Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 292

To be honest, I thought that Lin Ye came to find a part-time job, and only earned a pocket money. Although his pocket money is not much, it is enough for two people to live, but the distance of 100 million is still very large.

"Eh, yes, but this is just this, you don't need to trouble Dongma, after all, my money is used as a gift, and I will feel sorry to use your money..."

Dongma was already black.

The worried mood disappeared without a trace.This guy is actually thinking about the bride price now, who the target will be, Yukino Yukoshita, or the little blue-haired loli in front of him.

Seeing this weird atmosphere, Ureshino thought about how to adjust it.After all, coming to ask for what was just now satisfied her.One hundred million bride price was earned by herself, which made her feel a little bit happy.

"I didn't expect you to earn so much money, so I just found a few, such as cashiers. Of course, the money is very small. There are also tutors. You are good at Japanese. You can try to teach Chinese. , It’s just that this money is impossible to make you 100 million. As for other things, there are some technical content, so..."

Helplessly, Ureshino decided not to intervene in this matter.Since Lin Ye wanted to earn 100 million for himself, then the best result would be if he didn't interfere.

"Tutor, this... is indeed not good, the price is too low..." Of course, for most students, a part-time job with an hourly salary of 3,000 or even 5,000 yen is very high.

So, honestly find a way to write a good novel, and you can make a profit by selling tens of millions of copies.

Well, this is really out of reach.

I can only think of other ways.It seems that we must find a solution by ourselves.

Chapter 316

After separating Ureshino and Dongma, Lin Ye returned to his apartment, and looked at the empty apartment with a feeling of loneliness.

Knowing social animals, no matter how you can endure loneliness, you are still looking forward to the appearance of companions.Even if it is the dead house that is most able to endure a person's life, it relies on online social networking and games to satisfy one's spiritual life.

Once you get rid of these, the feeling of wanting to be around by yourself often arises in your heart.

After a simple dinner, looking at Dongma's information again, Lin Ye thought about related things.And after school, I sent to inquire about Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's home address, which was also reported on his mobile phone at this time.

Detailed address, photos, internal structure, and the location of the room where Shiyu Kasumigaoka is located.

And the parents of Shiyu Kasumigaoka in the note are not at home tonight.

This is really... Such a note really made Lin Ye suspect that they had used some methods to keep her parents from going home tonight.

They do this kind of thing.

After finishing packing things, it was almost time to check, Lin Ye set off directly.Of course, the clothes were changed to casual clothes.After all, Zong Wu Gao's school uniform is a bit inappropriate.

Two years in the early morning, if Xia Zhiqiu was still awake, it would be no different from Xiuxian.However, the light in her room didn't turn on, and of course it couldn't guarantee that Kasumigaoka fell asleep like this.


As expected, the main door downstairs was not locked at all, and Lin Ye walked straight in.

In the quiet and dark house, Lin Ye walked directly to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's room as if he had been here countless times.

He looked at the door in front of him, tried it gently, and found it was locked.

Vigilance is still there, but unfortunately...

There was a wire in the pocket, and Lin Ye took out a wire, inserted it into the lock cylinder and twisted it a few times, only to hear a'click', and the locked safety had been opened.

Lin Ye showed a triumphant smile.

If Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was awake at this time, she would definitely be afraid or even scream.However, there was no internal response.

After the door was opened, Lin Ye clearly heard steady breathing.

In other words, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu fell asleep.

Because of the moonlight, Lin Ye could clearly see the layout of the room belonging to Shiyu Xiazhiqiu.The whole room is dominated by pink, which is very girly and cute.

It's just that I always feel a little inconsistent with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.But that’s okay. Today’s focus is not on this, but to let Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu know that she has come here as promised. Well, I came to see her tonight.

After all, this time is also night.

First, I took a closer look at the surroundings.Lin Ye's pupils shrank, and the canned items made Lin Ye think of the anti-wolf spray subconsciously. After taking it in his hand and looking through it carefully, he found that it was really...


Walked to the bed of Kasumigaoka Shiba, carefully opened the side of the quilt, there were a few more electric shock sticks beside the spray...

Don’t be afraid of sleeping badly at night, and energize yourself. That’s a very, very pleasant thing.

After dealing with these dangerous things.

At this time, Lin Ye squatting next to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu began to carefully observe the sleeping position of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

With your eyes closed, you fall asleep like a sleeping beauty, like a quiet beauty.The delicate face is enough to arouse the possessive and protective desires of any man...

Taking a deep breath, letting out all the bad thoughts inside, Lin Ye thought about what to do next.

When I was playing with her, I tried to hold on and didn't sleep, but today he came and fell asleep, which is not fun.

"Hey... Classmate Xia Zhiqiu, I came as agreed!"

He raised his index finger and poked Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's face, but the sleeping Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu showed no sign of waking up.

Well, I have called you, said hello to you, it doesn't matter to me if I don't wake up, but...before I leave, I must leave evidence that I have been here.

What is better!

Lin Ye took out the phone, adjusted the light and position of the phone, and then pressed the camera button to the sleeping Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

As if not enough, Lin Ye changed the angle to shoot, and finally nodded in contentment.

This is of course Kasumigaoka Shiba in pajamas.After all, Lin Ye slightly moved the position of the quilt and the exposed parts in order not to make the photo appear dull and repetitive.


When the matter was finished, Lin Ye was about to leave, and saw the wolf spray and the electric shock stick on the table. After thinking about it, it was too much forgiveness for Shiyu Xiazhiqiu to let go.

You know these two things are just a little worse than safety pants.

It’s just that what I’m doing next is better!

She mischievously opened Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's cabinet, and then unintentionally tossed her personal clothes, making her think about it as soon as she saw it, and to what extent she could think of it, Lin Ye didn't care about it.

Lin Ye, who had left the room, closed the room slightly, and after walking out of the house, he clapped his hands, as if completing the task, the whole person relaxed.

Just the smile at the corner of his mouth showed Lin Ye's good mood now.

By the way, what's in this pocket is...

The black silky touch made Lin Ye stunned for a moment. After taking it out, Lin Ye trembled after a closer look.

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