Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 350

"Just take it as it is!"

Lin Ye didn't want to wrestle with Dongma in this regard.Thinking of what happened last night, Lin Ye was certainly satisfied.after all……

Speaking of it, thinking about it now is a little moved.

Or at night... Forget it, no, the two of them must take a good rest, and they are not always in estrus, and they don’t have estrus at all, okay.

Lin Ye's answer made Dongma unable to say anything he was ready to refute.

This guy, he admitted directly, but he can do nothing, okay?

Moreover, if he really dared to show a little intention, this man definitely rushed forward and wiped himself clean.

If, if not sibling, then...

If it weren't for siblings, there would be no possibility of intersection between himself and him.

The atmosphere fell silent, and Lin Ye waited for five minutes before saying goodbye to Dongma.

"Student Dongma, I'm going back first. Thank you for your teaching today."

Dongma didn't say anything, and when he heard the sound of the door closing, he stood up and walked to the side of the piano, pressing his slender fingers on the white keys.

Lin Ye, who walked out of the club building, heard the pleasing piano sound coming from the building, as if something was suppressed in the sound.


"La la la, I really didn't expect Classmate Lin really came here?"

Ureshino was very dissatisfied with Lin Ye's name. This guy, after the last time, did not take the initiative to contact him, which made her depressed and irritated.

If it weren't for the commission from the Ministry of Service, she really didn't want to contact Lin Ye.

"Since you said that there is something, I have time again, so I'm here. If there is nothing to do, I will first..."

"Hey, Lin Ye, what do you want to do?"

Although the pain in the toe was not great, it showed the girl's determination. Since the other party obviously wouldn't let herself leave, Lin Ye didn't want to do anything extra.

"No, nothing, Ureshino-san likes it."

"Is that right?"

Even though it was because of the obstruction of the table that the opponent's lower body was not seen, but the upper body was slightly shaking, and the faint sound, Lin Ye could imagine Ureshino's feet wandering in the air at this time.

"Kana contacted me and asked me to help the Ministry of Service investigate the sender of an email. Do you think I should agree! Or should I not agree?"

"If you like this, I am currently resting, and I am not involved in the ministry."

Mail, the shepherd was not found last time, so please come again this time, but Lin Ye believes he can't find it, after all, even his intelligence agency has not found anything.

"Withdraw from the club?"

"No. Be a member of the Ghost Crew for a while."

"Is that so... I refused, after all, is it nothing to do with you?"

The devilish smile made Lin Ye's mouth twitch.

"Then you should go!"

"Then my appearance fee is very high. Student Lin Ye didn't say that I don't want to..."

This is the ultimate goal of Ureshino.She had to pay some price for Lin Ye.

"The mission of the Ministry of Service, I think it should be paid by the Ministry of Service..."

"That's really a pity. I can only tell Kanai that the reason for my refusal is because Lin Ye is unwilling to accept the terms of the commission. You know that when Kanai asks me, she promises to let you agree to me. It seems that she failed. That's it!"

Did not contact me, how can I agree to your commission conditions.

"Senior Ye, you are here! It really makes me look for..."

Saying that Cao Cao had arrived, Kana Suzuki, panting, appeared in Lin Ye's field of vision.There was some sweat on his forehead, and his complexion was flushed, which looked like after strenuous exercise.

"However, it seems that Ureshino-senpai also told Ye-senpai this time, so please be sure to help us complete the commission from the Ministry of Service..."

She also thought about contacting by email, but always felt that Lin Ye would choose to ignore it, so she came out to look for it.

Chapter 371 I Have A Girlfriend

"The current commission of the Ministry of Service is to find the owner who spreads bad information. Isn't it very simple?"

The most basic logical inference can draw a conclusion, there is no need to use hacking techniques at all, let alone this violent loli.

"Simple? But, we have no clue, I can only think of asking Ureshino-senpai."

"Although the content of these three emails is slanderous in nature, then we make an assumption, assuming that the content described above is true. As a girl, choose the one that can best forgive you. Which one would you choose? One?"

The best method for this kind of email is to ignore a person's slander, but the sender's IQ is obviously a little bit worse, and since the content is selected, the relevant content is well decorated.

After all, it was just a high school student.

"This, this..." After looking at the contents of the three emails again, Suzuki carefully distinguished, and then looked at the smile at the corner of Lin Ye's mouth and finally understood something.

"Yes Yes……"

Suzuki, who just wanted to name someone, was stopped by Lin Ye's eyes.

"So the problem is solved, the ministry doesn't need your help anymore, Ureshino-san, congratulations, congratulations..."

Where did I have any appearance fees for this violent little loli, and the other party stared at it for not money.Therefore, he resolutely refused to give what the other party wanted, this was what Lin Ye should do.

"Allah, this is really sad! But Ye Jun, don't run in a hurry, there are still things we have to solve, are you right?"

Suzuki retreated under Ureshino's unkind eyes, and decisively abandoned Lin Ye, Lin Ye only felt so sad.

I just helped her, but I was abandoned, and a deep sorrow took over my body and mind.

"Actually I have a girlfriend, Ureshino-san, just give up!"

Even if it doesn't, I will confess one later, and then there will be one, so who is more appropriate.Sure enough, Qianli and Shuijie are more suitable.

"That's it! I don't know who it is! To see which beautiful girl captured Ye Jun, I am really very curious."

Ureshino didn't know whether what Lin Ye was talking about was true or false, and it was completely possible to fool himself in this situation.Many of his words cannot be believed.

"Uh, uh, let me think about..."

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