Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 309

The smile on Yi Huoyu's face is still bright, but a bitter smile is hidden underneath.

"The senior wants to do something to me, so that it won't make me complete, it won't be..."

He covered his mouth with both hands, his eyes widened slightly, and the color feather was full of shock.

"You really are an actor!"

I really have to take it. This expression and action are really suitable for being an actor.His own expressions are like emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy, but this one expresses all these emotions vividly and vividly.

"Actors or something, senior, this is too much."

Pouting her mouth, Yi Caiyu was very dissatisfied.

But inwardly, he couldn't stop surprised.Lin Ye was the first to say this in front of her.

Going to high school, wearing a disguise mask, although it has become more popular with boys, it is also partially excluded.This is the case with girls’ circles.

"Well, I just hope you don't talk nonsense. After all, Teacher Jing is the teacher of General Wu Gao, and there are bad rumors that affect her."


Yihuhuiyu still doesn't want a positive answer.

"If Isshiki doesn't give a clear answer, then, um, I promise that this school may spread something about Yishiyu."

"Mine?" A white finger pointed at himself, Yi Shiyu was surprised, "Senior, it is rumored that it is not that easy to do, but someone will believe it if you just slander it."

If it is really that simple, then, according to their own understanding, those girls should have already announced their bad news.

But it turned out to be no.

Rumors that are unfounded will not be believed.

"That's it!"

Lin Ye took out his cell phone and sent an email. Then, in less than fifteen seconds, the cell phone vibrated, making Yi Huayu obviously feel that he had responded.

"Classmate Isshi lives at xxxx, weight xxxx, measurements are xxxx, and..."

In short, Lin Ye was talking about a series of basic information about Yi Hueiyu, which directly embarrassed Yi Hueiyu's smile.His complexion became more and more ugly.

"You should understand what this means. Before just now, I didn't know you when I was alive. But now, in less than fifteen seconds, I have all your basic information in my hands. There are many. If you don’t believe me, I’ll send it to you. Give me the mailbox number?"

"Senior... It's too much......" Yi Hueiyu's voice trembled, "It's too cunning to use this method to get the girl's contact information. But..."

Yi Hueiyu took out his cell phone and reported his mailbox number.Then I received an email.

Inside is your own information.

The things recorded above are definitely not something that a stalker can do, that is, the boys in front of them have extraordinary powers, and only in this way can they achieve this point.

This is really bad news.

If the other party does what he wants to do, the police or something, it may be of no use at all.

"So, be obedient, or I will be unhappy, and I will do everything if I am unhappy."

At this point, Lin Ye looked at the other's expression and knew that his goal had been achieved.

So I took a step and walked outside.

The matter is over, and then, we should go back.

No, it seems that we have to go to Dongma.

Suddenly Lin Ye wanted to skip work, but thought that since he had already bought a guitar, he couldn't waste it.

Walking towards the second music classroom, but in the corridor, I heard the sound of the guitar.Lin Ye was a little surprised, but she hadn't heard it before, she still said...

Lin Ye knew that the sound of the guitar came from the second music classroom, so this meant that Dongma was playing in it.Moreover, this technique is much better than himself.

Sure enough, the last time I said I could not play, I was completely deceiving myself, which is really sad.

As for the presence of others in this classroom, Lin Ye didn't believe it at all.

That arrogant winter horse will let others in, which is completely impossible.

It’s just that I put my hand on the door lock, twisted it, and locked it...

Lin Ye was shocked, except for the first one, this kind of thing had never happened at all.

The people inside seemed to have heard the sound of someone outside, and stopped playing the guitar.

"Boom boom boom..."

It knocked three times, but there was no response.

"Ahem, Dongma, it's me, please open the door if possible."

Still no response.

It was three more times, and then there was no response.

This feeling seems to have just tried.

Lin Ye was a little embarrassed.

But when the third knock on the door ended, there was still no response, Lin Ye sighed.

Turned and left.

I always feel tired today.

When Lin Ye's figure appeared on the road of the building, a Qianli figure behind the curtains of the second music classroom gritted her teeth, a little angry.

Chapter 332

Workplace apprenticeship, this is something Lin Ye missed.

At the time of the military academy, as a senior graduate, he also had a workplace apprenticeship, but at that time his workplace was in the military.

Remember where did you go?

Lin Ye thought for a while and remembered that at that time, he went to the reconnaissance company of a certain division, and spent a whole semester there.

However, this time, I have to choose by myself instead of waiting for the allocation, which is a bit annoying!

Where to go is not a problem, but who to go in a team is a big problem.

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