Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 330

Whatever obtained the nationality of the Central Asian Federation, he was already a citizen of that country. As for why he said that, it was only because of his previous self-introduction that he did not directly state his nationality.

This guy really wants to deceive the hearts of many girls.

"Ohara, it turns out that the senior sister already knows, that... it's really great..."

Qianli with her head down said to the end, her voice was like a mosquito.There was a feeling of fortune in her heart, and even she didn't know why.If Xueno-senpai didn't know, she might have left directly because of this, but if she knew it, it was likely that she would stay with Lin Ye because of the solution of the polygamy problem.

Whenever she thinks of Lin Ye's love for herself to share with other girls, Qianli's heart feels cramps, but let it go!It is impossible to do it now.

When he gave himself to Lin Ye last night, he couldn't let go anymore.

Thinking of the determination before that, isn't he already ready to accept Lin Ye having other girls?She won't go back to help Lin Ye find other girls, but she won't stop them, unless that girl is very annoying.

But it is obvious that Xuexiaxue does not belong to this range.

Such things can show an expression of joy, Mien Chiri, to what extent have you fallen, or is it true that your attitude has changed so quickly after a relationship.

Could it be that if I had a relationship with him the day I was in the hospital, the following things would not happen, and there would not be so many girls around him.

If you think about it carefully, if Lin Ye is really looking for girls, the number is really not small!

"Senior Xue Nai, can you allow me to call you that way?"

"Yes, Qianli..."

"Great, Xue Nao-senpai..."

Excitedly, Qianli rushed directly and hugged Xue Na.Then he rubbed his little head vigorously, as if it were a cat.

Cat?The cat and maid costume that Qianli wore when she first distributed the flyers appeared in her mind. With a heart move, Yukino placed her hand on Qianli's small head unconsciously, stroking it vigorously.

And Qian Li also made a humming sound very cooperatively.

"Eat breakfast first!"

Xuenai should have eaten breakfast, but Lin Ye also made an extra portion. If you can’t eat it, then eat it yourself. And, to be honest, he glanced at Xuenai’s barren figure, Lin Ye felt that Xuenao still needed Add more nutrition.

"Student Lin Ye, the look in your eyes just now made me want to beat you..."

After receiving the dinner plate, Xue Nao did not refuse, but noticed where Lin Ye's eyes were staying, and said coldly.

"I don't mind if you want to hit me. As long as it is Yukino, I can accept it. Whether it is rough or gentle, I can accept it all. It's just that Yukino doesn't wake up any special hobbies."

The playful smile suddenly made the two girls flushed. Yukino was slightly better, but her expression was not very normal. After all, she was the one who wanted to awaken a special hobby in Lin Ye's mouth.

"Senior, H!"

"This, isn't it normal? I just hope that Yukino doesn't want the queen. By the way, Qianli, you never become a queen..."

Qianli's eyes were full of movement when she heard the words, and she felt that the queen was also good.

"That said, senior, who likes the pervert of black silk thighs, don't know what type of girls do you like?"

After all, the only request was to let herself use black stockings... Qianli was of course impressed.However, Qianli knew Lin Ye's hobbies.My own advantage is also quite big.

"Type!" For Lin Ye, this is not a problem. Don't look at the two girls in front of them. If they answer the wrong question, they will reduce their favorability, but...

"I like Yukino and Qianli. If it is Yukino and Qianli themselves, no matter how much they come, I will marry home. Anyway, I can't afford it."

"Who, who wants to marry you..." Such things as marriage are indeed very lethal.As a girl, Qianli had of course imagined that she would put on a wedding dress and walk into the church with the person she liked, then made a vow of love, and finally got married and had children.

"And, even if the two of us can afford it, what about the others? I... although I can go to work! Just the thought of..."

The thought of Lin Ye using the money to find other girls, Qian Li was a little unwilling.Moreover, Lin Ye promised her to let her stand on the world stage, which must be another astronomical expense.

This is really...a good girl!

"Don't worry, I will make enough money. I am very good at making money, so I will go out..."

A sharp look pierced him, Lin Ye gave up saying that he was going out to do a task.Moreover, he is not going to do the task.My current money is enough to support ten Xue Nao and Qian Li.

"What's going out?"

"Writing novels to make money! You must know that if you write well, you will definitely make money."

Yukino's expression relaxed.If Lin Ye dared to mention anything to be a mercenary like this, she would never forgive him.

"Come on, senior! At least we have to treat our children...No, no, I didn't say anything just now, please don't care."

Qian Li, who mentioned the child, subconsciously touched her lower abdomen, but out of the girl's reservedness, Qian Li quickly denied it.

But he didn't notice the embarrassment on Lin Ye's face.

Basically, they will not have children, because they have almost lost the ability to reproduce, and the activity of essence x is almost zero. This is the price, the price of gaining power.

"I will definitely earn the milk powder money, Qianli, you are not like Yukino, you are still very predictable, don't worry about the baby...!"

In an instant, a cold air enveloped Lin Ye, causing Lin Ye to shiver.


"Student Lin Ye, what did you say just now, please tell me again!"

"I, I will let Qianli help. You don't have to worry about pulling at that time. If Qianli is not good enough, then..." Thinking of the girl who has a good relationship with Xuenao, who has a bigger breast, Lin Ye suddenly thought about it. She said, "Let Yubihama classmate come here. According to my observation, she is definitely the most suitable candidate to feed the two children gently... loose... loose..."

Lin Ye realized that he had said something wrong again, and the corners of his mouth twitched, completely unable to speak any more.The expressions of Xue Na and Qian Li made him panic now.

"It turns out that the senior is interested in Yubihama-senpai, and I have observed it. It seems that I am already worried about it!"

Author's message:

PS: Busy to go home, forget it again, two more to make up.

Chapter 352

Qianli with a smile on her face sat beside Lin Ye, and then Lin Ye, who was already prepared, felt a pain in her left waist.

I always feel that the lethality of this action of girls is amazing.

"Believe me..." Lin Ye smiled awkwardly and explained, "I have absolutely no extra thoughts about Yubihama, please rest assured."

"Then, senior, who do you have extra thoughts about, please stop mentioning me and senior sister Xueno."

The smiling face seemed like a demon. Sure enough, Qian Li also had a black belly in her heart.

"Can I not answer?"

The two were silent, but their eyes revealed their thoughts.

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