Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 356

Brother and sister, it seems that Dongma tolerates himself for this reason and regards himself as his younger brother.But Dongma has a younger brother.

That thick data shows that Dongma Yaozi has only one daughter, Dongma and Sa.Is there an illegitimate child, and then Dongma and Sa know about it.

But no matter what, I won’t have anything to do with myself. I still say that her brother died because he looks very much like her brother, so...

This feels totally wrong!However, if it is for this reason, you can also understand why Dongma refused.

It's really sad to be used as a substitute!

Let the intelligence department check it carefully.

The nearby Dongma stared at Lin Ye with beautiful pupils, as if waiting for Lin Ye to say something.

And after Lin Ye was watched for another ten seconds, he finally surrendered. Now that he has agreed to this relationship, it shouldn't matter if he shouts.

"Sister He Sha, it's already late, let's rest early!"


I always feel that my temperament has changed, and now Dongma Hesha feels like a gentle and obedient golden retriever.

Since it was a sibling relationship, Lin Ye clearly knew that too intimate behavior was not allowed, and moved a bit to the side, preparing to close his eyes and rest.

But this move made Dongma stunned.

Such a move is not to express that Lin Ye does not want to be close to herself.

Gritting his teeth, Dongma moved and got closer to the forest leaves.

The soft body was entangled again, Lin Ye was tangled and helpless.

"Although I am very comfortable, I don't want to refuse, but it is also a little uncomfortable! Dong... and Sister Sa."

No matter what Lin Ye said, Dong Ma directly hugged Lin Ye and closed his eyes to sleep, with the intention of never wanting to say anything again.

"Oh..." Lin Ye didn't know how many times he sighed. In that case, he needs to change to a more comfortable position.

"Then I would be rude..."

With one arm folded, he adjusted a comfortable posture. Amidst Dongma's surprised whimper, Lin Ye hugged Dongma and closed his eyes.

Deep and orderly breathing, feeling the rhythm of Lin Ye's chest ups and downs, Dong Ma gradually fell asleep.

When Dongma fell into a deep sleep, Lin Ye's phone vibrated again.

Chapter 376 I Want To Be With You

Seeing that the name displayed was Xue Nai, Lin Yeceng suddenly woke up.

Calling himself at this point, Lin Ye could only think of...grab...why would he think of this word.

Seeing the sleeping winter horse next to him, Lin Ye only felt that it was another important point in his life.

If you can't explain it well, you will definitely lose Yukino.

His behavior is to betray Xueno again and again. He hates betrayal, but betrays others. Is this the biggest mockery of himself.

Even though he didn't think it was betrayal at all, it was for Yukino.

Putting Dongma's hand carefully aside, after Lin Ye hung up the phone, put on his coat and rushed to the door.

I always felt that the moment I hung up the phone, the breath from the other side became colder.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that Xue Naozhen was about to turn around and leave.And Xue Nai didn't expect Lin Ye to go out so quickly.

"Xuno...good evening!"

This is what squeezed out between the teeth.

In terms of Xuenao's striving for perfection, it should have been a greeting at this time, but the result was...

"She is in your room!"

She didn't say the name directly, but the "she" of a female let Lin Ye understand who Xuenao was talking about.

"Yeah..." At this time, he couldn't deny it at all. If he denied it, Xue Nai could know if he lied to her directly by going in.

This lie is too easy to be determined.

But under Lin Ye's eyes, Xue Nai turned around and left without saying anything.

"Wait, Yukino..."

"Let go of me!" He directly ordered Lin Ye coldly. At this time, Xue was already exuding the breath that strangers should not enter.And this stranger is himself.

But Lin Ye, who was clutching Xue Nao's wrist, didn't let go.

"I did not have a substantial relationship with her."

"Substantial relationship!" Xueno showed a sarcasm smile, "A house price, a bed, and the strong taste of Dongma classmates on you. Now you tell me that there is no relationship, what do you think is considered to be Have a relationship."

"Student Lin Ye, let's stop here! If you just want to retaliate against the original breakup and want to retaliate against me in this way, I will tell you, it succeeded, time and time again you made love to the woman in front of me, Time and time again, I am challenging my psychological bottom line, letting me accept your unacceptable facts. I am very tired, and I don’t want to continue. Let me go! Lin Ye..."

With her thin pajamas draped in a dark black coat, Yukino looked so weak at this time, and her slightly trembling body wanted Lin Ye to hold Yukino in her arms to give her warmth.

"My apology and any compensation are just an insult to your emotions, but other than that, I really don't know what to do." Indeed, it is a matter of course to be taken for granted.No woman is willing to accept that her man finds one after another woman outside, not to mention that these women are still people she knows well.

"Dongma is my sister..."

"It's really bad, when did your surname Dongma come!"

"I actually came under the surname Xuexia." Or it is also an opportunity to explain everything at this time.Then waited for Yukino's choice.If he really chooses to let go, he doesn't want to let go!

"Xue...under..." Xuenai's mouth twitched at the thought of something, Lin Ye said, is it going to...but this is...

Lin Ye's pride would make him choose to join Zuixue, for himself?

This is impossible!

Only at this time, this is not the problem at all.

"If Xue Nao wants me to join the Zuixue Family, I can think about it."

I really don't know if this news is sent back, or if I will send someone directly to take me back forcibly.After all, this decision is, to some extent, an insult to them.

The pride of ten years of bloody fighting was destroyed by my own hands...It really won't work!

Lin Ye expected Xue Nai to refuse.

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