Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 293

I remember never doing such a thing just now.Why does Xiazhiqiu Shiyu appear in his pocket when he is fat like H.

Now... go back?

Forget it, Lin Ye shook his head in denial.

As for throwing away, this...; Lin Ye didn't think it was appropriate either.

You can only take it back first, and then find a chance to pay it back.

Anyway, I wouldn't do anything with this thing.


"Ah yeah... I finally got a comfortable sleep..."

The consciousness gradually recovered, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu opened her dim sleepy eyes, but her mind was also sober.The exhaustion accumulated for several days completely disappeared at this moment.

Moving her body and getting up directly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu first saw how the wolf sprays on her table were arranged neatly on it.

She remembered that this was placed in various places in the room.

By the way, by the way, I thought of the electric shock stick, but I just lifted the quilt, but I didn't find that the electric shock stick had been lying under the pillow these days.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had a bad feeling until...


The current situation of the wardrobe makes Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's whole body bad.

My room was invaded.Well, myself...

Author's message:

PS: As long as you continue to update, it will be over one day.Well, that's it!

Chapter 317

The next day, Lin Ye was waiting for Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to come to her door, but she did not appear until the class.

This made Lin Ye a little depressed.After all, Lin Ye was still looking forward to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's reaction.

Angry, scared, and wind rage, or say...

Unfortunately, he didn't even come over.

The class bell rang, and Lin Yebai looked bored at the blackboard with a calm expression.It's just that the mind is already thinking about other things.

When I arrived at school just now, I received an email.

'Applying for a part-time job at a Chiba tutoring institution on the weekend will take your life in another direction-the shepherd.'

A brief message, Lin Ye originally intended to do spam, but this'shepherd' was a little concerned.After all, when I was with Yuyuan, it was this email that connected them together.

Now the shepherd has appeared again, and the target is still himself.

But a tutor?It is true that I want to work part-time. I just go to a tutoring institution as a trainer. This is something Ureshino mentioned yesterday.

Could it be...

Thinking that the violent loli was a shepherd or something, Lin Ye directly shook his head in denial.

Although her hacking skills are very strong, Ureshino, who knows part of her background, will not take the risk.

Then it can only be...

Recalling all kinds of people in the coffee shop yesterday, thinking about the suspicious characters in it.


Thinking one by one, eliminating one by one, but without any results.

Forget it, leave it alone.

Inadvertently, the morning class is over.

When he noticed that the classmates got up to go to lunch, Lin Ye subconsciously stopped the Fujibayashi sitting in front of him.

"Squad leader, are you dining with Fujibayashi today?"

I have always wanted to find a chance to explain, but it seems that Fujibayashi has been avoiding herself.Lin Ye could only smile helplessly.

Thinking in another way, Lin Ye thought he would do the same.

"Eh, yes, Jun Ye, do you want to be with us, but you don't seem to bring a lunch..." Tilting his little head slightly, looking at Lin Ye's empty hands, Fuji Lin Jun said with a smile.

"Uh, this...I just need to buy a piece of bread, but if you don't mind, can the squad leader tell me the address of the meal?"

Meet with Fujibayashi Apricot later, and then find a chance to talk, find a time to meet in private with two people, it is better.

It is better to solve some things earlier.

For yourself, if you want to ignore it, you can do it. After all, there are enough things experienced, but for a girl who is only sixteen years old like Fujibayashi, it is impossible to forget such things.

"That's it! In the atrium..." Actually Fujibayashi wanted to invite Lin Ye to eat his own bento. However, after looking at the bento in his hand, he felt that it was not enough for two people. Question, but if Lin Ye is not full, it will be bad.

Moreover, she didn't want her sister's relationship with Lin Ye to deteriorate because of such things.

After all, in the last few days, my sister was not telling herself to keep herself away from Lin Ye.

"Then see you later..."

Lin Ye, who walked out of the classroom door, noticed that Dong Ma Ruo took a deep look at himself.

I just hope that Xue Nao will not misunderstand him. After all, he and her will start all over again, and it will be bad if there is a conflict between them.

Although, then the biggest obstacle is already there.

After all, in modern society, what this country accepts is monogamy. Even if he is legally compliant, Xue Nao's heart is still resistant.

To get Xue Nai to accept it from the bottom of her heart, she has a long way to go.


"Sister, sorry for being late..."

"It's nothing, I thought you were entangled by that man, it's fine if you come here!"

In fact, there is not much time for being late.Within three minutes, Fujibayashi did not care.

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