Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Cannot Be Wrong Chapter 224

Pouting, the dissatisfied Ureshino hummed.

"How can this kind of thing be treated as unheard!"

"No, don't go inside..." Feeling that Lin Ye seemed to be going further, Ureshino directly pressed Lin Ye Zuowei's right hand with both hands.

There was still underpants, but Ureshino would still feel a little unacceptable if he had a close contact.Although, the current development of this situation is beyond her expectations.

Originally asked Lin Ye to help him enter here, but wanted to seduce Lin Ye by applying ointment to let him know his charm.It was just obvious that she was wrong about Lin Ye's guts, Lin Ye was hiding a big pervert.

No one would touch that place directly, and, no matter the strength or the way, her body felt a little soft and warm.

This feeling has been encountered for the first time since birth.

This guy must be very rich in experience, why didn't he see it before!Sure enough, if a man has money, he will go bad.

Author's message:

PS: Thanks to the ink dyed Qianshang, the people of the second element, the monthly pass that has slept for ten thousand years, the naive, Gabriel, and the ink dyed Qianshang blade.The inspiration is exhausted, I need to look at other big books by other authors to find the feeling...

Chapter 250

"If Ureshino-san is not clear, I won't know!"

The smile at the corners of his mouth did not diminish in the slightest, Lin Ye stared at Ureshino with both eyes, as if he wanted to see through Ureshino's true thoughts, or as if he was mocking Ureshino.

This directly gave Ureshino an endless sense of grievance.

She was taken advantage of, and she was treated as such an unscrupulous girl. Ureshino didn't know if it was worth it.

However, things have already happened, and regret is no longer useful.

"You... you bastard, I..."

The choked voice was directly passed into Lin Ye's ears, and Lin Ye stopped the movements of his hands.

He really couldn't accept a girl crying because of his own.Even knowing that Ureshino is probably pretending.

"What can I say! After today, there is no chance!"

He clearly owed her a promise.At first, I thought that it was just a lollipop to dismiss the opponent, but now, it is obviously impossible.

"Do you really want me to tell?"

After blinking his eyes, Ureshino asked as if confirming.

"Call me in and let me behave like this. You just denied me but you didn't believe it at all."

Although there was no step closer, Lin Ye's hands moved again.This feeling really can't stop.I have experienced it on Yukino before, but...even if they are all women, the softness is still elastic, and the smoothness of the skin is different.

Compared to Yukino, Ureshino's body was obviously softer.It's like jelly, it's extremely soft, but it won't break no matter how hard you use it. If you can...

Thinking of this, Lin Ye shook his head directly, extinguishing the bad idea.

"What do you think of me... what do you think of me?"

It's not because I took her there yesterday, so I want to let myself take her again in this way!I chose to sacrifice myself for what I like.Don't even need 100 million yen. As long as you bring her to the training ground, the other party will be your girlfriend?

This is acceptable, but it is obviously to be rejected.

Moreover, he has no shortage of girlfriends, at least one in name, although he will break up after school.

"not very good!"

It's just that the movements on his hands did not stop.Don't touch it at this time, there will be no chance in the future.

"Allah! Classmate Lin Ye, you are not very good, why don't you stop me with your right hand!"

Ureshino's mouth turned up, and he asked with a smile, but deep in his eyes, there was a trace of sarcasm, and at the same time, his free right hand hit Lin Ye Zuowei's arm hard.

However, even so, Lin Ye did not stop.

"This is just the attractiveness of Ureshino-san's body, but in general, Ureshino-san is obviously not good in my eyes."

"You really owe you a beating, take your hand out!" Ureshino was directly angry by Lin Ye.

She refused her with such a reason, saying she couldn't do it, how could she not do it.

"Don't touch it if it's not good!"

"Actually this is just a reason!"

How could this feeling of wanting to stop following what Ureshino said, Lin Ye knew that this might be the only time, and it would be almost impossible to do it again in the future.

"Even though I was dumped, I can't attack the people around me hungry, don't you think! Ureshino-san."

"Hehehe! Speaking of this, I'm very curious about who the student Lin Ye was dumped by!"

This entry point is good, just to let yourself ask, and it won't appear abrupt.

"It's not you, and the others are better if you don't know!"

Lin Ye did not answer.He was ready for Ureshino to ask this question, but he didn't expect that he didn't ask it yesterday, but now he asks it.Ureshino's patience is okay if he can hold back questions for a day without asking.

"Since Lin Ye didn't say anything, then handle..."

"I see!" Lin Ye hooked his right index finger, went deep into the underwear, and then quickly pulled it down!

"What...what do you want to do!" Hurry up and close your legs to prevent Lin Ye from taking off your underwear directly, and hold Lin Ye's right hand tightly with both hands to prevent him from moving, Ureshino confronts him nervously. Lin Ye said.

"Actually, didn't Ureshino-kun guessed it?"

"No, it's impossible, how could it be possible in this kind of place..."

Lin Ye just wanted to scare Ureshino, but Ureshino's reply really surprised Lin Ye.

"Just change the place?"

When he got closer to Ureshino, Lin Ye stared at each other. At this moment, the two eyes were facing each other, and a blush appeared on his face.

"Anyway, it's not possible here, and... it's possible after becoming my boyfriend. Everything else is not possible. I'm not that kind of casual girl."

I feel that, like ordinary lovers, it is not enough to develop a relationship slowly.But such an unexpected development, Ureshino could only accept with his nose.

After all, Lin Ye is still good, if there is nothing that happened just now, it would be even better.

"If you want me to take you to the training base of the security company..." Lin Ye received his hand directly. In the look of Ureshino's expectant eyes, Lin Ye directly said something that made Ureshino almost desperate. The message, "This is impossible, I don't know what they promised you, but... you should forget it better! It won't happen that day."

"How... maybe, are they..."

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