Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 227

Moreover, Ureshino now feels that Rinba has done bad things, such as going to places like customs shops.His state is very possible.


Lin Ye spoke indifferently.

And these words directly made Ureshino exclaimed.

My own guess is really true, how does this make her accept it.Lin Ye actually went to play with women, what good is that kind of woman.

And, moreover, it is very likely to be sick.

"You, you..." Pointing to the forest leaves, Ureshino's tone was filled with disbelief, "You really went to spend a lot of time, didn't I say that you are not allowed to go!"

There are wine places, but Huatian is completely absent.

But this... Lin Ye didn't want to explain.

"This is my freedom, Ureshino-san! As I said just now, if my girlfriend's Ureshino-san cannot solve it, then I can only find someone to solve it by myself."

It was indeed a very happy thing to get drunk with that big group of comrades-in-arms.

It's just that next time, I won't do it.The impact on the body is second, the most critical is the impact on self-control is the most terrible.

In fact, Lin Ye has very strict requirements for himself. Alcohol and cigarettes are almost addictive things that are basically non-contaminated.

However, under long-term pressure, I will touch a little more or less, but the number is very small, and more often it is necessary to drink it on occasions.

"Okay, I wipe it once before going to bed at night. I won't get up as sore as today, and the time is almost out. I'll go back first!"

If he is late in the afternoon and Shizuka Hiratsuka finds out, Lin Ye thinks that the level of education in the afternoon will definitely be strengthened.

Seeing Lin Ye twisted his hand and walked out, Ureshino's lips moved slightly, but he never spoke.What she wanted to say was too shameful.

She couldn't say it.

Moreover, even if she has a good impression of Lin Ye, she...can't do it if they have a relationship so quickly.


After saying hello to this somewhat curious Suzuki and leaving, Lin Ye found that he had received an e-mail on his mobile phone with an unfamiliar address, but after reading the letters, Lin Ye knew who it was.

Because of Ureshino's relationship, Lin Ye completely forgot that Fujibayashi Apricot did a lot of suggestive behaviors to herself at that time.

It's not because of your own cooperation, I sent a thank you email!

Email: Thank you very much for the noon matter, but I hope you will stop shooting my sister. You can do anything to me, but never involve my sister.After school in the afternoon, the gymnasium, I have something important to tell you, please be there on time!

I also have important things!

This also saves him the time to settle the relationship between the couple.

Reply: I see, it will arrive an hour after school.

It is hard to estimate the time when Hiratsuka Jing reprimanded him, but Lin Ye could only slightly delay the meeting time.

Reply again: I understand, I will be there on time to wait for you.

There is something to be solved.Lin Ye finally felt that the only thing that was pressing on him in this school was about Bai Qi's mission.

After this one is over, I can be regarded as having nothing to do and lighten up.

It seemed...not yet. After seeing the shadow not far away, Lin Ye knew that the matter of Dongma and Sha, he still hadn't solved it.

He didn't know why the Winter Horse Club pestered him to let him go to the second music classroom, and at that time he kissed himself in front of Xuexia.

Like yourself?

Even so, the behavior is too abnormal!

Or, facing Xuexia, she aroused her unwillingness to admit defeat, so that's why she did it.

Chapter 253 I'll Take the Responsibility?

"You two came here today, what I want to talk about is the one thing after school yesterday. I won't ask more about the specific situation, but..."

Sitting in the seat, Hiratsuka slapped the table quietly, "I didn't ask you to bring both of them, so why is it only Sawamura classmate... Are you itching again..."

Lin Ye shook his head helplessly, and then looked out to the other side.

"Teacher, I'm here!"

The girl's voice sounded. At this time, Shizuka Hiratsuka found a pure-looking girl standing on the right side of Lin Ye.

How could it be possible, I didn't see it just now.


Thinking of that possibility, Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to step back and stay away, but remembering his dignity as a teacher, he stood in place against the body's instinctive reaction.

I must be thinking too much, how could there be ghosts in the world!!!


I was afraid for a while, laughed at myself for a while, and grinned again for a while.

Lin Ye had no idea what Hiratsuka Shizuka was thinking about.

After a few seconds, he coughed a few times, and Hiratsuka, who had restored his teacher’s dignity, stared at the three of them with a flat expression, "The matter is over. You can treat it as something that has never happened. Don’t worry about accountability. Even if there is, Lin Ye is here, you two don't have to worry."

Teacher, I am the one who saves people, so I must bear the responsibility.

But... Lin Ye just thought about it in his heart, and didn't say anything.For this matter, there really needs to be someone who takes the responsibility. He is the most suitable person. Anyway, he does not have a parent, and even the guardian whose information is forged is a person arranged by China.

"Teacher, this matter is obviously me..."

As a student, the most troublesome thing except for the teacher tells the parents to have anything else. Lin Ye is fine in this respect. Ying Lili knows it, but as Kato Megumi, who was the last one to pull himself at the time, Ying Lili was Very worried.

It is not that she is worried that Kato's parents blame her, but that her parents are worried about Kato.You must know that at that time, it was really hanging by a thread.

They wiped it well but they lost their daughter forever.

As for her parents, Ying Lili is also ha ha ha.Of course it doesn't mean that their parents don't care about him, but, unlike ordinary parents, Ying Lili's parents are quite enlightened.Will respect Yinglili's choice.In daily getting along, it is more appropriate not to say that parents and children are as friends.

The parents in the family would not blame herself at all, so Ying Lili wanted to take this responsibility, and the cause of this incident was also because of her own impulse at the time.

Because I heard that Kasumigaoka and Kato Megumi told me not to think about it, and I couldn't jump down, I took advantage of the trend, and through this, Lin Ye caught up, and then...

Alas... this thing definitely cannot be done again in the future.

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