Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 183

At that time, he pulled down his face and asked him to help, but this guy turned out to be... Recently thought of that matter, Xia Zhiqiu was in a panic.

It's just that Lin Ye sighed helplessly after hearing about Xia Zhiqiu mentioning the idiot. This is indeed to blame for him, but there is a reason for him, but he will avoid responsibility, he will not do it, if Xia Zhiqiu would speak frankly He puts forward some requirements, and he will try his best to complete them, just as compensation.

If it's something like picking stars, Lin Ye thinks she can contact her in a hundred years.Everyone knows that this kind of thing is impossible under the existing conditions.

"Idiot?" I always felt that Xia Zhiqiu had some directions when he said this word, but he didn't think much about it for a day. "No, it's just that Bai Qi was almost hit by a car, and then Lin Ye rescued her. ."

Although what happened afterwards made her a little dissatisfied.Bai Qi's kind-hearted person invited him, but the first time he refused.If I were a boy, I would definitely agree.

You should know that when you go shopping with Bai Qi on a daily basis, occasionally boys come back to strike up a conversation, although some people also come to her.

"That's it! Classmate Lin Ye is really brave! I can't believe it would be the one who did such a thing."

The current Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s attitude towards Lin Ye is very contradictory. On the one hand, it’s unforgivable to do those things to herself. If she can, it’s best to disappear in front of her forever after venting, but the same After learning that the other party was that netizen, Xia Zhiqiu wanted to continue communicating with him.

The feeling at that time was really good.It's not like I always feel that something is missing now.

If I came to my own sales meeting, there would be no more such things.

Author's message:

PS: Thank you book guest 80112618758 for the blade

Chapter 205

"If Xia Zhiqiu had encountered this situation, I think some boys would do it."

He didn't say that he would do this, Lin Ye was a bit afraid!Lin Ye always felt a little flustered every time he met Xia Zhiqiu's eyes.

What I did at the beginning still left a shadow on Xia Zhiqiu, and I could choose to ignore it, as if nothing had happened, but... after all, I couldn't do it.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's mouth was upturned, with a slight sneer.

For Lin Ye's answer, it was only a possibility.

This man has some personalities and ways of thinking.

"Then I don't know what Ying Ting and Lin Ye are doing today, are they dating? I came to Tokyo this weekend, I think there is no other reason besides this!"

Seeing Xia Zhiqiu's questioning, Lin Ye closed his mouth and said nothing.Sometimes Lin Ye really wanted to ask the woman what was thinking in her mind.

Since I think they are dating, there is no need to ask to have dinner with them just now. Isn't this the rhythm of being a light bulb?

Now that he and Ying Ting are not for this reason, why should I say anything!Just for fun?

Ying Ting blushed a bit, although she had long thought that the other party would ask, but was mentioned in person, the girl's shyness made her blush.

When she invited Lin Ye to come here with her, she was worried that Lin Ye would think too much at the time, but Lin Ye accepted it plainly.

But today I met Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, this idea appeared again, and, to prove her concern is correct, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked.

Although the answer to this question has already been made,...the shyness still exists.

"It's not a date. I just want Classmate Lin Ye to accompany me to the art gallery. That museum will close in some time. So, I'm going to ask Lin Ye."

"I remember Sakura Ting said just now that she has friends, shouldn't you invite your friends to go with yourself at this time? Or is it actually Sakura Ting wants to get along with Lin Ye for this reason? After all, in my opinion, Ying Ting cares about Lin Ye very much."

It is impossible to let yourself let go of the girl in front of you so easily.Moreover, she feels that some interesting things encountered in daily life are likely to be used as plots in her new book.

Art comes from life, and many of her novels also come from life.One of the heroines in her debut work "Love Metronome" is based on herself.

"Bai Qi was going to the hospital to see her sister who was hospitalized, so I didn't invite her, otherwise how could I..."

Sakura Ting straightened her back slightly, and explained directly, there was no wavering expression on her face.

Only in Lin Ye's eyes, that trembling body had already sold her true feelings.

She probably thought that even if a friend can’t come with her because of something, then why not find someone else. After all, there is only one friend, or it’s impossible for someone to know without a girl.

Generally speaking, looking for travel partners will be friends of the same surname, if they are of the opposite sex, it will indeed make people think about it.

And Ying Ting was very embarrassed. She couldn't tell Lin Ye that was similar to molesting her at the beginning. Anything other than asking him to be a boyfriend can be promised. How could this kind of thing be spoken out!

"Ahem..." Lin Ye coughed a few times before interrupting what Ying Ting was about to say, "Although I know this is the truth, I am still very sad for what Ying Ting classmate said."

Lin Ye wanted to find an excuse to stop Xia Zhiqiu from worrying about this kind of thing.

"Ying Ting hasn't answered the second half of the sentence."

Putting down the cup in his hand, the corner of Xia Zhiqiu's mouth was outlined with an arc, while directly ignoring Lin Ye's words.

The less Lin Ye didn't want her to ask, the more interested she became.

"No, I only have a relationship with Lin Ye as a member of the same club, and there is nothing else. If Xia Zhiqiu has ideas for Lin Ye, I don't have to worry about me at all."

The girl was curious about this matter, Sakura Ting could certainly understand, but when Xia Zhiqiu asked, she was also a little angry, so she also started to fight back.

Although this is a bit inconsistent with her temperament, at this time, she has already been bullied to this point. If you don't say anything, isn't it going to be underestimated by the person in front of you.

"Yeah! I have a lot of thoughts about Lin Ye!" Beautiful eyes stared at Lin Ye's face, as if she wanted to see through the forest leaf, with a slightly moving light in her eyes.

The gnashing voice made Lin Ye only helpless.

For that kind of thing, I wanted to make up for Xia Zhiqiu, but if he said this directly to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, he would definitely be severely scolded by this seemingly self-respecting girl.

Unless it is those who really love money and love to take advantage of it, it is straightforward. If Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is such a person, Lin Ye would be grateful.

However, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is obviously not. As a high school student, she has already made money through her own abilities. It is also bright that there will be no accidents on this road in the novel. As long as she is not too demanding on material life, she earn Her money is completely enough for her to spend.

Taking the money to solve it would only insult this proud girl.

It is really troublesome to resolve this matter!

"Sorry, classmate Xia Zhiqiu, I have a fiancée, you know this, so if you have ideas about me, I think it is better to give up, and your precious time cannot be wasted on me."

"Since Lin Ye knows that my time is precious, it is better not to say goodbye to your so-called fiancee and come..."

She turned her head a little shyly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu acted like she was confessing to the person she liked, but she was embarrassed.

Your acting skills...extremely...If you are seen by others, you will definitely misunderstand.

"Okay, classmate Xia Zhiqiu, this kind of behavior ends here. I know the last time will not end so easily, so let's do it! A requirement, as long as I can do it, I will complete it. of."

"One?" But seeing Lin Ye's unshakable eyes, Xia Zhiqiu didn't want to bargain anymore, "Yes, remember what you said today, don't be underestimated by me, you must do what you say. It’s a man’s rule."

"So far, I have never missed an appointment."

Chapter 206

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