Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 305

"That is to say, it has been before, then, has it ever been proposed?"

This is the main purpose of Ogiso Yukina.

"Yes, I just failed without saying it. The rings I prepared were just lost. Maybe someone like me is not suitable for marriage proposal!"

After all, the two marriage proposals that had plucked up the courage all ended without a problem.Before I went, I was confident slowly, but what I was greeted in the end was a failure.

"That's it!"

Now Yukina Ogizou is 100% sure that the man in front of her is the owner of that ring.It's just how you said that the ring you proposed is with me and you can take it back.

Can't say it at all.

Ogizou Yukina didn't think it would matter if it was done, but she couldn't say it anymore.

And just as Lin Ye was about to ask Ogizeng Yukina's reason for asking, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Chapter 328

"Senior Lin Ye, hello..."

There is no emotional fluctuation at all. There is only one young girl among the people Lin Ye knows. Moreover, the other person can approach such a close distance without noticing him, and only the person who was once suspected of being The spy girl... Kato Megumi.

It's just that you can meet it in a Chinese restaurant. Is this fate?

"Hello, Kato-san, did you come here with your family?"

Lin Ye saw a couple not far away looking at his side with kind eyes.

The look in the eyes and the slight smile were all proof of Lin Ye's conjecture.

"Yes, senpai, the family will come out to eat together, but are you dating here with the school sister Ogizo?"

What happened on the rooftop at that time, even now Megumi Kato is still vivid.She clearly remembered that Ying Lili liked this boy very much.

Moreover, even if the boy didn't like Yingli Li, Xue Xia Xue was not the one Lin Ye expressed his preference for.

But now, they are dining here with school celebrity Yukiso Ogizou, and looking at the current harmonious atmosphere between the two, even Megumi Kato can't help thinking.

Lin Ye, it's not going to be two boats, no, more than two.


The corner of Lin Ye's mouth twitched, a little helpless, just about to explain, only to hear the opposite Xiao Mu Zeng Xuecai say nervously, "It's not a date, but Ye Jun invited me to dinner."

Isn't this just dating!

The two thought in their hearts.

The expressionless Kato Megumi expressed such a meaning, making Ogiso Yukina even more excited.


"Ahem, it's just eating. If Kato-san doesn't mind, you can have dinner with us."

Although Lin Ye knew it was impossible.

"Senior, it's really cunning. I know I'm going to dine with my parents. In this way, I won't disturb the two of you. However, Senior Lin Ye, I have seen Senior Sister Xuexia on the road."

After speaking, Kato Kee nodded and left.

Lin Ye paid attention to the last sentence.

Yukino is nearby, if you meet him, will it...

No, no, I just ask the girl to have a meal.No idea.

Although he has been labeled as a scum, Lin Ye sometimes minimizes misunderstandings in this regard.

"Sister Xuexia, won't it be Xuexia Xueno in the second year international class! Ye Jun really knows a lot of people!"

If Yukiso Ogizou hadn't heard anything outside the window, and Ms. Taketaka, the MISS chief in her second grade, had heard that Yukoshita had a good chance of winning.

It's just a pity that the other party did not choose to participate.And let oneself dominate twice in a row, although he has no ideas in this regard.

"A class, a club, it is impossible not to know each other."

"Society?" Not surprised that Lin Ye joined the society, but marveled that the indifferent girl would actually join the society.

Is it because of the boy in front of you?

It is entirely possible.

The overall quality of the man in front of him is terribly high.

"A society called the'Ministry of Service' whose purpose is to serve the people..."

"..." Yukina Ogiso smiled still.

"It's kidding, but it's a fact that it is called the'Ministry of Service'. If Ogizo-san has something that can't be solved by himself, he can ask the Ministry of Service for help. As the minister, Yukinoshita still likes it to some extent. Helping people, although they have always looked cold, but they are still very gentle deep down..."

"Eh, isn't it gentle?"

Seeing the black long-haired girl appearing at the door, Ogizeng Xuecai flashed a hint of surprise, and then mustered up the courage to wave to the girl at the door, motioning her to come over.

Ogizeng Yukina believes that even if she does not know herself and is very confused about her behavior, she will come over.Because Lin Ye said, she is very gentle.

But Lin Ye, who lowered his head and was eating, did not notice the unusual behavior of the girl opposite.Instead, remembering what happened with Xue Nao, he nodded in a very positive tone and said.

"Yes, Yukino is very gentle. But she is very stubborn. She carries out her beliefs. Even if she hits a wall, she still wants to move on. That's why I am not at ease. If there is..."

The abnormal atmosphere suddenly made Lin Ye notice that something was wrong. He raised his head to look at the smile on Xuecai Ogizeng's face, and turned his head to look behind him, but the central figure in the conversation was behind him.

"Snow, Xue Na..."

Anyway, in front of Ogizeng, she was called Xue Na, and Lin Ye didn't want to be a surname anymore.

"Student Lin Ye, dating a girl here is really happy."

He deliberately made a cold look, just concealing his inner joy.

Lin Ye's words from the heart just now hit Xue Nao's key.The shy expression flashed by, just looking at the deep meaning in the eyes of the opposite Xiaogizeng Xuecai, and knowing that his reaction was seen just now.

"I only came out part-time. As for inviting classmate Xiaogizou, it was purely accidental."

Part-time job, what part-time job does, Xue Na only thinks of the 100 million dollar thing.

Xue Na didn't think about whether he could make more money part-time, but thought that Lin Ye really started to act.

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