Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 225

There really is!Lin Ye felt that he had to train them well when he went back.Started to do some extra things again, although the starting point was for his good.

"They won't break their promises, but I will contact you later and release all the agreements with you. So let's do it! Ureshino-san. I don't know what they used to impress you, but...I don't feel such false feeling No need."

Lin Ye stood up straight and looked down at Ureshino, "If I really need women, I won't be lacking."

Power and money can indeed make a large number of women fall for it, but Lin Ye doesn't need it.Because of all of this, Lin Ye is looking forward to her pure love.

At least, on the only pure land of oneself, it will remain pure forever.

Even if it would be a painful experience.


Ureshino at this time had no idea what to answer.

But there is only one thing. Ureshino knew that Lin Ye was wrong. His feelings were not fake. He had a good impression of him, but he couldn't reach the level of love.

However, doesn't love always develop relationships slowly!

Chapter 251

"Lin Ye, are you so self-righteous!" Ureshino suddenly raised his voice, resisting the discomfort on his body and stood up, his eyes flickering with tears, as if the next moment, tears would fall.

"Do you really think my Ureshino Saakyu betrayed myself for money and hobbies?"

Ureshino took out her wallet directly from her pocket and threw the card in it directly in front of Lin Ye, "Give you back this thing!"

"They... really value you!"

This kind of card is not sold to the outside world, and only available to the highest-level internal personnel.And now that it is handed over to Ureshino, doesn't it mean that his subordinates have already identified with Ureshino Sagumi.

He trusted his subordinates 100%, and Lin Ye hesitated now about their choice of Ureshino.

Lin Ye now has no idea whether what he did just now is correct.

When I came here, I entered the time of Zong Wu Gao's study, they basically knew everything about their actions, and related personnel were observing and recording them.Lin Ye knew this and agreed.

It doesn't mean that someone is staring at him all day long, and there is no disgust. Of course, there is still discomfort, but Lin Ye can accept it.

However, among the many girls around them, they first chose Ureshino instead of Xuexia or Bai Qi, which made him a little puzzled, but they also knew that there must be a reason.

It's just that Lin Ye didn't know that it was his temporary intention that made them do this.

"Five hundred million yen, no cent was spent. If there is interest, it may be a few dollars more."

Ureshino does not know how much interest the banks under the Galaxy Group have.

With tears in his eyes and a slight angry expression on his face, he did not hear the subtext that Lin Ye had just sighed.


"Eh, you..."

She couldn't believe what Lin Ye had just said, and Ureshino's eyes widened and subconsciously questioned.

Obviously, Linye's performance just now seemed extremely angry because of her behavior.

"Sorry, I actually know that I am very willful in some aspects of things. Therefore, in many cases, even the most basic communication is not even the most basic communication, and I have made unfounded behaviors based on my own conjectures. , Which led to even greater misunderstandings. For example, this time, I unilaterally think that Ureshino is the kind of person who will give up the bottom line and principles. I am really very sorry!"

Lin Ye already bowed his head, and sincerely apologized to Ureshino.

It is precisely because he is looking forward to the purity of feelings, Lin Ye is particularly fancy.If it was about other things, Lin Ye would not be so impulsive and self-righteous.Instead, he will think more and analyze the possibilities seriously.

"Why did you say that suddenly?"

Ureshino's attitude changed almost instantaneously, which was a little unexpected.Even if Lin Ye is usually approachable, she has adopted a tolerant attitude towards some of her small actions, but she has felt the arrogance deep in her bones.

When it comes to issues of bottom line and principle, Lin Ye will not regress in the slightest.

For example, just now, his behavior of being misunderstood almost belongs to this category, so he said that to himself in such a light sarcasm and cold tone.

"Because of this, my fiancee and I have embarked on two completely different paths!"


This word made Ureshino's whole heart beat.Lin Ye has a marriage contract.Then she... isn't everything just fantasy!

No matter how... Become a third party, Ureshino will not do it, at least it is absolutely impossible now.She had a good impression of Lin Ye, but she still couldn't sacrifice so much for him.

Girls have always had a wedding dream of their own.

As for Lin Ye, seeing Ureshino's fleeting frown, knew that he had achieved his desired effect.

He wanted to use this to make Ureshino voluntarily withdraw.

"So... what's the reason!"

Ureshino stared at Lin Ye, pursed his mouth, and said.

What can make the two parties who have had a marriage relationship break up, or even turn each other into enemies.

She is very curious about it...

"You can... choose not to say it!"

Even now, this is a thorn deep in my heart.He didn't know why Lux would do this.However, even if I want to inquire now, I want to investigate the origin, it is impossible.

Ureshino just closed his red lips tightly, his eyes were always looking at the forest leaves, and the meaning of it was self-evident.She still wants to know.

"When I proposed to her with a diamond ring and roses, I found that she was looking at a man with gentle eyes. I almost never saw her like that.

The plain tone, the plain expression, but the sorrow faintly exuded, Ureshino felt it.She knew that Lin Ye really liked his fiancée, otherwise, she would never show such sadness when she recalled this incident.

"I..." Ureshino, who wanted to apologize, finally resisted and went back.She cannot apologize for this kind of thing.Because I did nothing wrong.The only thing wrong was that Lin Ye's fiancee.

"Well then!"

"I was a deserter for the first time in my life..."

One sentence was enough for Ureshino to understand the choice Lin Ye made at that time.

This is really totally unexpected!

Instead of rushing up straight to ask what happened, he turned and left silently. How much Lin Ye liked his fiancée could bear such a thing.

By the way... Will the previous things... No, Lin Ye was talking about his girlfriend, not his fiancée.Ureshino didn't believe that Lin Ye would make this mistake.

"Then your girlfriend!"

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