Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 306

"Student Xuexia, meet for the first time, Yukizou, Class A of the third year."

"Hello, Yukino of Class J of the second year under Xuexia."

Obviously the names of both people have "snow", but there are so many people with poor personalities.

"I take the liberty to ask, are Xuexia and Ye Jun dating?"

"No..." Xue Nai replied indifferently, and they are indeed not dating.

Lin Ye was a little dissatisfied, and then added, "I just broke up some time ago..."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Ye only felt that Xue Nai's cold eyes glared.However, this is a fact, Xue Nai couldn't explain anything, so she was silent.

"Eh eh eh you, broke up?"

Either there was no relationship or they were dating, Ogizou Yukina had never thought that the two were dating, and then broke up again.

The reason for this breakup is really curious.

After all, whether it was Lin Ye or Xuexia, she felt very good, so that the two would break up, which was really unexpected.

"Well, this isn't Yukoshita's reputation as Chiba, I..."

"Lin Ye..."

As if the cold wind blowing from above the iceberg suddenly stopped the forest leaves.

"I just think that if you want to be worthy of Yukino, at least it is enough to build an empire. Therefore, before that, keeping a distance is the best choice."

There is no girl who doesn't like to listen to good things, even if she is Yukino under Yukino.

And Ogizou Yukina's eyes were already glowing, as if she had encountered something special.

The romantic dramas that appeared on TV were actually encountered in reality, and it was really curious to be right next to me.

Chapter 329

"Good morning, sir!"

"Good morning, Ye Jun, but..." Pointing to the Lin Ye sitting behind him, Teng Lin Shi said in a bit embarrassed manner, "Your current position is not here."

"Eh, oh, sorry, I didn't sleep well last night, I am confused, I will leave immediately."

Saturday was really terrible, Lin Ye still dare not think about it.

Lin Ye didn't know why Xue Nao appeared in the restaurant.

Isn't it Kato?But Kato and Yukino have an intersection?Lin Ye doubted that the girl who had almost no emotional fluctuations would behave like this.

Moreover, I remembered the first time I saw Megumi Kato, at that time my plan should be to show her her own expression, but unfortunately, I failed at that time.

Now I heard that the heroine of the game An Yilun is also making is Megumi Kato.

I don't know what kind of game it will be.

Little butter?

Probably not!

I remember that An Yilun also invited herself to be the leading actor at that time, Little Butter’s leading actor, this is too...

Forget it, don't think about it, after all, isn't it not promised!

However, although Yukino was as cold as ever and had a very bad attitude towards him, Lin Ye saw the other party's possessiveness towards him, and it seemed that after he announced the'Harem Declaration', everything started. changed.


The rare one came earlier today, and Xue Nai did not appear behind the classroom.As for Dongma, generally speaking, he will only appear in the classroom in the last ten minutes, and more often he will enter the classroom in the last ten seconds.

Used to it, really used to it.Stepping into the point is already a habit of myself.

After all, time cannot be wasted.

Of course, Lin Ye didn't think of what he could do in his apartment.

After Hiratsuka Jing’s Chinese language class was over, Lin Ye was told to go to her office after school in front of the classmates.

What's wrong again? Lin Ye was very puzzled.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it is two people, Hepingzhongjing, then he definitely has an advantage.

"First of all, congratulations on being the number one in the year as agreed, and fulfilling the contract. I am very satisfied."

Although there was some expectation about this at the time, in fact, he still had the attitude of letting Lin Ye give it a try. As a result, Lin Ye actually got the first place.Except that the history is a little bit worse, the others are almost full marks.

Those ancient texts were very difficult for students who were obviously from island nations to understand, but Lin Ye actually made them all.

"Then teacher, are there any rewards?"

"Reward? Just have a meal of Tungu Ramen!"

"Did the two of us that night..."

"Don't let me have the idea to kill you, Lin Ye."

Hiratsuka was a little annoyed at the beginning of the vagueness of Lin Ye, but he didn't want to be entangled in such a thing. After all, when this guy became a rogue, he had no way to deal with it.

"Okay, teacher, what I said is true. After all, teachers are all very feminine. Although, I can smoke and drink, I don’t like it very much. Otherwise, I am all you Very satisfied."

"I can smoke and drink, I'm sorry. It's not that you damn men have no eyesight, let me use alcohol to relieve my sorrows, and become like this. I also know that this hobby is not good, but I can't get rid of it. It's like you men want to quit sex, is it possible?"

It was like a counterattack and a provocation. At the end of the talk, Hiratsuka raised a brow and looked at Lin Ye with a smile. She wanted to know how Lin Ye would answer this question.

"This, it doesn't exist!"


This kind of inexplicable answer Shizuka Hiratsuka is completely incomprehensible.

"There is a need, I will go back to find a girl to solve it, of course, if Teacher Jing is willing to help, I..."

Looking at Hiratsuka Jing, who was staring at her with a cold expression, Lin Ye closed her mouth with interest.


Outside the office, a different voice came.

Nothing will happen to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, right?

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