Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 282

Ying Lili's utterance attracted the attention of the two at once.

I was surprised why Ying Lili would ask this question at this time, but Lin Ye nodded heavily.

He had a hunch that Ying Riri seemed to be helping him restore the relationship between him and Yukino.

"So, do you like me?" In order to prevent Lin Ye from being confused with the likes between brothers and sisters, Ying Lili added, "It is the likes between men and women, please answer me seriously."

The azure blue eyes are like the sky, which is the color that forest leaves like most.

At the beginning, at the international airport, after saving this girl, I was deeply attracted by this pair of eyes.

"Between men and women! If there are not so many scruples and worries, or let Ying Lili become my girlfriend, it would be a good thing."

Happiness came too suddenly, and Ying Lili became excited.However, you must endure it at this time.Holding back her inner joy, Ying Lili took a deep breath, letting herself become normal.

Since you told the truth, I will sacrifice.

Ying Lili thought silently in her heart.

"So, what about you! Yukino under Yukino, do you like Lin Ye? If you can't tell it, let's end it for a long time! I just learned that the two of you are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend, that is to say , Lin Ye can associate with anyone he wants."

Ying Lili, with an extremely serious expression, stared at Yukoshita.

Xuexia's heart trembled.

Lin Ye's answer just now was unexpected, and now Ying Lili is pressing for her to make a decision.If it is denied at this time, then it means...

He is alone again, and Lin Ye is with the one in front of him. Is this really good? In this way, can he really accept it!

Obviously a few minutes ago, he was full of happy expectations, but it was completely changed and collapsed at this moment.

"I...I..." The body trembled slightly, like a drowning girl clutching her chest, trying hard to express her thoughts, "This way..."

Lin Ye, who wanted to stop Xue Nao from speaking out, finally stretched out his hand in the air and fell directly as if losing strength.

This was Yukino's decision, and it was really uncomfortable!

"You are really sure to do this, just because he has relationships with other women, you are ready to give up."

Instead, Ying Riri stopped Yukoshita Yukino in a cold and mocking manner.

"Your feelings for him are really cheap."

"My feelings... cheap?" The irritated Yukino looked cold, and released the chill directly to make Ying Lili tremble, but Ying Lili also opened her eyes and stared back vigorously.

Sympathy, sympathy, consent, consent, that's all for Lin Ye, he likes the woman in front of him, but he is unwilling to let go, that's why...

But now that she has been bullied and provoked by such a cold vision, can Ying Lili be able to subdue it.

"Isn't your relationship cheap? Since you like him, why can't you tolerate him? You just have relationships with other women. You are ready to let go. It really makes me look down on you, but this is also very good, at least I am missing a competitor."

For a long time, Ying Lili's plan was to use her charm to make Lin Ye give up other girls.The law of the Central Asian Federation stipulates that four wives can be married, although it is noted that if the first one does not agree with the second wife, he cannot marry.But at that time, if Lin Ye wanted to marry, but he didn't agree, then the result would be either Lin Ye accommodating himself or divorcing himself and marrying a wife who could agree.

Or to be more direct is to make these clear before marrying her.

Therefore, the laws of this country make Ying Lili want to wait for the country to disappear.

"In this way, classmate Zecun is able to tolerate his boyfriend looking for other women."

The sharp words pierced Ying Lili's heart.

If you can, of course not, but...

Lifting her head slightly, Ying Lili bit her lip and nodded looking at Lin Ye standing behind Xue Na under the snow.

"Rather than being given up, I should just not know what to do. As long as he loves me, cares about me, and gives me happiness, it is enough."

It's not like Ying Lili's speech at all. Generally speaking, according to her personality, it shouldn't be a direct denial like arrogant.

And, is it really worth it!

Lin Ye couldn't imagine how determined Ying Lili was for this.

Yukoshita Yukino also looked at Ying Riri in silence.

It is totally unimaginable that Yinglili would sacrifice so much for Lin Ye.However, polygamy is simply impossible.Moreover, Yukino under Xuexia did not allow her husband to maintain close relationships with other women.

Since Lin Ye couldn't do it to her wholeheartedly, then give up!Just treat all of this as if it never happened.

"Then, I wish you happiness!"

The mental exhaustion and physical discomfort had already caused Xue Na to reach the limit.If it weren't for the sensibility, she would even have a temper to teach Lin Ye a good lesson.

Yes, as for why the object is not Yinglili, of course it is because Lin Ye is the culprit of all this. Without him, none of this would happen.

Her general Wu Gao's life will not change like this.

"Thank you..." The victorious Ying Lili smiled brightly, "Ye, she didn't agree with it. I agreed with you to marry both of us, but she didn't want to, so..."

After hearing Ying Lili's'thank you', she glanced at Lin Ye coldly, and when he saw the embarrassing smile on his face turning to leave, she heard the second half of Ying Lili, and she was shocked.

Chapter 307 This Is A Fake Identity

"Wait, Sawamura, please tell me again!"

Asking Lin Ye to marry both of them is not legally allowed.Ying Lili was wrong, it was impossible.

Yukino stood up straight again, then frowned slightly, staring at Ying Riri, asking her to repeat it again, did she hear it wrong?

"I mean let Lin Ye marry both of us, but if you don't agree, there is no way..."

She is already willing to sacrifice part of her love for Lin Ye. The special object is this ice and snow woman. If she can, Ying Lili is not willing, but Ying Lili can see that Lin Ye likes this woman, this is something she cannot The fact of change.

Rather than think of a way to make Lin Ye give up, it's better to agree. Not only will her chances be greatly increased, but it will also give him a choice to learn.Agree, then it means that she is willing to share love, disagree, then needless to say, it will greatly increase the possibility of her monopolizing forest leaves.

Just seeing Yukoshita turning around and preparing to leave, Ying Lili was about to jump up in excitement.However, the enquiry that followed made her heart sinking, but she also decided to tell the truth.Concealing at this time will make Lin Ye think that she is playing tricks.

Although she has already done so.

"Classmate Zecun, did you make a mistake, now it is monogamous, and I never promised to marry this man."

Yes, I never promised, but when Lin Ye proposed the bride price, she was already moved, but the reservedness of the girl made her choose to avoid this topic.

"That's really a pity, but..." After a glance at the snow, Ying Lili's mouth curled up.Now, she has found her own victory over this woman.

That is, until now, Xuexia Xuenai has no idea about Lin Ye's identity.

Now, here, this is the secret between her and Lin Ye.

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