Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 228

"Didn't you tell me? The responsibility just now is just an analogy. The three of you can be safe and sound, which is the best result."

Hiratsuka stopped, and signaled Ying Lili to be safe.

The girl is able to take the responsibilities actively in this way, she is very satisfied as a teacher.However, it is not needed at all now, and as she said, even if someone is required to take responsibility, this person will only be Lin Ye's.

Because he is a man!

"This matter, as a teacher, I thank you for certain, so I decided..."

Facing the forest leaves, Hiratsuka smiled quietly, "I invite you to eat tongu ramen. If Sawamura and Kato have ideas, they can also go together. Then, what do you want to add? Don't worry, you don't have to be polite with the teacher. The teacher still has some money."

Although I don't know how it tastes, looking at Hiratsuka's appearance, Lin Ye guessed that it might not be worse.

Lin Ye thought very fast about the meaning of Hiratsuka Jingyu and the risks in it, and finally came to such a result.

You know, this is Hiratsuka's first dinner. Apart from flattering Lin Ye, it is more of a vigilance.

If Hiratsuka was given medicine or something, wouldn't he be a loss?To know……

His thoughts stopped here, and after thinking about it, Lin Ye felt that Hiratsuka was about to make some violent actions again.

Let's eat ramen with...Lin Ye!

Ying Lili's heart moved instantly.

Since returning yesterday, Ying Lili has gradually calmed down. Lin Ye deceived herself for a reason, and she shouldn't have been so impulsive at the time.

Of course, what made her most angry at the time was...

Lin Ye actually kissed that Xuexia, and also dated...

At the thought of this, Ying Lili didn't get angry.

Compared to that woman, what is it that I am not enough!Obviously it is also a poor man.If it was Kasumigaoka full of female figure and charm, Ying Riri also pinched her nose to recognize it.

Well, even though I'm comparing that woman now, Ying Lili is also very reluctant.

But compared with Yukoshita Yukino, Yinglili is more inclined to Kasugaoka Shiyu.

"Okay, I agree, teacher, I happen to be hungry, so let's get together! Ye!"

Ying Lili is not a person who can easily give in. Since Lin Ye is already Xuexia's boyfriend, then just grab it.

Ying Lili made up his mind.She won't lose to that woman. If Lin Ye didn't hide her that he was in this school, Ying Lili promised that there would be no chance to contact Lin Ye under Xuexia.

She would definitely cut off this path completely.

"This..." Lin Ye showed a look of embarrassment and shook his head slightly, "I will have important things in the future, so I'm sorry, Ying Riri, and Hiratsuka-teacher and Kato-san!"

"You are not going to be a great hero, both of them will be sad!"

Hiratsuka quietly looked at the forest leaves with deep meaning.But anger rose in his heart.This guy is indeed a life harlot, and must be annihilated.

If it weren't for her student, Hiratsuka felt that he could use the fire stick to educate him.

"The teacher should stop teasing me. I really have something to do. If the teacher is not satisfied, I will make up for it if I have time in the future!"

"Then remember your words!"

After that, Shizuka Hiratsuka directly let Yinglili and Kato go back, but left Linye alone.

This also confirmed Lin Ye's initial thoughts, it is almost impossible for Hiratsuka Jing to let go of himself.

Author's message:

PS: Thanks to the people of the second dimension, collapse ~ Lutu's monthly pass.

Chapter 254 Teacher, I won't hide!

"Let's talk about it, what did you do last night? Don't think of fooling me, not satisfying me, I will never let you go."

She already knows Lin Ye's character very well, and often likes to fool her with some messy reasons.

"Satisfied?" Lin Ye's mouth curled up, and a smile flashed, "I don't know how I will be a teacher to be satisfied."

Even though I relieved my bad mood through high-intensity training and drinking,...Once I wake up, every time I think about it, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

Could this be the use of alcohol to dissipate sorrow and even more sorrow.

Therefore, Lin Ye subconsciously looked for some interesting things to divert his attention.

"Just tell the truth." Just now, Shizuka hadn't noticed Lin Ye's expression at all because he lowered his head. Now, after looking directly at Lin Ye, he realized that this guy's expression had obviously become serious. .

A man with such an expression, she has seen too much in...comics.

satisfaction?Satisfy yourself?This guy, won't be...

"What do you think! Dare to make a joke of the teacher!" Hiratsuka's tone was a little angry, "I know that boys your age are very interested in girls, but you must also know who you are, girls of the same age around you. But there are a lot of them, and there are many excellent ones. Can you work hard?"

Even if she was blind, she could see Ying Lili's strange feelings for Lin Ye. It was not a simple life-saving grace. By the way, the reason why Ying Lili girl jumped off the building was Lin Ye.

Thinking of this, Hiratsuka completely believed that as long as Lin Ye showed his attitude towards her, he could communicate.

The success rate is almost as high as 99.9%.

This is really enviable... hate it!

"Actually I think the teacher is very good!"

If it is Shizuka Hiratsuka, he will not refuse him.

After all, the other party has a very headache in his marriage.

Moreover, as for his marriage, Lin Ye felt desperate. Two marriage proposals in his life were such failures. He felt that he was not suitable for marriage proposal.

So, it's not bad to find someone who can be 100% successful.

After all, the teacher is worried about getting married.He can be regarded as a rare man. He holds power in one hand and money in the other, and he is still young, and he will never treat Hiratsuka Shizuka with a playful mentality.

By the way, didn't I ever want to introduce Shizuka Hiratsuka to his subordinates? How could I think so.

Efforts to get rid of the messy thoughts, Lin Ye stared at Shizuka Hiratsuka.


What's great?Could it be to myself... Everything about Lin Ye appeared in his mind, and Shizuka felt a little blush.

"What are you talking about! I am your teacher!"

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