Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 329

"I don't want to stay by your side..."

"Then I use other methods, such as the 100 million US dollars mentioned earlier. I think that it will be used as a bride price, and Xuexia agrees that it should have some weight. If it is not enough, then..."

Then use force to oppress, but Lin Ye didn't dare to say it.After doing this, the saddest person is Yukino in the middle.

Chapter 350: Xue Nao and Qian Li

"Then what?"

On the contrary, Lin Ye's hesitant and stopped words aroused Xue Nao's curiosity.After all, the dowry matter has been said once, and the sense of surprise has diminished. For the average person, 100 million US dollars is indeed an astronomical figure, but the Xuexia family, a famous family in Chiba, still has the background, but, As the second young lady, if she exchanges 100 million U.S. dollars in working capital, her mother will be moved.

Because after all, I don't have much value to the family, unlike my sister who has now assumed the responsibility of the family, seeking the corresponding benefits for the family.

"want to know?"

His navy eyes stared at Lin Ye, but his lips were always tightly closed.

"Grabbing people, running away, we eloped, and ran out of the island country. Your family has nothing to do with you, so you don’t need to care about their opinions at all. But then you will live in another country. I don’t know you. Would you like to leave with me and adapt to life abroad."

After all, the way of life in this country is very different from that of China and the Central Asian Federation.

After really leaving this country, a lot of my time will be devoted to work, and the time to accompany Xueno will be greatly reduced. The most important thing is that Lin Ye is sure that the girl next to him is not only Xueno alone.

The love for her is incomplete, let her not have a complete love, it is really a pity that will last forever!

Leaving this country, she used to be a multiple choice question before her. At that time, because of the relationship between her sister and the family, she chose to break up, so she didn’t have to think about it, but now even if she didn’t want to admit it, she knew she was Gradually fell.

Even if this man did everything that made her extremely angry.

But... what he said just now is to care about himself!

With a slow and rhythmic pace, Yukino suddenly recalled the dazed feeling when she had a high fever.At that time, her brain was confused, but she really wanted to open her eyes to see the situation clearly. She seemed to be holding it like this at the time, and then she went to the ward and finally lay on the bed.

Xue Na remembered the moment when she woke up, Lin Ye, who was sleeping beside the bed, woke up immediately, and looked like she was concerned about her.

From then on, the relationship between the two of them has undergone a major change, and then there have been twists and turns.

The apartment door was half open and did not close, and Lin Ye also put Xue Na down.Reached out for Xue Nai to invite Xue Nai in.

Inside, the existence of Yuyuan made her hesitate, but thinking that this was something she had to face after all, she pulsed and walked in.

"Senior Xuexia, please sit on the sofa for a while! I'm preparing breakfast now. If you haven't eaten yet, come with us!"

Qianli, who has changed into clothes, is already busy in the kitchen.

"Qianli, let me come! You go to the sofa to rest."

After nodding to Xue Nao, Lin Ye walked to the kitchen, took the shovel in Qianli's hand, and pushed her out of the kitchen with both hands.

"But, senior me..."

Although he greeted Yukino casually, it was actually only Qianli's move to hide his embarrassment.And now Qianli, who was completely unprepared psychologically, was pushed by Lin Ye into the living room to face Yukino, which was really under pressure.

"Nothing, Yukino is very gentle, don't worry about anything, even if someone did something wrong, it's my fault."

"not me……"

Lin Ye raised her finger and pressed her fingertip to Qianli's red lips.

"This is my responsibility as a man, so Qianli, there is no problem in pushing the responsibility on me."


Seeing that Qian Li was relieved, she went back to the kitchen and made breakfast.

Looking at the ingredients Qian Li prepared, Lin Ye also knew Qian Li's plan. He didn't plan to make some very special dishes, and followed Qian Li's semi-finished Lin Ye to continue making breakfast.

And subconsciously put his attention to the kitchen.

Lin Ye chose to ignore the things in the living room outside.

Qianli, who was sitting on the sofa, was completely afraid to cast her gaze in the direction of Yukino.

You should know that before entering the ministry, I heard many rumors about Yukoshita Yukino. Basically, the beauty of the iceberg refused to be thousands of miles away and entered the ministry. Although this impression has improved, however, Yukoshita Qianli's momentum is as strong as ever, especially at this kind of moment, Qianli always feels that she belongs to the one who is involved in the third party, and she can't hold her head up in front of Xuexia.

"The Royal Garden..."

"Please call me Chiri, Yuukishita-senpai..."

Qianli moved closer to Xue Nao's position.

"Qianli, don't you regret it?"

Looking at the busy figure in the kitchen, it was the first time that Yukino saw a boy who could use kitchen utensils so skillfully.When she accepted Yubihama's commission at the beginning, although she faintly felt that Rinba would cook, she was still a little surprised when she saw it with her own eyes.

Could it be that China, wrong, the men of the Central Asian Federation are like Lin Ye.

In her impression, men in the island country generally do not enter the kitchen.

"Regret?" Qianli's eyes flashed, "I don't know. Even if I realized that the senior abandoned me just now, I didn't feel the slightest regret, but feared that I would leave. What should I do in my life after becoming a senior? My first love is over, can I really continue!"

"First love..."

This word made Xue Nao stunned, and Lin Ye's figure subconsciously emerged in his mind.

It turned out that I already regarded him as my first love. This is really...

"Senior sister, do you like senior?"


Xue Nai couldn't say it, her personality couldn't make her answer so frankly about this kind of thing, but she couldn't do it when she denied it.

She is pursuing the righteous and upright Yukino, if even she starts to use lies, then the rules of life will be broken by herself.

"Senior sister, do you know that last night..."

This critical time made Yukino suddenly nervous. If Qianli uses such a thing to make herself withdraw, she doesn't know what to do, even if she is willing to withdraw, or that she actually wants to launch it already. But the man did use various methods to tie her to his side.

Moreover, in the bottom of my heart, a faint thought made her unwilling to leave.

"The senior told me that he doesn't want to let go. He wants to keep me firmly by his side. For this reason, he will obtain the citizenship of the Central Asian Federation. I think senior sister, you must know the senior's plan..."

The nationality of that place means that four wives can be legally taken.The legal harem is chased by men, but can women agree to it? Can girls who grow up in this country accept it!

Chapter 351 I Will Make Enough Milk Powder

"Is the nationality of the Central Asian Federation? Did he tell you the same!"

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