting shook her head slightly, "I am in Class C of the second year, and classmate Lin Ye is in Class J of the second year. If you know him..."

After thinking about it, Ying Ting felt that it was better to say it. Anyway, it is not a embarrassing thing, "It's just because he saved my friend. When I went to express my gratitude to him, I went together, so I met. "

"Oh!" Xia Zhiqiu showed a Ruoyouruwu smile, "So, it's not that Yingting's friend met the moron, and then Lin Ye rescued her!"

That kind of thing happened to himself and Lin Yeke during the idiot's affairs.And I did something like that to myself, said something like that.

Thinking of what happened at that time, Xia Zhiqiu felt that he had to pay the price.

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