Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 240

Without asking Lin Ye, all they can do is to find clues through the books in the library, but the books of billions of people are not so easy to find. The key is whether there is actually a record on it. The book for clues is also unknown.

"Of course the guy must take responsibility for this kind of thing. If he hadn't come to this school, their future would never be like this. They would definitely have a better future."

"This... Jian, you have to understand that even if their future returns to the fog, the future is not necessarily good."

"I know, but since he is a person the world pays attention to, then he must be able to make them all happy."

The shepherd's power is already so powerful, Jian doesn't believe that Lin Ye will have no special place.Otherwise, how could it be noticed by the world!

You know, his level, Jian even feels a bit higher than the shepherd.

"Everyone is happy? Do you think this is GALGAME!" Kodachi jumped off as he moved his body, very dissatisfied with what Jian said.

"Or, you actually have plans to open the harem, but you don't have the strength, so you pin it on the man. Indirectly realize your biggest wish as a man. After all, it's good to see, right?"

"No, how could I have this idea!" Jian's face was plain, this is his true thoughts.

His world is satisfied as long as he has a book.It would be even better if there was a girlfriend who could accompany him to see with him, but after becoming a shepherd candidate, this little wish had already been cut off.

After all, he is an existence to be forgotten, and as a shepherd, he will not have this private matter of his own.

"It's fine if you don't, so next, it's time for work again."

With his hand on his waist, Kodachi announced the news.

The book shined and returned to his house again.

Since the last time Kodachi came to his room, it seems that his room has become a meeting place.Of course, the most important thing is that some people use the TV that is not commonly used, and the price paid is that he can't read the book quietly as usual.

However, one more person in an empty room seems good.

After all, even he occasionally feels a little lonely. If there is one more person in this room, it might be better.

Author's message:

PS: The second change of the weekend, caught up.

Chapter 266 You Can't Leave If I Don't Agree

"You are in a bad mood?"

After school, Lin Ye came to the second music classroom as promised. According to what Dongma said, she played a piece of music first, and she gave targeted guidance based on the situation.

It's just that even if it is a joyous and positive song, Dongma can still feel the sad emotions revealed by Lin Ye's playing.

A touch of sadness is always entwined in my heart, lingering.

When Lin Ye finished playing, Dongma, who was sitting in a chair, asked.

"Not good!"

There is no direct recognition but there is no direct denial.

In fact, the meaning expressed is already clear.

Not all I have made up my mind, but when I met the piano, I remembered the scene of the first piano practice in the past, but what happened in the end was happy, and sad things could not stop appearing in my mind.

This is either because of the power of music, or because I am too leisurely, I have nothing but memories to do.

It seems that I have to find something to do.

After school or on weekends, you must arrange these times, otherwise, your mental state will always be in such a depression, and sooner or later you will have problems.

"But how am I playing? Dongma classmate!"

Dongma stared at Lin Ye indifferently for three seconds, his red lips moved slightly, and slowly revealed three words, "Unqualified!"

"Really!" Lin Ye nodded as if understanding, "I thought Dongma Classmates Association would express very euphemistically in order to take into account my mood, but I did not expect it to be so direct. It is worthy of Dongma Hesha. It's really merciless."

"Don't call my full name!"

As for Lin Ye's address to her, Dong Ma raised his opinions somewhat dissatisfied.

"Full name? Isn't the name just used, but since Dongma student said so, then I know!"

It is indeed impolite to call the other person's full name to some extent, but... does it matter!The wayward Lin Ye doesn't actually care about Dongma's opinion of him.

Ordinary men in this kind of airtight classroom, under the tutoring of beautiful pianos, will surely be full of imagination, for example, will not like me, will I have a chance!

Lin Ye also considered it, but in the end he still couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

Or caring about yourself and liking yourself is the most reasonable explanation, but...the way Dongma looks at him does not have the same affection that a girl treats the person she likes.

Of course, combined with Dongma's personality characteristics, even if there is such a feeling, under normal circumstances it will not show it.

Without testing it, it is difficult to know what Dongma really thinks.

Is it just a test?Thinking of this, Lin Ye couldn't make up his mind. This kind of thing would actually result in trouble no matter which one it was.

It would be better to do nothing and let it go.

At the end of the year, after you can just leave, that's the best.

"the reason?"

The cold voice sounded in this classroom again, bringing a touch of coolness to the warming weather.

If there is such an experience in summer, it must be very cool, but in this classroom, Lin Ye is more a little surprised.

The lonely person in the class, Dongma and Sa, who has never been in contact with anyone, is actually interested in his affairs?

Is it really because of love or other reasons that you become concerned about these things that you don't pay attention to?

"I think this is my privacy, so please allow me to refuse."

The matter with Xueno obviously couldn't talk to Dongma.

Lin Ye stared at Dongma's eyes and answered directly.

"Private matter?" This is the reason, how could Dongma accept it.

Dong Ma sneered at Lin Ye with his arms folded and said, "Find a specific reason!"

The reason is that I have to find something else, you really can, Dongma and yarn.

"Sorry, that's it. If there are no more activities, I will leave first."

After that, Lin Ye prepared to get up, but just a few steps on the winter horse wall, forcibly forced Lin Ye back to his seat.

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