Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 302


"I'm sorry about what happened just now. I made the wrong object, but Mr. Lin Ye, our organization needs talents like you very much. As long as Mr. Lin Ye is willing to come to our organization for a part-time job, the hourly salary is 3,000, and the hourly salary is 5,000 yen. . Moreover, you only need to come over on weekends. One day is two classes, one and a half hours. Of course, if Mr. Lin Ye feels that he needs to increase his teaching time, there is no problem at all..."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Tanaka, I am very happy for your approval, but even if it is to be done, I cannot keep on doing it."

"No, as long least finish teaching this class of students, their deadline is before the summer vacation, until the end of June, if afterwards, I have other ideas, I will never force it. After all, your performance just now It’s already difficult for students to accept other teachers."

"I know, then I accept it. I will teach until the end of June, but before that, there is one thing that needs to be explained... I am still a sophomore in high school..."

"Kang Dang"

Tanaka was shocked, but he didn't say anything, and directly paid Lin Ye for the class today.

Lin Ye looked at the ten thousand yuan bill in his hand, wondering whether to cry or laugh.

Just walked out of the office, but found a girl with her back against the wall as if waiting for someone.

It's her own student, but she doesn't seem to know her, it shouldn't be waiting for her.

Lin Ye turned and walked outside.

"Teacher Lin Ye, wait for me, I want to ask you something!"

This will not be the opportunity to change your destiny!

This idea suddenly came to mind.

Lin Ye nodded and agreed.No matter what, you still have to look at it first.

Chapter 325

"Teacher Lin Ye, are you a student of General Wu Gao?"

With a tone of confirmation but not sure, the chestnut braided girl asked Lin Ye.

At this time, the two of them had already arrived at a nearby dessert shop. After all, it was completely inappropriate to communicate on the road.

"I heard it just now," Lin Ye didn't care, and continued, "Sophomore, if you are worried that your tuition fees will be wasted, I suggest..."

"No, it's not this question. I still believe in Teacher Lin Ye's ability. After all, I understand all those difficult knowledge points now. So, this is not the question I want to ask this time?"

The girl shook her hand, denying the family education.

Although she knew that the other party was a descendant of her own, she would not despise it because of it.The knowledge and talents of the other party are worthy of respect.

"But before that, don't you introduce yourself, and it feels weird to call me a teacher, it's better to call me an instructor! Although, this name is not very appropriate."

After all, it is not military training, and instructors are indeed inappropriate.But compared with the two, the latter gives Lin Ye a greater sense of intimacy.

"Instructor?" The girl was taken aback, but after thinking about it, she understood. This should be a personal interest. "Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, Ogizeng Xuecai, Class A of the third year of the General Military Academy."

"It's really a high-ranking general. If you are one level higher than me, you can understand it. After all, those who participate in the cram school are graduates who are preparing to enter the university. Then I should call you Senior Sister Ogizou."

Lin Ye smiled and joked.

Anyway, this is also true, Lin Ye didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage.Moreover, the girl in front of her is a rare beautiful girl.

Ignoring her big black glasses, rustic twists and braids, looking closely at her red lips, face shape, and white skin, the combination all means that the girl in front of me belongs to the kind of beautiful girl sought after by men.

Maybe like yourself, use dress to hide your true self.

However, it takes a lot of determination to make girls do this.We must know that this world is a world of faces, and beautiful girls are always sought after in school.The feeling of attention is deeply fascinating.

And the one in front of me can actually hold back this is really...

No, searching her memory bank, Lin Ye suddenly remembered the day when she broke up with Xueno, and the appearance of the girl she met when she went downstairs was very consistent with the one in front of her.

"Student Ogizeng, you shouldn't wear these black-framed glasses and braids in school, or I remembered it wrong.

"Eh..." I thought that Lin Ye had recognized herself, but looking at the other's expression, Ogizeng Xuecai shook her head. The other party had no reaction at all when he heard his name just now, which means that the other party was totally unresponsive to him. Even if I don't understand, she is also a beautiful girl who is famous for Sou Wu Gao.

Thinking of this, Ogizeng Yukina was also a little unhappy, but then thought that she shouldn't have such thoughts, she shook her head quickly and threw it out.

"It's like that, you don't usually wear glasses in school."

"I always wear these glasses at school." Lin Ye replied, pointing to the dark gold glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Yes... not right..."

After all, she was a high-achieving student, and Xiao Mu Zeng Xuecai also reacted. She couldn't believe it and asked Lin Ye, "Ms. Lin Ye, aren't you nearsighted?"

"Well, it's better to say that it is very good. My eyesight is much better than that of pilots. There is no problem in flying fighters."

Not only fighters, they used to drive up to Gundam, but now, I don’t have this equipment to drive myself.

"However, don't call me a teacher..." Hearing this name, Lin Ye always felt panic here.

"That's the instructor? But I don't think I can scream out."

"Simply Lin Ye is fine. It's from a school anyway, and, strictly speaking, I'm still your junior, so no honorifics are needed."

"Senior brother... That's right, so can I agree to my first request as your senior sister?"

Whether to ask Lin Ye to throw away a precious ring, Ogizeng Xuecai was also hesitant.

However, before again, it is still possible to confirm.

"No problem, moreover, this should be the main purpose of Ogiso-student, let's talk! I promised as much as possible."

The spoon slid the coffee in the cup, and Lin Ye ordered a cup of coffee after a long absence.Smelling the mellow smell, a feeling of nostalgia was used in my heart.

I remember once, who came and liked making coffee for myself the most.

"Thank you, and call me Senior Sister, otherwise I will be very upset."

Quickly took out the notebook and writing pen from the bag, and Ogiso Xueca pushed it in front of Lin Ye.


Lin Ye was taken aback for a moment and never thought that the other party would ask for his own signature.If it is a true identity, then there is no surprise, but now I am a student, and I don’t have any specialties. It is just a part-time teacher for the other party. It is really necessary.

"Ok, no problem……"

He wrote his name quickly, and when Lin Ye was about to send it back to the opponent's hand, he noticed the faint smile on his face.

"Isn't it this?"

"It's signing my name. Ye Jun is not a celebrity, and I don't need your signature."

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