Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 310

After all, there are three people in groups, and the number of students in the international class is now 40. In other words, no matter how many calculations, some people will be excluded.

Lin Ye decided to occupy this position by himself.

If you don't do this kind of thing yourself, who will do it!

But when Lin Ye made up his mind, he unexpectedly discovered that his left and right tables had just put his eyes on him.

Could it be?

Anyway, it's next week, and there is still time to consider.

Whether it's Xuena or Dongma, there are no acquaintances in the class, and there may be no one else except myself.

Of course, if you open an invitation, the Fujibayashi at the mixing station should not refuse.

Lin Ye deeply doubted that the gentle soft girl would reject people.

However, when it was time for the break, the class started a discussion about workplace apprenticeship.

At this age, I am more or less interested in these.

apart from……

"Student Xuexia, I don't know what you plan to do as a job apprentice, for example, where do you go?"

I always feel that terrible things will happen without asking questions.

"I have no plans, Lin Ye."

The cold voice reduced the heat rising in the forest leaves a lot.

This is really embarrassing.

Then Lin Ye turned and looked to the other side, but Dong Ma, who was sitting in a normal posture just now, was already lying on the table.

Depression swept through the leaves for a moment.

This is definitely intentional, Lin Ye guarantees 100%.


In the Ministry of Service, Yukino watched the few people in front of him discussing the job apprenticeship, and didn't know how he felt.

She knew very well that she couldn't find anyone to form the team, except for the man.But if you take the initiative to invite, you can't do it.Before Lin Ye spoke to herself, Xue Nai could guess what Lin Ye thought at the time.

She could clearly see that when Lin Ye spoke to herself, Dongma, who was a distance away, went to sleep.

That reaction was definitely waiting for Lin Ye to speak.

Just because I chose myself first, so...

Thinking of this, Xue Nao also had strange emotions, but thinking of Lin Ye's harem declaration, Xue Nao's whole person became bad.

Lin Ye wanted to hug left and right, she couldn't control it, but if one of them was herself, then she would definitely not agree.

Her future husband may be incompetent, but he must not bother.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, where are you going for a job apprenticeship?"

Yubihama who asked the question, sitting beside Yukino at this moment, Yubihama's arm holding Yukino shook vigorously, the dumpling on his head shook, and his eyes were full of expectation.

Because it was not a class, it was impossible to form a group, but Yubihama wanted to know where Yukino was going.

"This... I don't know at the moment."

The members are undecided, how can they know the destination?

But with less thinking, she also knows where she might be going.

Either a family business, or a company like Wenku, or going to school is also possible.Teach children or something.

"Eh, that's it!"

Yubihama showed a regretful expression.

She knew that Xue Nao did not deceive her.

"So, Xiaomei and Xiaozao, where are you two going?"

In the second grade, Sakuraba Tamamo and Bai Qi Omi are left.Of course, there is also the boy Hachigaya Hachiman, while Mien Chiri Suzuki Kana is in the first grade. At this time, there is no activity arranged by the school.

"Bai Qi's suggestion is to go to the municipal library as an administrator, and we are going to contact relevant personnel in the future."

Ying Ting smiled and answered directly.

Anyway, this is not something that cannot be opened up.

"Librarian! I remember our school library is quite large."

There are tens of thousands of students in the total number of Wu Gao students, and the library is built in accordance with the university-level standards. Therefore, the headquarters high library has a large collection of books and a large scale. Many foreigners also come here to borrow books and learn.

The Ministry of Service is still so leisurely and relaxed on days without commission.

Looking at the frolicking people in front of him, Xue Nao didn't show any disgusting emotions, but a knowing smile in his heart.She enjoys the atmosphere of the current ministry.

She had always been alone, being able to be in such an environment, she felt it was enough.

It's just that there is a member who is shrouded in everyone's hearts.

After all, there is one less person in the current ministry, and it is incomplete after all.

After closing her book, Xue Nai sighed.

Without him, there would not be so many things.


"That's it, if you have any questions, please email me!"

According to the agreement, to go to a part-time tutor on Saturday, since Lin Ye agreed, it is no accident that he will perform it well.There is not much money, but at least it is paid.

It's just that the distance from the figure of one billion US dollars is too much.

Even if it is a tutoring company, it is difficult to earn one billion yen.

One billion dollars is only Lin Ye's goal.If there is a chance, he will do it, but if he puts his whole heart into it, Lin Ye thinks about it and forgets it.

In the two years of high school, it is better to do some things you want to do, even if you sleep in bed every day.

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