Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 294

"This, this, Ye Jun said he will come over later!"

Some embarrassed Fujibayashi said awkwardly.

She was really entangled by Lin Ye just now.It just didn't do anything.


The sudden news directly stunned Fujibayashi.

Of course she knew that she had been avoiding Lin Ye these days, because she had no idea how to face him.Of course, she was also worried about how Lin Ye treated her.

The last tennis court incident let her know that Lin Ye liked Yukino Yukoshita in his class.

Although, although, he hated that man, but... such a thing really made her a little sad.

"Well, my sister is fine. Ye Jun just came here because he felt lonely after lunch. According to the information I know, Ye Jun has always been alone in the cafeteria to solve lunch. Now, he must want to. Take this opportunity to build a good relationship with my sister. Didn't my sister also say that she wants to build a good relationship with Ye Jun last time, I think this time must be an opportunity."

"Also... yes!"

To make a good relationship, the relationship between the two of them has surpassed too many people, but although Fujibayashi does not regret it, she has some regrets.

If it can be better, so much the better.

"Sir, classmate Fujibayashi, good noon!"

Lin Ye, who bought the bread and found the two, greeted with a smile.

Then I found a more suitable position and sat on it.

Of course, Fujibayashi is beside him, and Fujibayashi is on the other side.

"Oh, eh..." When the familiar voice appeared, Fujibayashi shuddered, but she noticed her strangeness and quickly showed a restorative expression.

Working hard to keep looking at Lin Ye, Fujibayashi Xing replied unnaturally, ", Lin Ye, good noon!"

"Ye Jun, good noon!"

Compared to her sister Fujibayashi Anko, Fujibayashi, who is the front table of the forest leaves, said hello more naturally.

However, in the atrium of such a midday school, Lin Ye discovered that the twin sisters really looked alike.

"Ye Jun, what are you looking at?"

After blinking his purple eyes, Fujibayashi asked with some curiosity.The appearance of Lin Ye just now was obviously because of what caused him to think.

"I... just think that if Fujibayashi-san had cut her short hair, I might treat her as the class leader."

"We are twins, isn't this a matter of course?"

Flickering the purple hair casually, Fujibayashi replied.


It's just that Lin Ye randomly finds a topic to fool around, but Fujibayashi's heart sinks.

Lin Ye really cared more about cruelty.

Obviously I have promised that I am wrong, or I want to remind myself to cut my hair like this and...

No, no, she and him have broken up, and can no longer...

However, thinking of what they know, boys at this age are very interested in girls, and after they have experience...

So, what should she do...

Chapter 318

The meal actually ended quickly.While Teng Lin Xing was not paying attention, Lin Ye stuffed a piece of paper into Fuji Lin Xing's little hand.

When he first touched Fujibayashi's little hand, Lin Ye just felt the other party tremble all over, almost screaming.

But Fujibayashi, who reacted quickly, glanced at his sister, and after seeing that she hadn't reacted, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Holding a small note in her hand, Fujibayashi was very nervous about what was written on it.But it is better to hide it at this time.

"So, let's do it at noon today!"

Some fidgeting Fujibayashi proposed to disband.

"Oh, then..."

"No, the squad leader will go back to the class first, I have something..."

Just now Lin Ye noticed Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who seemed to be looking for someone in the distance.Well, just who it is, of course Lin Ye can guess who it will be.

After all, yesterday I promised Xiazhiqiu Shiyu to find her at night, and then this happened in her room that night.

"Then Ye Jun, goodbye..."

Shaking his hand, he motioned to Lin Ye who stood up and was about to leave.

"Fujibayashi, goodbye..."

"Eh, oh, goodbye..."

Lin Ye always felt that Fujibayashi was very nervous in front of him, can understand even thinking about it.

However, carefully thinking that the situation did not attract Fujibayashi's attention, Lin Ye glanced at Fujibayashi, and she reflected her beautiful delicate appearance into his vision.

This is really unbearable...

Remind myself not to think about it anymore, Lin Ye quickly left.

But Fujibayashi was aware of Lin Ye's glance, and her inner tension became more obvious.

"Sister, are you okay! Since just now, you have been nervous..."

"No, nothing, but I didn't rest well yesterday, so..."


"Student Xia Zhiqiu, it's noon, I don't know who you want to find when hanging out on campus..."

Hurrying to follow Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, seeing that there were no people around, Lin Ye said.

"Yes..." Even after thousands of years of this man's voice, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu promised that he would not forget it.

"Who I am looking for has nothing to do with you, right? Sneak thief and pervert who like to steal girls' underwear!"

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