Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 223

You should know that none of the six girls in the Ministry of Service made Senior Lin Ye's heart.

Failure!This is their failure.

Suzuki was already considering going back and discussing it with Qianli before making the matter bigger.

If this is the case, Hayashiba-senpai is really taken away by Ureshino-senpai, according to Ureshino-senpai's dark-bellied character, she will definitely find a chance to attack them with this excuse in the future.

Whatever you say, you are in the same society with Lin Ye, and you get along almost every day. Lin Ye still bowed down under my pomegranate skirt, which only shows that I am full of charm.

Imagining the expression of Ureshino-senpai, Suzuki was not angry.The relationship is good and good, how can she and them admit that they have lost in a war like feminine charm.

Moreover, Ureshino-senpai's being like that really made her unwilling.

Never let Lin Ye-senpai out so easily.

At least Ureshino-senpai must pay a certain price.

Chapter 249 You Don't Want To Think About It Anymore

"Apply it for me!"

Sitting on the stool, Ureshino turned his head directly, and at the same time passed the ointment straight to Lin Ye with his right hand.


Anyway, no matter how it was said, it was a matter of taking advantage of him, Lin Ye did not refuse.

Lin Ye was already fearless.

Since the sincerity has not been rewarded, then just face your own heart and become more frank.

I can do whatever I want. It is sometimes too tired to maintain my upright style.Moreover, this is a school, and there is no need to maintain that serious state.

Pulling over another stool, his left hand helped Ureshino's calf and put it on his knee. Lin Ye pinched several key positions.

"It hurts, please be lighter!"

Ureshino reminded Lin Ye with some dissatisfaction.

The sourness from the muscles made her tense the muscles uncontrollably.

"You have to strengthen physical exercise in the future. It is not good for your body to stay in the room all day."

Ureshino did not object to the calf, even the thigh.Looking at Ureshino's reaction, Lin Ye nodded slightly, saying nothing, and the smeared hand took a step further.

Know that most parts of the thighs are covered by the skirt.

However, Lin Ye pulled up the skirt for a few minutes with a flat face, reached in his right hand and applied the ointment.

Especially on the thighs, the slippery feeling that comes from the application is really amazing.

My current behavior is really like a fool!

Last time it was Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, but this time it seemed to be even more excessive.But since Ureshino didn't refuse, Linye didn't intend to stop either.

"If you say so, don't think I will let go of your messy hand!"

Obviously they were all applied in the same way, but they were still kneading in there, and the skirt that had been lifted had already slipped off, directly covering Lin Ye's right hand.

At this time, Lin Ye's right hand was like reaching into the skirt and doing some evil things!

"I think Ureshino-san, don't you also enjoy it! It looks like the one who says no, but the body is very honest."

"Who, who is that kind of person!"

"But isn't it true that Ureshino-san didn't refuse?"

Moved up a little bit, Lin Ye's palm directly covered Ureshino's buttocks.

With a slight force, the entire palm was immersed in the elastic and soft buttocks of the woman.

The palm of the right hand is completely sinking in, this softness is really unexpected!

"You, don't go too far!"

I actually touched my buttocks directly. It's too early to say that kind of place!

Ureshino showed his tiger teeth and stared at Lin Ye ferociously, but the blush on his face was really not convincing.

"But in fact, Ureshino-san didn't struggle, did he?"

"I, I..." Ureshino's body twisted, but the violent movement only caused her to lose her balance due to the pain in her body.

Seeing this, Lin Ye reacted and caught Ureshino so that she did not directly fall to the ground.

"I know you are struggling, but Ureshino-san may have forgotten one thing. The more you struggle, the more excited I might become."

This speech is like a villain.

"What on earth do you want, Lin Ye, if you are satisfied, take your hand back!"

"Actually, I should be the one who should ask this question. Why didn't Ureshino refuse it! It was because he pleaded with me, so he acquiesced that my behavior was almost harassment. You must know that according to your previous character Even if you don’t shout, you will punch and kick me. Don’t use physical pain as a reason. I won’t believe it.”

The road that directly sealed Ureshino’s best excuse, the smiling forest leaves seemed to see through Ureshino, leaving Ureshino in a nervous mood.

How can she answer this kind of thing!

Just want to test Lin Ye's reaction to him, it is impossible to say it.Moreover, the transaction between myself and the driver can't be said.

She was worried that Lin Ye might misunderstand him, thinking that she had acquiesced to his behavior because of the 500 million yen relationship.This seemed to be because the money had betrayed him. Ureshino definitely didn't want Lin Ye to go in this direction.

"How could I ask you for something!"

After Ureshino hesitated for a few seconds, after a few hahaha, he chose to deny it.Whether Lin Yexiang believed it or not, she said so.

"That's it! That's better. I was about to bleed a lot. Maybe I really paid 100 million yen to let Ureshino-san give me a chance! Seeing that Ureshino-san looks like he doesn't need anything anymore, but……"

Lin Ye's right hand stretched in and squeezed vigorously, especially the thumb and index finger. With a bit of strength, the smile on Lin Ye's face became brighter, "This feels really good! Ureshino Classmates!"

"You bastard, taking advantage of me, you dare to tell me that, you don't want to think about it anymore."

He wanted to rush to teach Lin Ye a good lesson, but considering his poor combat power and his physical condition, Ureshino gave up.

"That said, if I don't say anything, if I can do it in the future, then I decided not to say it. If I just said what I just said, Ureshino-san will not hear it!"

The more Ureshino adopted this attitude, the more puzzled Lin Ye was, but the smile on Lin Ye's face became brighter.

If it is someone who is familiar with someone, it should be able to know that Lin Ye is officially in a state of pitting.

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