Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 280

This is the driver who sent Lin Ye and Xuenai to the hospital last time. Lin Ye thought about it when he saw the familiar license plate, but he didn't expect that the driver master hadn't forgotten them, and stopped to greet them.

"Xuno, he is the enthusiastic driver who took us to the hospital last time."

The hugged Yukino struggled to stand up, and after finishing his clothes, he bowed slightly to the driver, as if he had received a good education.

"Thank you for your last help."

"No, you are most grateful to your boyfriend. If he didn't risk his death and got in the middle of the road and stopped my car, I would never stop."

"But your help is true, and I really appreciate it."

"I want to give you a ride."

"Thank you for your kindness, our residence is there..."

Pointing to the apartment that was less than 50 meters away, Xue Nao explained with some embarrassment.This is the kindness of others, and it is a bit embarrassing to refuse.

"That's it! Then I won't disturb the love between you two, but if you get married, you must contact me. I have already prepared a big red envelope."

Lin Ye smiled, "I am ready to propose to her..."

Although I didn't say it, it was over, and the ring was also thrown away by myself.

But that is true.

"Then it seems that the wedding day is not far away, so I'll leave first, so don't forget to invite me."

The car started slowly.Disappeared in the vision of the two.

"What happened last time, can you explain it to me?"

It seemed that Lin Ye had concealed many things.It's not an ordinary danger to risk a deadly blockade on a rainy day.

"None is my hostess, now you want to give orders?"

"If you don't want to say it, I don't mind."

"Uh, then I'll say it better."

Xue Nao smiled from the perspective that Lin Ye would not notice.


"Xue Nai..." Arriving at the door of Xue Nai's apartment, after Xue Nai opened the door, Lin Ye stood there, speaking with a serious expression.

"We are starting from scratch now, which means we are just classmates."

Yukino nodded and agreed.

"Then, in the future, without your consent, I won't be close to your intimacy again..."


"Without your consent, I won't hold your hand anymore..."

The two of them walked back for the last part of the journey, and during the period they clasped their fingers together, and at this moment, Lin Ye let go.

"Without your consent, I won't kiss you again..."

Lin Ye stepped back a few steps and opened the distance with Xue Nai.

Inexplicably feel a little sad, a little bit sad.

Is it because of what I just said, that's why Lin Ye has such an attitude.

This idiot, can't you tell that this is just his own joke.,

However, Xue Nao's expression remained unchanged, waiting for Lin Ye to follow.

"When our relationship becomes friends, girlfriends, and wives, I will again..."

"I won't give you this chance."

"I will definitely give it, Xue Na...I will definitely let you give me this opportunity."

"So, here, let me be willful again!"

Before Xue Nai understood Lin Ye's words, when he reacted, Lin Ye put his hands on Xue Nai's delicate body, his head was slightly lowered, and he moved closer to the delicate red lips.

But Xue Nai, who was at a loss, stayed in place, time passed, and seeing Lin Ye was about to kiss herself, she finally closed her eyes like giving up.

Lips and teeth touched, and the beautiful feeling hit the two in an instant.

Lin Ye couldn't wait to rub Xue Nai's whole body into her body, but she resisted and slowly asked for it.And Xue Nai cooperated.This is the fourth time today, and she already has experience.

And behind the gate of Linye's apartment, Ying Lili bit her lip tightly and filled with tears. She could hear the close behavior of the two people outside the building and the conversation and behavior in the corridor.

Why has it become like this again.I thought that if the two broke up, she would have a chance, but...

The telescope in his hand fell off directly after the release of his hand, with a "bang", which was particularly obvious.

Lin Ye, who was in the middle of the kiss, heard the sound and glanced at his apartment.

I saw the door of my apartment slowly opened, and with my head down, Ying Lili, full of black air, appeared in the field of vision.

Oops, I forgot that Ying Lili is on my side, so I shouldn't stay at this door!

Lin Ye dragged Xue Nai behind her, then wiped the corners of her mouth with the other hand, and said to Ying Lili with a serious expression, "Ying Lili, I have something to tell you, so you now..."

"Shut up, Lin Ye, I don't want to hear your voice now, don't talk without my consent."

After speaking, Ying Lili's blue eyes met the navy blue eyes of Xue Na behind Lin Ye.

The Shura field seems to be on the verge.

Author's message:

PS: Man Zhan was sprinkled with dog food, who should I find to comfort the heart collar in my hand.

Chapter 305

At this time, Ying Lili was more terrifying and trembling than the one encountered by the ministry.

The azure blue eyes revealed emotions like killing intent.The golden double horsetails are flying directly in the air as if they are out of the gravity of the earth.

Lin Ye vigorously observed and felt the surrounding environment, and found that there was no wind at all.

The angry woman was really scary, but even so, she couldn't really listen to Ying Lili's words and said nothing.After all, this is one's own responsibility. Even if it is about to die, it is definitely not possible for Xue Nao...

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