Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 279

"I'm not angry!"

Of course Xue Nao wouldn't be angry about such things, but Lin Ye's willfulness made her a little dissatisfied.


The surrounding atmosphere changed, and Lin Ye's tone made Xue Na concentrate.She knew that Lin Ye was going to talk about important things.

"I like you! Yukino. I want to bully you because I like you."

Xue Nao turned her head and said nothing.Only the slightly hardened hands and the continuously accelerating heart beating in her heart showed her inner emotions.

She knew it only when she was in elementary school.Boys like girls, but they will do some bullying, pull pigtails, grab notebooks and so on.

In order to just attract the attention of girls.

But now, Lin Ye said that he liked her and wanted to bully her. What did he want to do?


But today...and, doesn't he know his situation?

So why, I want to make myself pregnant...

No, absolutely not, Lin Ye is definitely not that kind of person.

Within a second, countless thoughts flashed, and finally, Yukino, who shook his head slightly, stopped.

"But, now I just want to protect you, love you."

Every girl likes to hear nice words, even if it is Yukino, there will be no changes on the surface, but her heart is still happy.Of course, if you change another person, you will only feel sick and disgusted.

"I've broken my promise once, so..."

and so?

Yukino was full of curiosity.

"This time, if Xueno doesn't let go, I will never let go. No, even if Xueno lets go, I will hold you tightly. No matter how you don't want it, no matter how your family objects, I will use it. All of me, keep you by my side. Even if it is death, I will not allow us to be separated."

Last time, Xue Nao chose to break up because of family pressure, and her family knew about herself and her.

Yang Nai's sister control is definitely the main suspect.You know, when Nan Qinli and the three of them were sent home, they ran into her at the door of the apartment.

Looking back now, there was indeed something wrong with Yukino's state at the time.

I thought I was bullied by Yang Na, but this was the result.In the days after Golden Week, Xuena should be taken back to the Xuexia family!

"My family..."

"I will solve it. I am only seventeen years old. I am still young. I will let Xueno's parents and sister agree to give you to me."

It is directly stated that his situation is completely inappropriate. On the contrary, a struggling boy will make Yukino more satisfied!

What made her leave the family and leave this country, leaving Xue Nao to bear all the pressure alone, Lin Ye was absolutely unwilling.As a man, you should take on your own responsibilities.

I dare not like Xuena to like the family of Xuexia, or hate this family, her feelings for this family really exist.

"My novel is about to be published, um, although I don’t know the cost of the manuscript, I think about how much it would cost to marry Yukino home. 100 million US dollars is almost 10 billion yen, according to the current light novel. Calculated at 600 yen, the cost of the manuscript is 10%. If it is calculated at 50 yen, that means I have to sell 200 million novels. It’s more than one copy per person in this country..."

Lin Ye thought of Ureshino's 100 million yen.Although Xue Nai is 100 million U.S. dollars, I always feel that the different treatment is a bit bad, but...

Lin Ye swallowed, feeling a little difficult!It is almost impossible to rely solely on the publicity of the publishing house.

Xue Nai listened to Lin Ye's speech with a smile on the corner of her mouth.But there is still nothing to say.Can Lin Ye earn 100 million US dollars?

It is impossible for ordinary people.

Two hundred million books, even she knew how difficult it was.You must know that for the light novels in this country, 100,000 copies are considered bestsellers. Even if Lin Ye sells 100,000 copies, he still has to write 10,000 copies.

With ten thousand copies, Xue Nai felt a little heartache when thinking of Lin Ye's efforts to type this keyboard codeword in front of the computer for this goal.

"Ye, you don't need 100 million US dollars. If my parents disagree, we..."

Lin Ye shook his head slightly to signal Xue Nai not to speak any more.

"How can I take Yukino home without a $100 million dowry gift! I will earn it." In two years, it was difficult to earn 100 million U.S. dollars without borrowing the capital of the Federation and the Galaxy Group.However, if it is something illegal or criminal, it will be fine.

Of course you can’t do things like robbing a bank. So, if Xuena knows about drugs or something, you will definitely get annoyed. Then, what is better, to be a mercenary?

If they knew about this, it would definitely be said.

Anyway, if you can’t make any money before graduation, you can use your own savings to make up for it. Anyway, this is also your own money. At that time, Yukino will know her situation and she will understand. Although she is a little uncomfortable, she intends to use her The force is ready to earn 100 million US dollars from scratch.

The accumulation of capital is growing like a snowball, and it is very difficult to start from scratch to 100 million US dollars.

Lin Ye was a little bit conflicted and didn't know what to do. In short, he was trying to earn 100 million, so he set a goal first.

Chapter 304: The Coming Shura Field

But when Lin Ye made up his mind to begin to read what Xue Nao said, Lin Ye suddenly realized that Xue Nao seemed to have said something terrible just now.

"Xuno, what just said, can you please do it again?"

"Don't need 100 million dollars."

"No, the next sentence..."

"My parents disagree, we..." In the dim light, the flushed face looked so shy and moving.Lin Ye couldn't help but leaned forward to kiss him.

"Don't kiss me casually!"

"Xuno, what you said just now means you agree to marry me."

"I never said that I married you, and..." Remembering what Lin Ye said initially, Xue Nao retorted, "You said that the relationship between the two of us started from scratch, which means that the two of us can now It’s just a classmate relationship."

"Oh, that's it!" Xue Nai looked a little regretful when seeing Lin Ye, a little bit unbearable, but didn't say anything to make up for it.

"This is enough, I won't ask for anything more. Since I started from scratch, it means I can get closer to Yukino again, and, compared to when I came to Sou Wu Gao, now... "

He deliberately looked at Yukino's current posture.Embraced by Princess Lin Ye, Xue Nai's hands were already wrapped around Lin Ye's neck, and his small head was attached to his chest.

At this time, the two are like loving couples. Of course, there is no problem in declaring that they are newlyweds.


A private car stopped directly near Lin Ye, and then the driver who honked the horn to attract Lin Ye's attention waved to Lin Ye.

"I haven’t seen you in a few days. You are really affectionate. I didn’t expect to be able to run into you here. I was not sure when I first saw it. However, it’s better not to go out in such a strong wind, or I’ll give you a ride. ."

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