Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 295

Looking across his eyes, his eyes were full of disdain and provocative look at Lin Ye.

"I just went to the corresponding place in the evening as agreed. As for what happened during the period, I can't guarantee it. In fact, if I get angry, I can't guarantee what I will do in the future. After all, last night, It’s really tempting to taste the fruit that is so ripe that you don’t want to taste it."

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu bit her lips tightly, but didn't dare to ridicule.

Lin Ye's character does make him make some completely unexpected actions.

For example, I can enter my room with things last night, and I am still calm, so I will not be able to feel at ease when I sleep at night.

Thinking of this in the future, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought that it might be better if she moved.

But how to talk to your parents.

There are many problems involved.

The cost of moving is not a problem. Her manuscript fee is already enough, but the subsequent transfer of schools, I want to explain to my parents, and one of the biggest concerns is whether Lin Ye will still master her new address.

She moved, but Lin Ye still came up, so all this was in vain.

"In the future, without my permission, I will not be allowed to enter my house..."

Own invitation, so Lin Ye came last night, so if he refused him to come in, would he choose not to enter.

Although hope is slim, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu still wants to give it a try.

"Is this your order or request?"

He did not reject himself, but gave himself a choice.

The order... the request completely represents two attitudes of oneself.

How should one choose, choose the order, and the hard-line attitude is likely to arouse Lin Ye's disgust, then, request, but arrogantly subdue to this man, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is somewhat unable to do it.

"Since Xia Zhiqiu can't make a decision, then forget it! No matter which one you choose, it is the same to me."

"You won't keep your promise?"

If this is the result, I really don't need to say anything.

"What are you worried about! In your eyes, I am such a hungry man. Although Kasumigaoka is very beautiful and has no body, he is also very good. The sleeping position last night was also very fascinating, but he was right. I’m still far from it... Uh, in other words, no accident, I won’t go to your house. After all, it’s good to have done this once. In the early morning, I was very happy. After all, Back then, classmate Kasumigaoka..."

Thinking of something, Lin Ye quickly took out his phone and showed the photo in front of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"These photos are not bad! I think they can be collected for a lifetime."

" delete these photos for me..."

I have been photographed while sleeping, and there are large areas of bare skin. Such photos will never be spread.

"This is not good, this is what I gained yesterday."

I have been busy for more than half an hour, and there is always something to compensate myself.

"You..." glaring at Lin Ye, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't stop shaking."What do you want, if it is money, quote a number, as long as it is reasonable, I will try to satisfy you."

"Money? I am quite short of money now, but with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's money, I always feel..."

"How much, just say it!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu showed such an expression as expected.Some looked at Lin Ye with contempt.However, fortunately, as long as it is money, it is fine.

If the other person is concerned about his own body, it is in trouble.

After all, the police cannot solve the other party's spread of photos.

"This one……"

Lin Ye was a little embarrassed.I plan to earn it by myself, but I suddenly thought that this kind of threatening method to make money seems good, but the key is to save time and effort.

"Be straightforward, a big man chirps."

The twisting look made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu a headache.It was totally unexpected that the other party would be his own netizen.Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suspected that the other party was a fake.

"One hundred million!" Lin Ye raised a finger.

"You...give me a while, I think of a way, but you have to make sure to delete all the photos and never disturb my life again."

Her deposit is 80 million yen, which is the cost of writing several popular light novels.Although the sadness disappeared all of a sudden, it was nothing to solve this problem.

I can earn it back anyway.

"It's US dollars, Kasumigaoka classmate..."

"You can die for me. You didn't sell me for 100 million dollars. Are you playing with me?"

More than 10 billion yen is really not enough to sell her.

Chapter 319 I'll Go To The Squad Leader

"Sell you, it seems there will be 100 million dollars?"

"Huh?" The answer made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu a moment's attention, and she couldn't understand Lin Ye's intention.

"If I want to marry classmate Xia Zhiqiu home, it is totally fine for me to pay 100 million dollars. After all, money is enough."

"Do you have 100 million dollars? Lin Ye classmate."

Everyone would say it, but Lin Ye owns 100 million, or he can earn 100 million US dollars in the future.

You must know that even in this world, there are not many people with 100 million US dollars.

"for this I……"

Of course I have, but if I say it, I feel that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu will be severely taught, after all, I asked him to support myself just now.

"Am I going to earn it?"

"That's it! When Lin Ye earns 100 million U.S. dollars, and gives me a peerless treasure at my graduation ceremony, I can give you a chance to marry me!"

Anyway, this is impossible, dare to say this to myself, which means that Ming Linye still has some expectations for himself.After all, who would be bored with such an assumption.

"Eh, wait, I don't..."

The cold eyes made Lin Ye swallow what he wanted to say, "I remember it, I look forward to that day. Then I will..."

No matter what, this man can't ignore his charm as a woman.

"Photo, delete..."

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