Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 283

"It seems that you don't know many things about Lin Ye, do you really know Lin Ye?"

Lin Ye wanted to stop Ying Lili from continuing to speak, but as soon as she left, Xuexia moved her steps and directly stood in front of Lin Ye.

The meaning is self-evident.

"Student Zecun, please speak clearly."

Obviously, it can be done as soon as he leaves, but at this moment, Yukino wants to know what Ying Riri knows anyway.

I don't know what it is, but Ying Lili knows.And why is this related to marriage again.

"Of course it is..." It's like a child wants to show off what he has, and the other party has no ordinary Eiri just halfway, and the words stop abruptly.

A flash of hesitation in her mind made Ying Lili glance at Lin Ye subconsciously, and asked Lin Ye if she could say something with her eyes.

Xuexia also noticed clearly, and then his body turned slightly, his icy eyes full of questions.

Yes, Xue Nao used her own way to ask him to tell the concealed facts.

"Ying Lili, let me do it!"

Yukino will know sooner or later, maybe it would be better to show her a little now!

If you can't accept it, then it really ends here.Originally, Lin Ye planned to get along with the two of them, and the feelings would thicken, slowly letting Xueno know.

People are not as good as heaven, who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

As for blaming Yinglili, Lin Ye had no such idea.

"'Lin Ye, Chinese, seventeen years old', remember how I introduced myself to the class on the first day!"

Like a remembrance, Lin Ye repeated it once.

Seeing Xuenai nodded, Lin Ye continued, "This... is just a fake identity."

The pupils dilated in an instant, and there were not many words, but the meaning revealed was already large enough.Forged identities, ordinary people will forge identities.

"Snow is me..."

Seeing Xue Nai's astonishment, Lin Ye wanted to get close to Xue Nai, but also put down her hand.

"The real nationality is the Federation of Central Asia..."

The federation, the federation, is the federation that has risen during that ten-year period, but even so, students do not need to forge their identities at all, nor are they capable of forging identities.

Xue Nao with a calm expression seemed to be waiting for Lin Ye to give further explanation.

And Lin Ye showed a helpless smile.I thought Xuenai would not continue to inquire, but the meaning expressed by those eyes had already made him understand that if he didn't say it clearly today, there would be no chance in the future.

"Original profession... Federal Serviceman." There is no problem with being a soldier, and there is also on the file.

Soldiers, soldiers, they turned out to be soldiers...Because they are soldiers, their daily lives are always concise and capable. Because they are soldiers, their sitting posture is that kind of straight. Because they are soldiers, their Aikido is not his at all. opponent.

Because the opponent's result is more rigorous and cruel training, it is entirely possible to even go to the battlefield.

Wait, it's not right, Xue Nao's face suddenly changed when he thought of something.

"Soldier, you won't be preparing for 100 million dollars..."

Lin Ye was embarrassed for a while, turned his head, and replied in a somewhat unconfident voice, "Yes, I really have the idea to take on a few mercenary missions. You will be able to earn 100 million U.S. dollars."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Ye felt that Xue Nao, who was not far away, was standing next to him, and his slender hand grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"Don't do such dangerous things, I don't deserve you to risk such dangers."

Even if he did not understand the mercenary mission, Yukino knew what he would do.Risk your life to take the lives of others.Just to earn a bride price of 100 million US dollars.

This may be very romantic, but... absolutely not, Xue Na is absolutely unwilling to risk his life to make this money.

If you are not worth it, who else is worth it!

"This is the fastest way to earn 100 million U.S. dollars!"

The hand touched Xue Na's little hand once again, and the soft touch like a boneless touch suddenly made Lin Ye feel that everything was worth it.

Even if she has nothing, she should work hard to create a happy environment for her.It is the biggest sin of her life to let her save food and live a life of distress for the sake of life.

But fortunately, she already has the foundation enough to make her happy.However, what was still being concealed was as if the same thorn was deeply pierced in Lin Ye's heart.

Now, frankly, hand it all over.

But when the words came to the lips, they couldn't speak at all.

In the future, I will definitely tell her.

At that time, Xue Na would definitely not care.

Chapter 308 You Want Me To Marry You

The heat is directly transferred to Yukino's heart through contact, it is warm and very comfortable.

A man is willing to do dangerous things for himself, even if it is illegal, it is a kind of happiness for her.But, no, she wouldn't let Lin Ye do this kind of thing.

"I don't need your money."

Of course I know that you don't need it, just to show my intentions and to silence your family.It's been almost ten years since I left Chiba, but Lin Ye didn't think that Xueno's parents would change.Especially her mother would not be willing to simply let go.

For the family, some people are willing to sacrifice everything, including the happiness of their daughters.

Ying Riri pouted her lips very unhappy, but she knew she couldn't bother at this time.Really, I blame myself for talking, so the relationship between the two has been reversed again.

"But your family needs it."

Xue Nao was taken aback, but could not answer at all.No one knows the situation at home better than her.If the man you are looking for cannot satisfy them, what awaits you is the marriage, the victim of the family.

But Lin Ye risked his life to do those things just to prove to the Xuexia family, whether it was cognition or his own feelings, he was unwilling.

It is not good to kill, and Xue Nai is even more unwilling to take such a big risk.

"Let's think of a solution together. As long as we think of a solution together, there will be a solution."

He had completely forgotten the idea that he was about to let go, but Xue Nao now thought about how to help Lin Ye accomplish this goal.

Her family did not say that for a $100 million bride price, but now that Lin Ye said so, as a woman's support for men, she will work hard with him.

"Xuno, you mean..."

The underlying meaning is very clear, and Xue Na is willing to be with herself.

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