Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 281

The sleeve was torn by Xue Nao behind him, turning his head to see Xue Nao shaking his head slightly, and then Lin Ye saw Xue Nao stepping past him and standing directly in front of Ying Lili.

"I thought you would always hide behind him."

With her hands squeezed tightly, Ying Lili was full of anger.Her own pig was abducted by this woman once, and she did not expect to abduct it a second time when she was not paying attention. This is absolutely unforgivable.

"Classmate Zecun, what do you want to do?"

"What am I going to do?" Ying Riri suddenly laughed, "Of course I brought him back and let him stay with me. I don't know why he cares about you so much, but I will never lose. ."

Three years of feelings can't be given up like this.And they have already met the parents, father, and mother's attitudes are not vetoed, which means that they feel very good about Lin Ye and will not object to them being together.Moreover, the special feature is the attitude of her father, and it also lets her know that his father did not prevent them from being together because of Lin Ye's identity.

"We have already met the parents."

The atmosphere suddenly became icy, and Yukino's back looked like an iceberg, exuding an aura of freezing human heart.

Lin Ye could fully think of how Xue Na would treat herself later.

"So, what about this!"

"So, it's best for you to give up. Compared to me, those in your family will not agree with you two."

After all, Lin Ye is an active serviceman in the Central Asian Federation. The war a few years ago caused a sharp deterioration in the relationship between the two countries. Even if the relations between the two countries are now normal, the hatred hidden in the hearts of some Ren will not decay.Especially the direct participants like the military.

Ying Lili didn't know how many islanders died at the hands of Lin Ye in that war, but it was not rare.Otherwise, Lin Ye would not use the identity of Hua Guo to come here.

The daughter of the ambassador to Japan came to Chiba to go to school. As a well-known family in Chiba, of course, she knew that the two even met at the first banquet, but there was no exchange.

"This is not something you need to care about, Sawamura."

"You..." Ying Lili exploded in anger, but she managed to endure it. After giving Lin Ye a fierce look, she explained to Lin Ye that it was because of your fault, and then focused her attention on Xue Xue again. Xia Xueno said, "He saved me. I like... I like him. It has been since three years ago, so I won't let go. Even if he married you, I won't let go. This The world, except him, I will never marry anyone else, but we are already..."

With all her courage, Ying Lili expressed all her feelings towards him in front of Lin Ye.And when it was finished, it seemed to be relieved, and the whole person relaxed for a long time, and at the same time facing Xue Nao, the confidence was more sufficient.

Yinglili, we have nothing to do with each other. If Fujibayashi said this, I would admit it directly. After all, it is a fact. She wants me to be responsible, and I will never shirk it, but what you said is basically...

Lin Ye, who just wanted to explain, saw Ying Lili's sharp eyes, and finally decided to wait for the event to end before asking Xueno to explain.

Yes, it must be explained, and then according to the previous routine, if it is not explained, it will only cause Xue Nao to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"You already have a relationship?"

"Uh... yes, it's a relationship. I have had the closest relationship with him."

Ying Lili subconsciously admitted.How can there be even lies?As long as Xuexia gives up, it's worth it.Moreover, it will be sooner or later to marry Lin Ye in the future. There is no problem at all if you put the future facts to the present.

"Xuno, I..."

At this time, if you don't make your own voice anymore, the most terrible thing will happen.

"Lin Ye, classmate, please shut up." The expressionless Xue Nao glanced at Lin Ye with a cold expression, "It seems that it happened with many girls in the time you came to Zong Wu Gao for more than a month. Super friendship relationship."


Although many of them are wrong, there are still a few, Fujibayashi Apricot, Touma Kazusa, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu, these people did have more intimate behaviors than ordinary friends.

But Lin Ye's reaction caused Xue Nao to stagnate. She had hoped and thought it was impossible, but she did not expect Lin Ye to actually have an intimate behavior with other girls without her knowledge.

Now that this is the case, why do you want to get close to yourself again and let yourself marry him?

Is it really just for your own body?

And Ying Lili is not well, the fact that the impact on her is not ordinary.

But thinking about it, gritted his teeth and recognized it.

The established fact has happened, and she can no longer change it.Then, the only thing to change is the future.

She wants to use her own method to keep Lin Ye by her side.As for the girls who had a relationship, she would use her own method to let them leave one by one.

Just thinking of Lin Ye's nationality, Ying Lili couldn't help but sighed.Why can that country allow men to go to four wives.

Abandoning a forest for a tree is an individual who knows how to choose.The current situation of Lin Ye made her suspect that Lin Ye was looking for four wives suitable for him.

This guy, it's not that Chief Wu Gao is looking for his harem candidate, and one of them is Yukino Yukoshita, then, what about the others!

Ying Lili first ruled out herself. If she was selected, Lin Ye would not treat herself like this.Who else will it be?This makes Ying Lili full of doubts.

But at the thought of being ruled out, Ying Lili couldn't help being angry.

Obviously he is also a very good candidate.And I like him so much.If he wants to marry another woman, as long as he treats her well, she will agree.

Staring at Lin Ye, Ying Lili was full of thoughts.

Chapter 306

"So there really is!" Yukino murmured as if she was absent.

"Wait, Yukino, let me explain..."

If he didn't say anything at this time, he and Xue Naike would really be over.

Lin Ye hurriedly uttered a voice, and at the same time stretched out his hand and placed it directly on Xue Nao's shoulder.

"do not touch me……"

With a "pop", Lin Ye's hand was knocked off directly, and Xue Nai was full of cold expressions.

This man made himself no longer himself.

Lin Ye, who was immediately stunned, didn't know what to do next.

"Xuno, give me a chance to explain."

"Since it is a fact, what else needs to be explained? You don't want to say that those girls seduce you by themselves!"

If your boyfriend, quasi-boyfriend, has a relationship with other girls, isn't that a betrayal of yourself.Even so, why bother with her.

Wouldn't it be best to cut off contact directly after that time?

In this way, no matter what he is outside, she will not take care of him.

Lin Ye and Xuexia's current situation is what Ying Lili expects, but seeing the slightly sad expression on Lin Ye's face, Ying Lili unconsciously expresses regret.

On the battlefield of love, obviously one should not shrink back and should not be soft-hearted.

However, it seems that Lin Ye really likes Yukino under Yukino!

"Ye, do you like her?"

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