Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 327


The tearful eyes are full of pity.

"of course it's true!"

What is the way to give comfort to a girl and make her feel at ease?Lin Ye chose...

Leaning down, gradually approaching, Qianli, who sensed what Lin Ye was going to do, also raised her head in cooperation with Lin Ye.

"Da da……"

The strange voice caught the attention of the two of them. Looking outside the door, it was Yukino Yukino with a look of shock on his face.

At this moment, she had a pair of handbags in front of her, and she just took a step or two back, and it was because of this back that she made a discordant sound.

"Senior Xuexia..."

The scene just now was seen completely, and the shyness swept across the body.Qianli directly buried her head in Lin Ye's chest.

She did not dare to look at Shangxuexia.

"Sorry, I disturbed you two..."

The emotional female voice just now made her a little concerned, and she chose to come to this apartment with the door half open.

It's just that what she saw at first sight was really beyond her expectation.

Yu Yuan, who was just wearing a thin shirt, appeared in Lin Ye's apartment, and the red hickeys in the white skin were particularly obvious, and Yukino suddenly knew what had happened.

The two of them had a relationship in this apartment last night.

The man is his ex-boyfriend, and he is a man who claims to pursue himself and not let him go.But now he is hugging other women, even if this woman is a school girl in her club.She is afraid that she feels good to this school girl.

The anger of betrayal came to life.

Linye Harem’s declaration was after all a declaration, and it was only to her and Ying Lili, but Yukino knew that he was too naive. Lin Ye was not only satisfied with himself and Ying Lili, he wanted More.

"Xuno, wait..."

The body completely made a chasing movement, but Qianli in her arms hugged him and made him hesitate.

Although Qianli didn't say anything, and he couldn't see Qianli's expression at this time, he knew exactly what Qianli meant.

Stay, or chase it out.

This is a choice placed in front of him.

A choice that must be made by him himself.

"Qianli..." He lifted Qianli's head and kissed Qianli's lips heavily. Lin Ye said, "You understand me! Just like I promised you, I also promised Xue Na, so... "

Lin Ye only felt that she was too much, this kind of thing made Qian Li understand, but there was no way.

The bitterness in her heart made Qian Li's face a little ugly, but she took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile.

"Senior, go! If I don't let you go, you might hate me forever."

If this kind of thing stops the senior, although the senior can understand his behavior, it may eventually make the senior regret it for a lifetime.She didn't want Lin Ye to leave such a regret in her life.

For this reason, it is possible to sacrifice his love.

"Thank you……"

Lin Ye hugged Qianli on the sofa, and after another smile appeared, he quickly walked out of the apartment, looked at the number of floors displayed on the elevator, and quickly rushed to the stairs.

Go downstairs with the fastest speed.

Two steps and one jump, the discomfort of the right foot has been ignored by Lin Ye.

"Ding Dong..."

The elevator door opened slowly, and the forest leaf with his left hand resting on the wall was breathing fast, staring at the opened elevator door.

Xue Nai's cold expression turned into shock when she saw Lin Ye appear in front of her eyes. She didn't expect Lin Ye to reach the first floor and get stuck in front of the elevator door.

"Step aside……"

When I wanted to go around and exit the door of the apartment, Lin Ye opened his left hand to block him, his expression was cold.

"Go back with me..."

The icy eyes didn't make Lin Ye have any retreat.

"I don't want to say it for the third time, so please get out of here, Lin Ye."

Lin Ye was silent, standing still.

"Yu Yuan needs you, go back!"

The stubbornness of the man in front of him was no worse than that of himself, and Yukino knew that if he didn't change his way, he would not let himself go.

"Go back with me, okay, Yukino."

"Go back, Lin Ye, it's you, would you like to go back?"

"But, it’s you, Yukino, who is facing this now. I hope you and I will go back. I won’t explain anything. What you see is the truth, and what you think is true. But even so, I hope you Go back with me."

Missing today will be even more difficult in the future. Only when Xue Nao's mood swings are severe, the possibility of recovering her is the greatest.

"Do you...have the face to say that to me? Classmate Sawamura is not enough, and now I am looking for classmate Yuyuan, next, do you have to go to classmate Bai Qi, classmate Yingting, yes, classmate Dongma, Are you going to turn all the girls around you into your women, to become a member of your harem?"

Like a mockery, like a sneer, Xue Nai's plain tone was like a volcano about to erupt.

"If Yukino is willing, I have no opinion!"

"Opinion, I certainly have no opinion. I don't have any opinion on who you want to be your woman, but the premise is that you don't get involved with me. So, classmate Lin Ye, even if I ask you, let go! I don't fit you. "


Savoring the bitter words, Lin Ye slowly lowered his arms.

Is it really inappropriate for me and her!

Chapter 349 My Girlfriend Is In A Conflict With Me

"Are we...really inappropriate?"

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