Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 351

"I have to think about it, it seems to be fake?"

Ureshino became more and more sure that the other party was fooling himself.I have always paid attention to his affairs. There are many girls around, but I haven't heard about the other party having a girlfriend.

"No, I'm just thinking about telling you the name of my girlfriend..."


The corner of the table was broken directly, and Lin Ye was too surprised to see that Ureshino's thin arms could be used with such strength.

"It turns out that Classmate Lin Ye has more than one girlfriend. This really impresses me. Then, let me see and meet your girlfriend. After all, we have known each other for so long, and the relationship between the two of us seems to be a lover. Relationship, I am very looking forward to seeing my boyfriend’s other girlfriends!"

At the beginning, he admitted that he was his girlfriend. Although Lin Ye didn't accept it, there was no problem at all.

In desperation, Lin Ye brought Ureshino to the broadcasting department. At this time, Shui Kie just ended the broadcasting and was about to leave.

"Oh oh oh, you wouldn’t tell me that your girlfriend is Mizuyuki Serizawa from the broadcasting department! If you go to the ministry where you are, I still believe it a little bit, but for Mizuyuki Serizawa, I can ..."

Before Ureshino finished speaking, he noticed that Lin Ye around him speeded up and walked forward, and in his vision, a girl with pink hair appeared, Ureshino certainly knew who it was.

"Ye, Ye Jun?"

Serizawa Mizuki didn't expect to run into Lin Ye just after going out.

Is it, is it waiting for me?

Serizawa Mizuki blushed.

They are already the closest relationship, and of course her attitude towards Lin Ye has changed.Anyway, she is not at the Tsundere level.

She still seldom admits such things in her heart.

"Well, come to take you home, and I hope you do me a favor?"

"Help? Of course there is no problem."

At this time, Mizuno noticed Ureshino Sagumi who was following the forest leaves.The manager of the school cafeteria, of course she knows.

"Student Ureshino, I would like to introduce to you my girlfriend, Mizuki Serizawa..."

Lin Ye held Shui Jie's little hand and announced to Ureshino with a smile.

"Female, female...friend..."

The voice became weaker, but Serizawa Mizuki did not refute.Although she didn't recognize each other in name, in fact, she already regarded herself as Lin Ye's girlfriend, and now Lin Ye's official announcement made her faintly happy.

The beautiful blue eyes turned between the two, Ureshino did not say anything to refute, but smiled on the corners of his mouth, "Oh, you really are your girlfriend, Ye Jun, you are really amazing, besides me, You hooked up someone..."

The violent little loli in front of her turned into a black belly.If you change another person, you will definitely be questioned, but if it is water, there is no problem... which is strange!

The power from the palm of his hand made Lin Ye understand that Shui Jie was ready to let him go back and explain it well.

Tell me honestly?It seems that a lot of things will be involved, but... fooled?A lie needs tens of millions of other lies to make up for. If it is dismantled in the end, it will make the water knot sad.

"Hello Ureshino classmate!"

Mizuki took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and greeted with a smile, "I am Mizuki Serizawa of the Broadcasting Department, please take care of me in the future."

"Well, hello! I'm Ureshino Saakumi."

Ureshino felt a huge pressure, completely beyond the angry forest of the script.The other party unexpectedly had a few girlfriends to Lin Ye and didn't respond at all. The other party didn't care when he got used to it, or said that it was just because he was there, so he didn't lose his momentum.

Is a strong enemy!

However, she will not admit defeat. For the first time in her life, the man she wants to get, how can she let it go.

Moreover, after giving up this man, she would never have access to those weapons.

So, for the hobby, for this man, she will not give up.

Both of them were smiling, but the atmosphere was strangely quiet.

"Uh, since we all know each other, then, go back!"

Although there is no one in this corridor now, Lin Ye cannot guarantee that there will be no one in the future.It is better to leave early.

Of course, in order to show Ureshino their relationship with Shuijie, Lin Ye and Shuijie walked with their fingers intertwined, and then the night attack that refused to admit defeat walked to the other side, not caring that this was the school, and hugged Lin Ye’s. The arms are very intimate.

Chapter 372

The three people's workplace apprenticeships are more of cold field cooperation.

Lin Ye and Xue Na are very familiar, but there is a winter horse with a cold personality next to him, and Xue Na himself is also in the cold personality level, so it is cold.

Lin Ye stirred up the topic several times and wanted to make the relationship between the two people a little better. After all, it is a team, and there are still two days left. The best way to get along is to get along, but...

It's useless!

Dongma has a natural hostility towards Xuenai, but Xuenai repays Dongma disapprovingly.

"Xuno, please deal with this document, I'll deal with the document here..."

The workplace apprenticeship of the three of them was in an idol firm, provided by their own subordinates, which belonged to an entertainment company.

After all, if looking for other companies, Lin Ye didn't think of a suitable one, and since Qian Li wanted to achieve success in music, she should pay more attention to these aspects.

Dongma is also a piano student, and it’s not bad to have some experience here. As for Xue Na, she is the same everywhere.

According to Lin Ye's guess, if she didn't have herself, Yukino would enter the Yukoshita family company after graduating from university and gradually accept the family's industry.

And now, with her own existence, she should be able to do something she likes.

Lin Ye was in charge of the assignment. Although Xue Nai saw the documents next to Lin Ye, although she wanted to share the results, she accepted it as Lin Ye relieved her pressure.

After all, the warm feeling in her heart tells her that she is very happy.

Dongma also processes some documents, but these documents have more information about the potential piano players in the world today.

After all, it is also necessary for a company to analyze and recruit potential young people.

this is……

Looking at the information in front of him, Lin Ye was a little surprised. After all, the campus idol group muse mentioned above is not Nan Qinli and the others, and the incidental information needs to be contacted by personnel. It will not be their trainees here. !

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Ye felt that he was being tricked.

Those people, really dare to do it!The key is that there is no other way, after all, who let himself put the place of internship here.

The assigned task can't be refused, at least he can't refuse.

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