Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 267

The president of the student council, Ayase Eri, continued to attack.

Seeing that something was wrong, Lin Ye quietly started to leave the auditorium.

Anyway, at present, he has the contact information of Nan Qinli. Later, he will send a message saying that he can go back.

However, the attention was always focused on the confronting four people, Lin Ye stepped back a few steps, but only felt that he had hit a resilient body.

"Master Lin Ye, where are you going!"

The smile on his face is brilliant, but based on Lin Ye's impression, it can be described by hiding a knife in the smile.

"I'm not Miss Tojo's adult, so..." Shrugged, then looked at the side and moved a step, wanting to leave, but Tojo Nozomi stood in front of Rinba again.

"Gaoban classmate, classmate Nan, in fact, Eri said so much just to let you speak to leave Master Lin Ye. As long as you leave Master Lin Ye, all these problems will not be a problem."

"Lin Ye-sama will solve all problems of funding and unspoken rules."

Tojo Jero's joking words suddenly attracted everyone's attention. At this time, the other eight people realized that Lin Ye was completely trying to leave, and the vice chairman blocked it.

"Ye... Ye Jun, do you want to go? Didn't you say that, will you invite us to dinner later?"

She just wanted to spend more time with Lin Ye.

"Uh, isn't there a chance for this in the future?"


Relentlessly exploding Lin Ye's lies, Nan Qinli was very dissatisfied with her cheeks bulging.Even if he didn't spend much time together, he could see that Lin Ye didn't want to get in touch with her too much.

Once he can shirk, he will definitely shirk.

Therefore, we must seize today’s opportunity, or else...

"Then... Master Lin Ye is going to stay!"

"What can I do!"

Staring at Nan Qinli's angry face, Lin Ye also had no choice but to agree.Just the question just now, it seems that it’s not where it went, but...

Looking at Tojo Nozomi standing next to him with an unconcealable smile on his face, Lin Ye wanted to understand that this was a routine.

"Let’s do this! Tojo-san, whether it is financial or interpersonal, I do have it, but, first, why should I help Kotori and the others, just because I know them, then the people I know are too great That’s a lot. For example, if you are standing in front of my eyes, I can’t find any reason to help you. Or is it because Tojo-san is beautiful, so I need to do my best to help you solve your difficulties. ."

"Secondly, I helped the three of them in this way. Is it really good? Is this really the result they want to pursue. Because of my help, they realized their original desire, but this is the same as their original intention. Doesn't match!"

"That's why I said that Lin Yeda's talent is an opportunity to change the fate of this school."

Lin Ye's previous words had already caused many people to have feelings of disgust, even the optimistic Kosaka Enoka was a bit embarrassed at this moment, unable to face Lin Ye.

The only person in the audience was Tojo Nozomi facing the cold and realistic words like Lin Ye, but the smile became more obvious.

"After all, doesn't what you just said means that you have considered Nan and the others? It is precisely because you have not found a suitable method, so you have rejected the direct use of money and relationship to help them. You I hope they get results that truly belong to them, rather than simply giving."

"Your thoughts like this mean that you want them to succeed?"

"So, this can only be determined by them and has nothing to do with me. I do more as an audience member."


I can't reach this level at all.

"Ye Jun..." Pulling Lin Ye's sleeve, Nan Qinli was a little ashamed of her simple tricks, "As long as the audience is enough, as long as the audience is enough, just like today, you can come Here, I am already very happy."

"Konri, Gaoban, and Sonoda, do you really want to be on that stage, become an idol, and work hard to save the school?"

Even if the timid Sonoda Kaimi was facing eyes that could see through people's hearts, he mustered up the courage to nod to Lin Ye.

"Then, pull them all up! Not to mention the interpersonal coordination of the Tojo-san next to me, the red-haired girl who hides behind the door and always looks over here on the piano should be quite good. Strength, as for Xuanze, there should be a set of dances. As for..."

For the red-haired girl, Lin Ye noticed the calluses on the fingers of the other party. It was produced by hitting the piano keys for a long time. Such calluses are also found in Dongma's hands.And Xuanze Erri is because of the other's figure, which really makes him wonder what else is possible besides dancing since childhood.

"As for other people, I can't give any opinions, but these six are rare beautiful girls. If you can pull them in, Gaoban can also attract a large number of fans."

Uh, it seems that all these nine people are wrong because of their last words!

Lin Ye wants to retreat!

Chapter 293

When a strange man pointed out that he was hiding behind the gate, Maki Nishikino blushed suddenly and wanted to go up and discuss with a qualified man, but because of his shy and arrogant personality, he did not step forward. step.

It was just the last sentence "These six are rare beautiful girls who can also attract a large number of fans" suddenly made her angry.

Although she is beautiful, there are a few other people who are also rare beautiful girls. She knows this, but in such an occasion and in such a context, it is completely to give them a kind of food that they rely on their faces. .

Without this beautiful face, it would be nothing.

"Ye Jun, this is too much!"

Even Nan Qin Li, who was willing to protect Lin Ye, couldn't help but speak first, at least if he spoke, other people would not speak out.

"Although beauty is also a key factor for idols, other things such as singing and dancing are the key! Lovelive does not lack beautiful girls."

The photos of the contestants shown on the contestant profile on the Lovelive theme website are all at the level of beautiful girls.Of course, the degree of beauty is different.But Nan Qin Li also knew that the advantages of herself and others were not obvious.

Moreover, she doesn't want her fans to support them only because she is beautiful. The fans she expects like their dance and singing more than foreign trade.

"That's it!"

In fact, Lin Ye said this only hoping that Kosaka Enoka and Nankorin could target these girls.They have the potential to become idols.

The girl has such a dream, Lin Ye certainly supports it, but don't let him spend time in it.After all, it's not long for Chiba to work on a train in Tokyo. To be honest, he and them are only the degree of acquaintance.

Nan Qinli's feelings may be inaccurate, but Lin Ye can see it to some extent, but only thinks that the ambiguous behavior of her in the maid cafe has caused such a simple girl to hang her heart on her body, Lin Ye What Ye felt was more guilt.

Therefore, if it is support, it is better to compensate. If Ying helps her find a group of like-minded partners, this road will also have more dependence and more hope, and it will not be exhausted after all. Feeling lonely in the tired days.

Persistence may not win, but if you do not persist, it really just ends here.

"It's getting late, then, let's finish the meal as agreed! Of course, if President Ayase and Vice President Tojo are also interested, they can be together!"

As for the other four, Lin Ye obviously had no reason to send out the invitation, even if he had the idea to let the nine people join the table to contact each other.

In this respect, China is better. Even if it is a meal with strangers, it will become familiar afterwards. On the island country, even if you go to dinner at times, it will make the atmosphere more silent and more relaxed. Not open.

Lin Ye could only give up this idea.

"No, Master Lin Ye, I won't bother Eri and I. However, I personally hope Master Lin Ye will come to Otono Plank Academy again. Eri and I are very willing to act as guides. As for compensation, ..."

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