Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 334

Lin Ye got into the car directly, and at the same time took the headset passed over.

"How is the situation..."

"I am looking for Miss Kasumigaoka through traffic surveillance cameras, but investigations have been conducted since last night..."

"The time is put one hour before and after the time of Zongwu Gao's class, and the focus is on the cameras on the road in front of Zongwu Gao."

In less than seven minutes, Lin Ye didn't expect too much. He just heard the range that the other party was looking for, Lin Ye felt that he had to narrow it down.


The "Pattern" button sound was particularly obvious, even if it was through the headset, Lin Ye could hear it clearly.

"I found it. Ten minutes ago, Miss Xia Zhiqiu was tied to a van. She is tracking her now. The satellite resource has been applied for and it is expected to be tracked in one minute."

"Move faster!"

Now it's really a race against time.


When he arrived at the abandoned factory and saw nothing, Huang Mao was finally relieved.

"Take away, take away, the next step is to enjoy time happily!"

"Uuuu..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was stuffed with a towel in the innermost, struggled violently, twisting his body and refused to let the others approach.

"I knew it would be like this..."

Huang Mao's eyes motioned, several men stepped forward to subdue their struggling bodies, and then directly lifted them inside.

And one of the rooms was discovered by accident.And after that it was occupied.


I thought it could be funded, but now, the mouth is blocked, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is full of despair.In addition to the fear in his head, there is more hatred of these men, and Lin Ye's love-hate feelings of knowing each other.

Intellectually, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu knew that this was not Lin Ye’s responsibility. Perceptually, facing the encounter she was about to usher in, she couldn’t help but think that if Lin Ye didn’t do such things to these men at the time, Nothing like this will happen.

"Hold it down, next, I will...hiss..."

Huang Mao had long been greedy with long legs, grabbed the stockings directly, and tore them off with all his strength.


"Hold it down for me..."

Huang Mao didn't expect that the honest woman who had been in the car resisted so strongly and kicked him.

It’s okay, it’s okay.Later, he will retaliate severely.He doesn't want to use violence now. On this beautiful skin, he doesn't want to see any traces while enjoying it.

"Big brother, big brother, we..." It was already unbearable, but they didn't dare to do more without Huang Mao's order.

"Let you touch it first, remember, don't touch the chest, it's my thing, after that, when I finish it, you can play as you like..."



With a sound, the shirt of the school uniform was also chased away, and the white and delicate skin suddenly flashed blind these men.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing.And then, he stretched out his hand...


The locked door was kicked open directly.

Five people, no, it should be the six people including Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who have all paid their attention to the door.

Kasumigaoka, who was and gave up, raised hopes.

"You are……"

Huang Mao, who just saw a group of armed men in black uniforms rushing in, just wanted to shout, and was kicked.

The other four wanted to resist, and the influx of security personnel directly subdued them.

"You guys..."

The completely sudden personnel made Huang Mao full of anger. This was almost the same. These people dared to show up, even if they were the police, he would make them pay the price.

Don't take out the pistol from the waist, but the first person to target was not these armed men, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. As long as this woman dies, these people will definitely be bad, Huang Mao believes this.


The gunshot sounded directly.When Huang Mao raised the gun, Xia Zhiqiu was horrified. Looking at the hideous face and at the same time using the black hole's muzzle at herself, she felt death.

In the next moment, he will be killed.

Maybe that's all right!However, it's just that my parents will be very sad, An Yi, Ying Riri, and Kato will be sad when they know this news!

My own interpersonal communication is really too simple, there are only such a few people.

By the way, in the end, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu appeared forest leaves.A wry smile flashed across the corner of his mouth.I don’t know if that guy knew that he was killed because of his affairs, would he blame himself for guilt!


The gunfire sounded, but the direction of the pistol was at the moment when the pistol was squeezed. The security personnel who reacted most quickly grabbed the arm and moved upward, while the others hit Huang Mao's abdomen with a fist. The painful yellow hair screamed.

"Give me... grab it and talk."

Almost dereliction of duty.And because Xia Zhiqiu was present, they would not be too violent. It is always bad for the commander to be seen by her.

As for why you didn't shoot and kill you just now, apart from worrying about the trouble of dealing with the dead, you just leave it to the commander to handle it. You must know that death is sometimes the easiest thing.

"Student Xia Zhiqiu, we..."

"Do not come near me……"

Hurrying to wrap her hands in her clothes, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at these people in front of her with full alertness.

Chapter 356

She clearly knew that these people were definitely not police, but why they appeared here, she didn't know, but they definitely had a purpose.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't accept using these human and material resources to save herself.

"I see, Miss Xiazhiqiu, then we will wait for you outside, but one thing is that you are safe, and we will not do anything to you."

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