Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 303

"Ordinary people, I still don’t give it, and it’s okay for people who want my signature to line up to a country across the sea. If it’s not for Ogizo’s sake, I wouldn’t sign it, since there is no need for it. , Then I will..."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Ye was about to tear it off, but a pair of slender and boneless hands blocked Lin Ye's further movement.

"Don't be angry, Jun Ye, it's my fault. I will treasure it for the rest of my life, so you can forgive me! And, if it is really what you said, then I will treat him as a dowry in the future. This should not Will be bullied."

Said to Lin Ye jokingly, Ogizeng Xuecai was very happy.

"Although I don't know why you wrote your name, but here you are..."

In less than half a second, Lin Ye wrote it down, closed the notebook, and handed it to him.

On the other hand, after careful observation and comparison, Ogiso Yukina found that the handwriting was almost the same.

In other words, the other party is really the owner who lost the ring.

Moreover, she also remembered that she had met him when she entered the entrance of the community building.It's just that Lin Ye's plain appearance made her subconsciously judge that the other party is not the owner of the ring.

But now, although the owner has been found, how should she speak.this is a problem.

Chapter 326 I'm Sorry

"So, since I have met the requirements of Ogizou, can I meet one of my requirements? I remember that, although I saw it in the club building before, this time, um, I think I will meet Ogizou again True content is more appropriate. To some extent, we should not be considered strangers."

Pointing to where the two of them are now, Lin Ye said with a smile.

"True capacity? No problem, but, Ye Jun, should you take off your glasses? Now I realized that your present appearance is completely indifferent to my heart, like an ordinary person, if In the middle of the crowd, I don't think I can recognize you."

I didn't notice it at all in class, but now after careful observation, Ogizeng Xuecai discovered this fact.The other pair of glasses also blocked his face.

Perceiving this fact, Ogiso Yukina discovered that she was very interested in what she looked under the glasses.

Whether it's handsome or ugly.

Just let her see it.

Of course, the expectation from the bottom of my heart is to tell Ogizeng Yukina that she would be better if she grew up to match her aesthetics.

Occasionally, she also looks forward to having a friend.

In school, she has always maintained the temperament of the flower of Gaoling, causing everyone to subconsciously keep their distance from her.

"I think if I refuse, Ogizou-classmate will also choose to refuse. Although I think it is nothing, I can accept such a result, but since I have already raised it, I don't want to go back empty-handed today."

Putting his hands on the frame, Lin Ye took it off directly, and then smiled at Ogizeng Xuecai.

"The relationship between a pair of glasses is really different."

Even Ogizo Yukina couldn't believe that the boy who was full of ordinary passersby now felt so dazzling to her.

Not a grade at all, good or not.

Talent, body shape, and good looks. In school, he will become a man in the world, but the other party is...

"Student Ogiso, it's your turn!"

Hearing Lin Ye's reminder, Ogizeng Xuecai reacted.But the Lin Ye that caught the eye at this time was restored to its previous appearance.

Ordinary thrown into the crowd, completely unable to turn over any waves.

"I, I am picking..."

In order to alleviate her shyness, the blushing Yukizou hurriedly took off her glasses, and at the same time tidyed up her long hair, trying to show her graceful side.

Although the white face, delicate face, and chestnut braid ruined this sweet temperament, even so, it couldn't hide the beauty of Ogiso Yukina.

Especially the reddish face, with moist eyes, it is more feminine.

Many men should be such gentle and sweet girls.

"Thank you, Ogizeng, you can choose to wear it. However, it is really shocking. I believe that Ogizeng should have a lot of pursuits in school. Even if there is no suitor, love letters should be piled up. ."

"It's only, I don't have it, and I'm shocked if I say shocked. Although there are a lot of students in the General Military Academy, there are very few outstanding students like Ye Jun."

As soon as the words were spoken, Yukiso Ogiso, who wanted to explain something, was completely wrong.In the end, I had to lower my head and hold the spoon and stir the coffee vigorously.

"Why do I always feel that there is a rhythm of blind dates!"

Although he did not have this experience, Lin Ye can also imagine it through various media books.

But after Lin Ye spoke his thoughts directly, Ogizeng Xuecai's face became even more rosy, and the faintness of the ears was clearly visible.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, a beautiful girl like Xiang Xiaozeng doesn’t need a blind date at all. You must know that people who need a blind date to find a match are often people with poor overall quality, or have a personality. Defects."

The girls on the opposite side were all going for a blind date, and Lin Ye only blamed the boy in Chief Wu Gao for not seeing.However, Lin Ye believes that the number of people who have a secret crush on Xiaogizeng Xuecai is very high, but most of them are guilty and courageous. As for those who dare to confess, they are basically rejected mercilessly.

Or the word'relentless' is a bit too much.However, as long as it is rejected, no matter what the process is, it is only ruthless to the boy who confessed.

"It's almost noon. If you don't mind, have lunch together? Of course, if you have other things, you can leave first."

It was exactly eleven o'clock when I came here before. Lin Ye only suggested that this dessert shop have some desserts, but now it is past twelve o'clock, Lin Ye already feels that he wants to eat something.

Anyhow, I made some money, and I always have to add meals to myself.

At this time, Lin Ye wanted to eat Chinese cuisine very much.

Having been eating the canteen meal, Lin Ye already felt strangely pale.The food must be improved.A person, really does not want to do it.

Because that is too much trouble.

Cooking and eating by yourself is completely lonely.

In this case, it is better to go to the cafeteria to eat, somehow you can see some people around.

"Let's have lunch together? Although I have nothing to do this afternoon, I still..."

"Since it's okay, let's go together! It just happened to make money today, and part of it is the tuition fee paid by you, Ogizo."

If you don't want to go alone at this time, you can only contact your acquaintances. Lin Ye thought about it, except for Ying Lili and Ureshino, no one could make an appointment at all.

"This..." Ogizeng Xuecai showed an embarrassed expression.Although she knew that the other party didn't have any special ideas, she just had lunch with boys alone, she always felt inappropriate.

And now they are in the dessert shop together, just because they want to get the information they want.

And Lin Ye who got up saw the expression of Xiaogizeng Xuecai, a little bitter.

Your normal behavior will always arouse girls' vigilance.

Obviously, I just want to find someone to eat with me.

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