Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 284

And Ying Lili, who has been ignored, interrupted, "Ahem, I’m sorry to disturb you, but, Miss Yukoshita, please don’t forget one thing. If you can’t accept Lin Ye marrying me, give up as soon as possible. it is good."

And at this time, because of Ying Lili's words, Yukino finally recalled what he had forgotten because of the tension between Lin Ye.

Lin Ye is not only a soldier, but also a soldier of the Central Asian Federation, which means that the other party can marry four wives in accordance with the law over there.

Open the harem legally!Encountered for the first time in reality.

The most important thing is that I still have a good impression of him, and even just prepared to fight with him and face the pressure of the family together.

"Classmate Zecun, you really made this decision and are willing to sacrifice yourself for this man."

"I don't want to be left behind by him again, the feeling of despair, I have experienced it twice, and I don't want to experience it for the third time, so..."

So, you are willing to share men with other women,

Yukoshita made up what Yinglili hadn't finished.

"You want me to marry you..."

The expression on the corners of the trembling mouth was not as calm as the cold expression.

Lin Ye stared at Xue Nao seriously and nodded.

"So, what about Sawamura! You also want her to marry you..."

Xue Nai said lightly to Lin Ye.If you don't listen to the content and just listen to the tone, no one doubts that the owner of the voice will have any emotional fluctuations.

The atmosphere changed instantly.

Ying Lili's azure blue eyes were full of expectant but nervous expressions.She hoped to hear Lin Ye's answer, but she was worried that Lin Ye would reject her again.

You know, she has already said that she is willing to share love with other women and was rejected by this Lin Ye. Ying Lili has no idea how to face the two people in front of her, and how to continue to live in this world. .

And Lin Ye also knew this was a choice.Even if the relationship of nationality can be legally polygamous, after all, no girl will be willing to share her husband with others.

To be honest, Ying Lili, Lin Ye had never planned to marry her, and even had no idea.However, Ying Lili, who has been in love with her for three years, is willing to make such a sacrifice. It is fake if she is not moved.just……

"So far, I haven't had this idea..."

Ying Lili's eyes were dim, sadness suddenly emerged, and the tears in her eyes could no longer stand it anymore, and she fell directly through her delicate white face to the ground.

Once again, I saw Ying Lili's sad expression.

Although Xue Nao sympathized with Ying Lili, she couldn't bear to see her like this, but she couldn't do anything to agree to marry Lin Ye together.Moreover, even if she was alone, she did not intend to marry Lin Ye.

Marriage must be carefully considered. She is only sixteen years old. Although the legal age for marriage has arrived, she always feels it is not good to marry as a student.

"Don't cry, Ying Lili, you won't be pretty if you cry again."

Lin Ye near Yinglili held her hands in both hands, and wiped the tears from Yinglili's cheeks with her thumb.

"You keep me away! Don't touch me..."

He pushed Lin Ye vigorously, but Lin Ye's stiff body did not move at all.

"Since you chose her, don't get close to me anymore. Do you know how much determination I made to make such a decision! You bastard, do you know how many people pursued me in school? I didn't promise them , Do you know how sad I thought you were when you died? Do you know how happy I was when I met you again. You don’t know, you don’t know, you don’t know at all..."

In a state of excitement, Ying Lili pointed her finger under the snow, her blue eyes, tears still overflowing.

"Why did you choose her! What is good about her. Obviously I was willing to sacrifice, but you rejected me again. You... leave me again and don't want me again..."


"I will not jump off the building, nor will I commit suicide. I want to go home now. I don't want to stay here anymore."

It took less than an hour to return. The Spencer and his wife can definitely think of what happened. Of course, this is not the key point.

"Listen to me, is it all right?"

"Then... After speaking, what else do you want to say? If you want to say that I will come to have a wedding wine on the wedding day, I tell you, I will never come."

Just squeezing out a vicious expression, Ying Riri's bloodshot eyes stared at Yukino.

Yes, she was the loser, but the winner was expressionless, as if all this was taken for granted.The cold expression and cold eyes seemed to be mocking.

Author's message:

PS: After all, I gave up joining the army. This book will not be broken anymore. It is gratifying.At that time, I was thinking that if I joined the army, it would really stop changing from next month. When it was released and the time code was uploaded, I didn't know how many readers would still be there.Now, there is no need to worry about this problem, although not joining the army may be a lifetime regret.

Chapter 309 I'll Let You Promise

Glancing at the Xue Na behind him, seeing that she had no response but just standing still, Lin Ye continued to say to Ying Lili, "Do you...know me?"

"Of course..."

Although the three-year period is not short, for Yinglili, the time they spent together did not exceed even half a month.

Her liking for him more came from the heroic meeting that rescued the beauty, and the constant remembrance afterwards aggravated this emotion.

"and so……"

"So what..." Just because I didn't get along for a long time, I wanted to veto my feelings and let myself go, Lin Ye, you are too mean.

Seeing Ying Lili's angry expression, Lin Ye showed a helpless expression.

"Let's get along for a while! I still have two years in Chief Wu Gao. After these two years, if you still have not changed your attention, I will propose to Spencer..."

" or something, this..."

Of course, what makes Ying Lili tremble the most is the word proposition.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

And thinking of Yukino Yukoshita, Ying Riri cast her gaze over.The cold expression didn't seem to change, but the cold aura released definitely made everyone present know that she was very angry.

Only at this time, Ying Lili closed her mouth tightly and said nothing.She knew that for the next thing, Lin Ye was the most appropriate to solve it.

She has already got a good answer, and she is satisfied.


"If this is your decision, I respect it, but don't bother me in the future, I..."

Lin Ye rushed over and hugged Xue Nai.

"Let go of me, let me tell you, I will never agree...uuuuu!"

Lin Ye used the simplest and rude way to stop Xue Nao.

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