Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 268

Tojo Nozomi did not say clearly, but the faint smile and the deep meaning in the eyes showed her thoughts.

"I'm only seventeen years old. There is really no need to call me an adult. Just call me Lin Ye. As for the remuneration you mentioned, in fact Tojo-san already has his own ideas, even if I'm not here. , Hasn’t Tojo-san also found a way to prevent the school from being abandoned?"

The direction the two of them were heading was this auditorium, and the appearance of Eri Ayase just now made him feel too abrupt.Combined with the information obtained before, in fact, the student council president and the student council vice president had a little expectation of Nan Qinli and their abusers. Now, the result may not be the best, but it is not the worst, at least let them Efforts are no problem.

"I can't hide it from Lin Ye... Classmate! So, Lin Ye, your choice! If you agree, I can introduce Eri to you, including the measurements of Eri. There is no problem at all. "The big beauty with long purple hair pulled her good friend Ji at once and pushed on Lin Ye.

"What... I hope..."

Even though Lin Ye reacted, she immediately held Xuanze Eri with both hands and shook her head randomly, a little helpless.

"Isn't it normal to sacrifice for school?"

Tojo Nozomi, who was full of smiles, wandered between Rinba and Ayase Eri.

"I hope you are still the vice chairman, shouldn't you have to sacrifice too?"

"This... it's not that you didn't sacrifice as the president of Eri, how can I get a step ahead of you! And..."

Nan Qinli, who was standing behind Lin Ye, lowered her head, her emotions faintly wrong, and Tojo Xi's heart rose with a sense of pleasure.

It was a certainty, but now it is more certain.

"There are still people ahead of Eri!"

"Hey," looked around, Nan Qinli was stunned by this sentence, and then shook her head vigorously, "I, I won't be the first!"

"No, no, this has nothing to do with me, the president is interested, so don't care about me at all."

Lin Ye had no choice but to straighten the somewhat sluggish Xuanze Eri, and then said in a serious tone, "There is no need to entangle this matter, I am not interested in it, so..."

"Does Lin Ye like boys?"

Another sentence came untimely, and Lin Ye's face twitched.

"Tojo-san wants to know if I like boys or girls, or try it at night! Or I can go to your house. Not only in Tokyo, I don't have any other places to spend the night except hotels and guesthouses."

"Yes!" Tojo Nozomi took out a note from her pocket, and quickly wrote an address on it, and then handed it to Lin Ye.

Then Lin Ye was righted, and after a little while back, Ayase Eri, who stood next to Tojo Nozomi, saw the content clearly, and immediately swooped over and snatched the note.

"Hey, how can you give my home address to Lin Ye!"

"This is not to let Eri know whether Lin Ye likes boys or girls?"

"I don't want to know!"

"Let's go! Three people, get dressed, let's have dinner! I also want to catch the last tram in Chiba!"

Nankorinri, Enoka Kosaka, and Umi Sonoda nodded, and then went backstage...

Chapter 294 Why are you so bothered!

For dinner, Lin Ye wanted to show that he could settle the bill, but the three Nan Qinli were unwilling. They said that they had already said that they had a treat. Even though they had settled the bill, Lin Ye didn't say anything in the end.

It is really hard to take this idol route.

I hope they can persevere and succeed!

What I can do is encourage and support at the time. As for money and connections, as I said, they will not accept it, so he will not provide it under normal circumstances.

But when he really encountered such unspoken rules or something, Lin Ye felt that he still had to secretly support.Who let himself know them!


After not going to class for a day, I returned to my apartment and rode up slowly in the elevator. Lin Ye thought that if he encountered the snow, he would choose to ignore it, and he would never see anything!Still talk to her.

However, Lin Ye smiled bitterly when he saw the closed door.

This is just a lot of thought.How could such an accident happen to myself.

The events on the tennis court have complicated the relationship between the two of them.

"Yinglili, why are you here!"

She didn't encounter Xuexia, but at the door of her apartment, a blonde girl with two ponytails squatted, and she exuded a lonely breath.

Not to mention that Ying Lili doesn't know the address of my home. Just because this apartment doesn't have an access card, you can't get in at all. It was Xuexia who brought Ying Lili in. This should be impossible!

It's just that this possibility is currently the highest one Lin Ye has thought about.

"Ye, you are back!" Hearing Lin Ye's familiar voice, the squatting Ying Lili hurriedly got up, but for a moment, because of the long squatting, the blood and blood were blocked, and the intense dizziness hit the brain, causing Ying Lili was in a daze and fell to the side.

And Lin Ye saw that this was a quick step to hold Ying Lili, and at the same time, he pulled her to her side.

"It's okay!"

"Legs and legs are numb, I can't move at all!" Lin Ye's expression full of crying made Lin Ye look helpless.

"Okay, I'll open the door first, go in and I will give you a massage, I should get back faster!"

With a "click", Lin Ye opened the door of the apartment as quickly as possible, and then thought about how to bring Yinglili in.

After all, the princess hug seems to be easy to cause misunderstanding or something.

However, the two of them are not bad anymore!

Lin Ye bent slightly and hugged a princess directly. Under Ying Lili's stunned eyes, she hugged Ying Lili and walked towards the apartment.

"This, this..." The fair face was flushed, and even the roots of her ears were all charming red. If it weren't for Lin Ye and her alone, Ying Lili felt she would have no face to see people.

But even if it was shy, it didn't stop it.

Because this feeling makes her feel happy.

Entering the apartment holding Ying Lili, after closing the door, she gently placed Ying Lili on the sofa, while squatting down, took off her shoes.

"Which place is uncomfortable?"

"Uncomfortable calf?"

"I see," Lin Ye moved his hand, grabbing his ankle with one hand and pressing the other hand on his calf.

To be honest, the white and delicate calves are full of alluring aura. Just looking at them can attract the attention of men. At the same time, the slippery feeling after pressing on the fingertips really makes Lin Ye want to stop.

This has nothing to do with integrity, it's just the attraction of women to men.If you change someone, you will definitely not be able to achieve this effect.

Especially today's Ying Lili is charming and charming, and the occasional low groan that follows Lin Ye's pressing makes the atmosphere very ambiguous.

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