Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 234

This kind of closed place directly gave Lin Ye a bad idea, but he was chosen to throw it out of his mind.After all, he is not a creature dominated by the lower body.

After all, he is still alone, and there are still people with strong self-control ability.

"Actually, coming over today, I want to have a break with Fujibayashi."

It's over, it's good for her and herself.After that, make it clear to her that she will not do too much to the squad leader, and that's fine.

As for Fujibayashi's disbelief, this is no longer something she can consider. All she can choose is to believe in herself.

"That's okay..." The purple eyes reflected Lin Ye's figure, Fujibayashi's tone was a bit bitter, but it was also a relief, "In fact, no matter what happens at noon, I want to thank you. Classmate Lin Ye, in the same way, I also hope that my sister will not make such a promise again in the future. This is my request, can it?"

She is too innocent, she might be hurt at some point, and as a sister, she must protect her.

"I will try my best! But don't worry..." Seeing Fujibayashi's pleading eyes because of her own words, Lin Ye added, "I won't ask her to do things she doesn't want, and it was just a joke at noon today. That's all, Fujibayashi is not necessary to worry."

"So... it's good..."

"Then, tell me! What do you want me to do? You can let the relationship between us end!"

Except for that, Fujibayashi was already unable to think of other possibilities.

But... also accept it!

I was planning to feed the tiger to protect the dog in high school for two years, but if this were the case, it would have been beyond my expectation if it could end only once.

"In fact, it's nothing. I asked for something very simple. Fujibayashi can definitely do it."

Originally wanted to let Fujibayashi kiss her to end with one bite, but... this kind of behavior is really inappropriate, so just hug it!So it's a friendly difference.

Even in the ward, Lin Ye had never experienced the feeling of hugging a girl.

Yes, so far, Zong Wu Gao has kissed, touched, pinched, but... he has never hugged him.

Let Fujibayashi Apricot fulfill this wish and make up for the missing piece, which seems to be good.

"Let me hug me today and let me satisfy this shortcoming!"

Lin Ye bluntly stated his requirements.This matter is very simple, Lin Ye thinks so.

The bitter smile of Fujibayashi, who heard Lin Ye's request, became even more obvious, but Fujibayashi quickly adjusted her mentality because she had been mentally prepared.

Thinking that she would have such a day, Fujibayashi's mood improved slightly.Although the target is not the person I like, it is a pity, but... if it is to protect my sister, then there is no problem.

Author's message:

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of wssmszs, Yeyue SKY, Loser, Xiaoshuo, Mozuochen, Emperor ZERO, and Dugu Kendo.It's more on weekdays.

Chapter 260

"You turn it over first?"

Fujibayashi Apricot lowered her head slightly, and there was a sense of shyness in her touching tone.

After Lin Ye untied her school uniform, Fujibayashi thought it was better to do it yourself.She always felt a little shy to be stared at by Lin Ye, so she made a request.


Lin Ye couldn't think of just a hug, why would she turn around? It's not that she stepped forward and hugged her and felt her warmth and the smell of her hair.

"Anyway, turn me over first!"

Two steps forward, both hands directly turned Lin Ye over, and there was an anxiety in Fuji Lin Xing's voice.She worried that Lin Ye would ask to watch her undress.

If it is really proposed, she can only accept it.

To know what the shame of PLAY is, it is really too shy.Although she also knows that some men just like this

"I see, anyway, hurry up! I know girls are thinner and tend to be shy, but there are only two of us here! The sooner you start, the sooner you end."

There is nothing to do when I go back, but Lin Ye still feels that it is better to go back to the apartment first, and then go out for exercise with a load!

The body still has to be exercised continuously, there is no time to relax.

Within a minute, Lin Ye heard some rustling sounds. Although they were strange, they did not look back, because they sounded like undressing.

Do you have to hug, and you need to take off your coat, for fear that you will contaminate yourself? This...probably not!

Is it that underwear is less important than a jacket!

"You... can turn around now!"

When Lin Ye turned around, Fuji Lin Xing, whose face was flushed, folded her white hands on her chest, trying to prevent Lin Ye from looking at the key part of her, and left the black coat, revealing red and white. Tight body training suit.

Fujibayashi's beautiful curve is very attractive under the outline of the gym suit.

Lin Ye had a physiological reaction all at once.

This is the natural attraction of beautiful girls to men.That is the most instinctive desire of men.

"Why... what would be a gym suit?"

Lin Ye blurted out without any consideration of his brain.

Yes, the clothes inside Fujibayashi Apricot really surprised him.

"I..." The slightly pouting Fujibayashi Xing turned his head, not daring to look at Lin Ye's lustful eyes, "The last class is physical education, so I don't have time to take it off, so I just wore it. I don’t have any COS plans to satisfy your perverted desire."

"Perverted desire?"

Don't think I...

"Anyway, you hurry up, I will come home later, if it's late, Meng will be worried!"

Fujibayashi sits directly on the cushion as if giving up. After adjusting the position, he puts his hands on his chest, his face is full of shy flushes, a look of refusal but irresistible. The way it tastes.

The swan-like white neck, charming curves, and Fujibayashi, who is now so shy, is obviously unwilling, but she is holding back the shame, lying on the cushion and waiting for his arrival.

Lin Ye knew that Fujibayashi must have misunderstood something. All he wanted was a simple hug, not the behavior with another meaning in Japanese.

But... refuse...

The rising lust makes the breathing continue to accelerate and become rapid, and the black eyes are even more bloody.The feelings I have experienced again and again are constantly emerging from the bottom of my heart, the relationship of Yukino in the ward, the wonderful touch of Ureshino in the restaurant, and the close contact of the teacher Shizuka Hiraizuka in the previous office. The sense of touch is constantly urging the forest leaves to go down, and ravaging the tender body lying in front of him to his heart.

Fujibayashi is not the kind of ugly girl, it is better to say that whether it is appearance, figure, or full chest, all are full of feminine charm.

"Can you?"

Lin Ye's heart moved, he felt that he couldn't help it.Even if there is a physical need, Lin Ye would not go and find someone to spend money to solve it.

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