Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 326

"Senior...Do you really like me?"

"Of course, I like Qianli, time is a lifetime, I want to take care of you, love you, so..."

Leaning down, it was heavily printed on Qianli's moist and soft cherry lips.

"Woo, woo..."

Qianli whimpered a little bit reluctantly, and she began to cater from jerky to skilled.

Obviously, I only kissed myself twice, and the water knot was only three times. Why is the senior so proficient? Why is the technique so good? The desire in her heart can't stop being produced, wanting more, thinking Let this flame out.

"Senior, you..." Qianli who had a chance to breathe wanted to ask, but she didn't think it was appropriate.Things have already happened, and knowing it only adds to grief.

"Qianli, what do you want to ask?"

How could Lin Ye fail to notice the puzzled expression? If it is not resolved at this time, it will only become more troublesome in the future.

"No, nothing..."

Qian Li directly denied with her head down slightly.

"Really, let's take a break! There will be class tomorrow!"

Now I regret why I jumped from the fourth floor. Although the pain in my waist is not big, it will have an impact after all.After all, when doing that, who knows how hard it will be.

In the event of a flash in the middle, it would be embarrassing.

After all, whether this kind of thing is oneself or Qianli, it is always bad to stop halfway.

Moreover, it is the first time that Qianli must give her a satisfying experience.

Holding Qianli's delicate body in a position that is more suitable for sleeping with eyes closed, Lin Ye stretched out his hand to turn off the lamp.

"Senior, wait..."

Subconsciously grabbing Lin Ye's hand to turn off the light, Qianli's voice trembled.

"No, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Qian Li couldn't feel relieved by the hardness that had been on her hips.

"It'll be fine in a while...good night..."

"I, I'll help you. If the senior's waist is injured, just leave it to me. After all, I know that being serious is not good for boys, so..."



When Lin Ye opened his eyes again, it was already the next morning.

Even after a lot of physical exertion last night, the biological clock formed made him wake up at 6.30.

Lin Ye knew who it was with this soft body beside him. Looking at Qian Li, who closed her eyes like a sleeping beauty at the same time, the satisfaction in Lin Ye's heart was born.

The blending of mind and body really feels different.The last time I was with Fujibayashi was a little different after all.

Carefully lifted the quilt, Lin Ye went to the bathroom, and after some washing, he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Seeing that the ingredients in the refrigerator were not enough, I picked up my wallet and walked directly to the nearest supermarket.

A 24-hour supermarket does not need to worry about closing its doors.


The little hand fumbled forward but found that there was nothing, Qianli, who was confused, woke up immediately.

The one, the senior is not there.

No, no, seniors are not that kind of person, definitely not that kind of person.The fear in her heart couldn't stop spreading, she was afraid that she would be left behind by Lin Ye.

Because I got her, I discarded her.

The examples I have seen come to mind, but the warm scene is also emerging.

"By the way, the senior must be outside to prepare breakfast for me, so Qianli, don't worry, senior is definitely not that kind of person."

She patted her cheek to remind herself, Qianli got up directly, only feeling a little pain in her lower body, which made her frown, but she also forcibly found a shirt from Lin Ye's cabinet and put it on Go up and walk towards the door of the room.


Maybe it's heaven, maybe it's hell, for Qianli at this time, there is no problem at all.

No one, no one, the empty apartment directly turned fluke into despair.

The body softened to the ground involuntarily, and tears flowed from the godless eyes.

The most undesirable result was placed in front of her, she was abandoned...

Chapter 348

The door of the apartment was opened with a "click" and Lin Ye walked in carrying a large bag of ingredients, but Qianli, who was paralyzed on the floor, caught his eye.

"Qianli, Qianli, what's wrong with you?"

The ingredients dropped directly onto the ground, and Lin Ye rushed over without caring.

"Study... long..."

Lin Ye's voice worked after all, Qian Li finally reacted, and her godless eyes returned to their color.

As if catching a glimmer of light in the darkness, Qian Li firmly grasped Lin Ye's sleeve.

"Senior, I, I thought you left me..."

The choked tone made Lin Ye apologize.After losing the first time, a girl is always suffering from gains and losses, and her emotions are extremely unstable. What she should do is guard Qianli by her side and wait for her to wake up naturally is the most correct way.


"No, no, I don't want the senior's sorry, the senior will not let go of what the senior said, to keep me by my side for the rest of my life, I..."

Qianli, who subconsciously thought that Lin Ye's'sorry' meant to refuse her, was suddenly excited, hugged Lin Ye, and her little head pressed against Lin Ye's chest.

"How come? How could I leave Qianli!"

Holding Qianli with one arm, and stroking Qianli's smooth hair with the other, Lin Ye's eyes were gentle.

"I just went out to buy some ingredients. I came back late, sorry, Qianli..."

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