Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 333

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who stared at the yellow hair indifferently, moved her legs subconsciously, but...

"Touch what's wrong, I will do happier things later. Now I am mentally prepared...Haha..."

Huang Mao's face was full of lewdness. With a smile, he finally touched this pair of legs he dreamed of. Later, he could taste the taste of this woman.

It will be great.

Author's message:

PS: Happy National Day.

Chapter 354 I'm Sorry

"Brother, I found the man's phone number, do you want to call it now and threaten it..."

"Pop!" Huang Mao directly slapped and slapped over, "What are you doing with that man now? Tomorrow, no, the day after tomorrow, when we feel good enough, I will contact you again. I don't want to see that man appear to destroy us. Although this possibility is very small, I don't want to happen in that kind of novel story. Of course, to catch a woman is to make a wave first before going to the song man to settle the account."

"Anyway, as long as this woman stays alive, as long as she is in our hands, that man won't mess around. Now drive quickly, get there early, and be cool..."

"Brother, how about we now..."

One of them stared at Xia Zhiqiu with desire, as long as Huang Mao agreed, he would just rush over.

When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard this, this person trembled.If it were now, she really had no chance to escape.Moreover, that man, is Lin Ye.She had recognized that Huang Mao was the man from the Golden Week, which meant that the other party retaliated against Lin Ye, but chose to attack herself.

Should I resent?

I was implicated, it really should be resentment.

It's better to die by these dirty men.This kind of thing happened to her, she would rather commit suicide.

"Don't worry, take your time, how can you have fun in such a small place, you have to enjoy it slowly! Anticipation can make us more full of expectations..."

What to do, what to do!Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had no idea how to escape.She suddenly felt helpless, and when faced with these dangers, she still had no ability to fight back.

It was the same with Lin Ye once. The other party was basically unable to resist what he did. It was just that the other party still adhered to some principles and did not do too much, but these people had already put ugly desires before their eyes.If she goes to fantasize about letting her go or begging for mercy, she can only say that she is stupid.

However, whoever can save herself, even if she doesn't want to admit it, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is eager for someone to save herself.Before the last minute, she really didn't want to kill herself to end her life.


"Hello, this is Lin Ye..."

An unfamiliar number, but Lin Ye did not choose to refuse.After all, this is a call that has eased the current atmosphere, and Lin Ye still shows some face to the other party.

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was in danger and was kidnapped. Later, he will return to the abandoned factory in the suburbs of Chiba. If you don't save people, you will regret it for life."

A familiar girl reached Lin Ye's ears over the phone, and at the same time the words fell, she hung up the phone without even having time to ask Lin Ye.

Kidnapped?Is that woman from Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu kidnapped?

Lin Ye subconsciously thought it was impossible.But the voice is familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it.

"Senior, what happened!"

Even Xue Nao looked at him curiously.

After all, they saw the change of expression after he answered the phone.I don't wear glasses now, the new glasses haven't arrived, the original pair was given to Qianli.

"No, no..." After thinking about it, Lin Ye thought he should go and see, "There are some things, I'll go out for a while, you just need to rest here. I have books, computers, and some poker in my room. You can play. , Call me if you have anything."

After all, no matter what, please contact Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu first to see if you can get in touch.


"Kotato, it's okay! You didn't even tell the specific location, Lin Ye could arrive in time..."

"Eh eh, is it because you want to be this hero, go and rescue the classmate Shiyu Kasumigaoka from our school, and then a loving relationship happened..."

"How come, I just want to save people. We just need to call the police. When the worst happens, I call Gao Gaofeng and let him go with me. In this way, I can definitely rescue Xia Zhiqiu."

"You still don't worry! Didn't we do insurance? If Lin Ye doesn't feel it by then, then we will go up. Although the shepherd is not strong in combat, but there are many methods. Moreover, we want to see this time. See how far Lin Ye can do it. See how much he hides."

"This...Okay! But Kodachi must pay attention, and there must be no problems. Last time, but..."

"Allah, Allah, it's just one mistake. I've confirmed it five times this time. Nothing like this will happen anymore."


The call was made, but it was a beep, and then he was hung up directly.This made Lin Ye's expression ugly.

"It's me, Lin Ye, help me find someone, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, use all the power in Chiba now to find people for me, focusing on the abandoned factory in the suburbs of Chiba. Find someone and guarantee her Safe, if anyone dares to hurt her, just... kill..."

Life is so cheap sometimes.Ordinary Lin Ye may not care about some things, but in the end, he is still a blood-stained person, and has no resistance to killing at all.What's more, there are people who have hurt the people around him. Even if Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is not too close to him, the girl still left a deep impression on Lin Ye.

"Understand, Commander, we will find people as quickly as possible and ensure the safety of Miss Kasugaoka."

When the order was given, all forces began to serve this goal.It was some illegal means, but they were all activated.Invaded the traffic monitoring network and compared images to find Shiyu Xiazhiqiu. At the same time, the security personnel also accepted the order, armed with guns and live ammunition.

Although guns were banned, the war a few years ago finally made the island country softer and allowed the Galaxy Group security company to hold some light weapons in the island country.

Is there any way to refuse, but at that time, facing the result of the defeat, in order to be able to withdraw from that war in a more respectable way, we must give up some of the interests.

The result is the emergence of third-party legal armed forces other than the island country itself and the American garrison. Although there are not many personnel and weapons are restricted to light weapons, the legal existence of the country’s land has never belonged to the government’s armed forces. , Still makes people feel like a thorn in the heart, uncomfortable, but helpless.

I can only wait for the opportunity to find a reason to let these people leave, but there is no way at present.

Chapter 355

"Qianli, you..." Just after the phone call, Qianli turned around, but didn't expect that Qianli would stand at the door and want to watch for herself.

"Don't come out if you are in poor health. I'll go out and do some things." Just now I was speaking in Chinese, and Lin Ye didn't worry that Qian Li would understand the content.

"Really, seniors pay attention to safety, I will contact you if I have something." Qianli showed a faint smile, and then watched Lin Ye leave.Then, his face became silent.

Although I didn't understand most of the meaning, Qianli could understand that "kill", and the cold breath that Lin Ye exuded at the time really made her feel flustered.

At that moment, she felt that the person in front of her was not the senior she knew at all.

She felt as if something had gone away from her.

"Well, see you later, Qianli..."

He didn't care that the more secret things in the apartment were rummaged by Chiri and Xueno.The room was locked. If the two were to pick the lock to open it, then they would not be the two they knew.

The elevator went downstairs and walked away from the apartment.The place to board the bus has been agreed within the field of vision that is no longer seen.

In less than two minutes, an ordinary bridge car outside stopped in front of Lin Ye.

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