Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 241

You must know that if you don't sit down, Dongma's chest will stick to himself.

Lin Ye didn't care, but what he cared about was whether Dongma would use this to play a rogue and make some demands.

When women make trouble unreasonably, they won't reason with you.

At that time, they were truth and truth.

"Go to see that woman again?" To make Lin Ye leave such anxiously, Dongma couldn't think of anyone else except Xuexiaxuno, "What's so good about that woman? In the class, she ignored you and ignored you. Treated as a stranger?"

"Isn't Dongma the same? Therefore, there is no qualification to evaluate a person in this way."

"Do you want me to talk to you in the class?"

What makes you think of this!

Lin Ye was a bit speechless. When he was about to explain, Dongma said condescendingly, "It's okay, but you have to come to this classroom every day, otherwise, the agreement will be cancelled."

Since it was his brother's request, my sister had to agree.At that time, it was obviously impossible for her to agree so simply.

and so……

"Twice a week, there won’t be more, and I don’t need you to talk to me in the classroom. In fact, I can live a good life even if I am alone. So, will anyone come to me? It’s the same. It’s not that Dongma is very beautiful, so I will treat him specially."

A person... can live...

It seems, if I remember correctly, when I was a child, my mother had always been with me, that is to say... Lin Ye grew up alone, so he became what he is now.

"Since you like someone, why did you find that woman? Or, your male instinct is driving you to pursue girls. Adolescent hormones make you lonely?"

Why are girls talking so direct nowadays? They shouldn’t be as shy as Bai Qi and Sakura Ting are when they talk about love and sex-related matters.

The feeling that makes people want to bully again would be great, although Lin Ye had never done it.

"Just take it! Dongma, I don't want to continue on this topic, if..."

Dongma obviously didn't want to let the forest leaves easily.

The closer body was close again, and his hands were placed on Lin Ye's shoulders.

"I didn't say you can go, you can't go."

"Student Dongma, under normal circumstances, I am good at talking, but if you continue to make trouble like this, I'm sorry, I won't be with you, I still have a lot of things."

Just now, Yuyuan and Suzuki sent an email saying that it was an appointment at the dessert shop yesterday. The time was after the club activities. Lin Ye knew that the other two were only asking themselves out for this reason. The real purpose was only It will be why I serve my in-laws.

Chapter 267 I'm Sorry

"You are threatening me!"

Lin Ye's slightly threatening tone directly made Dongma angry.

"How dare you speak to me like this!"

The right hand was raised high, and suddenly accelerated, Dongma's palm hit Lin Ye's left cheek...

It's just that Lin Ye's right foot lightly tapped, and his body moved back with the stool to easily escape the slap.

"You still hide..."

The gnashing Dongma raised his foot again and kicked towards Lin Ye.


Lin Ye just stood up quickly, found a chance to grab Dongma’s ankle, and pulled it in the direction of force, making Dongma lose his balance. At the same time, his right foot crossed the winter horse. His whole person pressed onto the stool.

"let me go……"

Lin Ye's back was pushed hard on the stool by Dongma, struggling vigorously, but because of the power gap, it was impossible for Dongma to move even half a minute.

"Student Dongma, you should know your current situation now!"

Someone who is indifferent and likes to use violence, compared to Xue Nao, Dongma's evaluation is much lower.

It's just...the two have nothing to do with him at present.

"The situation? You let me go first!"

No matter how hard it was with the hands, it just couldn't support the body, and Dongma felt some pain in his chest when he was pressed by the hard stool.

"No, let's play after talking!"

Lin Ye was ninety-nine percent sure to ensure that the first thing Dongma got up was to retaliate against her with her limbs, so at that time she would only subdue her.

Therefore, in order not to waste extra energy, Lin Ye decided to hold it down.

" guys don't have special hobbies, so you want to do this to me!"

Seeing Lin Ye's tough attitude, Dongma had to change his approach.

"Why every girl is so confident in herself! I admit that Dongma, you are beautiful, good-looking, and fair-skinned. Men who meet you will be heart-warming, but not Every man has to choose what to do. Moreover, I have seen a lot of women who are more attractive than Dongma, so don’t use that kind of stuff to ridicule me! I won’t care.”

It's a good thing to have confidence, but it's really sad to become one of the world's first.

"Pretty better than me? You don't mean to say that Yukino Yukino is a woman! That woman is poor breasts. You would like women with such a poor body. You really love something special!"

Compared with Xuexia, she has a greater advantage in figure. As for other things, Dongma knows that she can't compare.

By the way, I also have an advantage in piano.

But... it's not the same.

"I actually really want to say that if you change the quality of Dongma, it might be a little better, but... this is your own business, I don't have the right to preach, so let's do it today! Tomorrow will be there on time."

Lin Ye retracted his hand and turned around to leave.

However, the responsive Dongma ran a few steps quickly and stopped in front of the classroom.

"I said, I won't let you go, you absolutely can't go."

Lin Ye flashed a hint of helplessness.

"What do you want from me, just say it! I can help as much as I can, and then I will stop here, and I will not come to this classroom again."

"What do you get? What do you think there is in you worthy of my mind!"

The angry tone flew directly from Dongma's red lips.

The atmosphere in the classroom was suddenly filled with a smell of gunpowder.

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