Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 233

"Will not forgive me?" Lin Ye shook his head slightly and denied directly, "No, teacher, you may still be grateful to me, and you won't have to think about marriage anymore, because I will help you solve it. For the ring, I can also prepare it right away!"


Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was very nervous and shy by Lin Ye, recalled the proposal that Lin Ye had just said.

Isn't Lin Ye proposing to her with that unsuccessful ring?This... how can it be accepted.

Even if he has no money, just give him a new one.

No, no, it's not the problem...

By the way, with this reason, Lin Ye can give up.

Hiratsuka coughed a few times, cleared his throat, and said angrily, "You are not going to come to me with your failed marriage proposal ring! I will never accept this."

For such an important thing, how can you accept that Lin Ye had proposed to other women first!

"What you care about is this!" Lin Ye looked directly at Hiratsuka Jing's eyes, "Nothing, I just threw away the ring, and the thing that loses its effect is just a mere increase in worry by staying around! "

As for whether Kato Megumi got it back, Lin Ye doesn't know. Even though the two of them were in the office just now, Kato didn't tell herself about the ring, and Lin Ye didn't want to ask.

What he fancyed was the meaning of the ring, but the ring that lost its meaning was no different from the broken copper and iron in his eyes.

The reason why I didn’t talk to Lin Ye was just because Kato Megumi didn’t find them. Even after An Yilun saw that they disappeared in the club classroom, he contacted her and learned that she was looking for important things and chose to help her. Searched together, but did not find it.

In the end, even if she was not reconciled, Megumi Kato could only give up.

After all, there is still the possibility of being picked up.

Moreover, because she felt that she had not found it, it was useless to talk to Lin Ye.Even though the things were precious, she saw that Lin Ye didn't want to take them back again.

Two hundred thousand US dollars is an astronomical figure in her eyes, but in Lin Ye's eyes it is not worth mentioning!

Before the proposal, she was asked to be separated by her girlfriend. She could also imagine that facing this kind of thing, it would be good for Lin Ye to treat it with a normal heart.

"If the teacher needs it, you can choose what style you want, even if you want to order it, there is no problem. I... don't lack money, yes, so there is no need to worry about my little white face as a teacher. ."

He knows that Shizuka's family situation is very good. On several blind dates, some people only dated because of the teacher's money, although Shizuka was noticed and kicked.

"My money is enough for you to spend a lifetime! I only care about you, the teacher!"

I always feel full of guilt in my heart, teacher-student love, this is not allowed, Lin Ye's "teacher" just now aggravated Hiratsuka's psychological burden, and she still couldn't make up her mind.

Even though, because of Lin Ye's words, she was already a little moved.

The phone vibrated at this time, and Lin Ye knew that when he took out his phone to read the mail, it would only destroy the atmosphere it created.

The time agreed with Fujibayashi is also approaching. Although he is very excited about having some super friendship with the teacher, he can only give up. After all, the previous one was only used to tease the teacher, but he did not expect that now Hiratsuka-teacher really Will be lost in thought because of his own words.

Is it because I am anxious to marry myself, or is it...

But no matter what, Lin Ye couldn't say that what he said just now was a joke.This will definitely be beaten to death by the angry teacher.

"Teacher, you are lucky! I have something I have to go to, so let's do it today! If you miss me in the future, you can ask me to come to the office, and the two of us can discuss life."

The smiling Lin Ye turned around and left.When the office door was closed again, Hiratsuka sighed and sat weakly in his seat.

If Lin Yezhen was going to do something, she didn't know how to deal with it.

Chapter 259

She actually didn't communicate much with Fujibayashi, but the relationship between her and herself was distorted because of the mission of the world boss. Facing Fujibayashi, Lin Ye didn't know what to do with her.

Yesterday, I was dumped by Xuexia. Since consciously, I was dumped by a girl I like. Lin Ye didn't know what language he should use to describe his feelings.

Uncomfortable?It's not that angry, it's not, it should be a little empty feeling, some chest tightness!

This feeling will be better in a while!

And this time, the original intention of the conversation was actually because of the relationship between Yukino, and the relationship between himself and Fujibayashi Apricot was thoroughly distinguished.But... Xuexia had dumped himself, so it didn't matter if this matter was actually not done.

But the thought of maintaining such a relationship with a girl was not good for Fujibayashi, so Lin Ye took this opportunity to have a good exchange with Fujibayashi.

If I was dumped for the first time, can I also dump someone else?For example, Fujibayashi, who is nominally his girlfriend, and Fujibayashi will be very happy.

The relationship between herself and her was only reluctantly admitted under her own strong pressure.

The pleasure of getting revenge almost from Fujibayashi's body, made Lin Ye finally shook his head and gave up.

After all, this is a matter between myself and Xuexia. Even if it is to retaliate, the target should be Xuexia. The most important thing is that I know that Xuexia has difficulties, but Lin Ye chose not to communicate. , Do not investigate, let it go.

Before, he had clearly said that he had to trust him, but Xuexia's method did not even give him the slightest trust. Therefore, Lin Ye...


According to the agreement, Lin Ye came to the gym while Fuji Lin Xing leaned back against the wall, a little nervous and anxious.

But to be honest, Fujibayashi is also very good in appearance and figure.It can only be said that the personality is a little bit worse, and the other is that he is a sister-in-law just like someone.

"Student Fujibayashi, have waited a lot of time!"

Instead of choosing to approach her from her side without Fujibayashi's awareness, Lin Ye chose the most common way.

"No, no, it just arrived when I sent your email."

There were no other students around, and Fujibayashi's worried heart was slightly relaxed.

You must know that before Lin Ye arrived, she was all worried, but... Lin Ye arrived, and when she appeared in her field of vision, she unexplainably relaxed.

After that incident, I was basically mentally prepared, but I just wanted to delay things as much as possible.

But this time, it was obviously impossible to escape.

At noon, although he did not explicitly promise something, Fuji Lin Xing had already decided at that time and must keep Lin Ye away from the dog.

In less than five minutes, Meng actually made a promise.If this kind of day continues, I can guarantee that Miao will really be succeeded by Lin Ye.

"Really!" The purple eyes clearly did not waver, Lin Ye nodded.

"But to be honest, I wanted to say it a long time ago. Fujibayashi-student's eyes are really beautiful and charming."

It's not clear whether Lin Ye was really complimenting her or saying that he was going to use these words to elicit the next thing, but... what Fujibayashi can do is just accept it with a smile.

"Thank you, let's go inside!"

After all, it was outside, Fujibayashi was still worried about being seen by others.Although, she has already told Meng that she will go back later today or even stay away overnight.

Lin Ye, who was holding his hand, did not refuse, and followed Fujibayashi into the warehouse where the sports equipment was stored. At the same time, Fujibayashi closed the door.

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