Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 357

If he doesn't refuse, then he will be in trouble.

"Who...needs you to be a parent, we haven't even written anything about the matter between us..."

After finally struggling out of this emotion, Xue Na's expression turned into that coldness again, "Lin Ye classmate, take care of your so-called sister, that's the difference."

"Tongma seems to use me as a substitute for his brother."

This is my own conjecture, but it does not prevent myself from telling Yukino about my guess.And Yukino's reaction changed a little as he expected.

"I didn't have a relationship with her inside, trust me!"

"Well, Qianli! Don't tell me she doesn't have one either."

It is really cunning to refute oneself with an established fact.

"I won't let go!"

Lin Ye could only repeat his determination to Xue Nao. If he backed down, Xue Nao wouldn't move forward. He knew Xue Nao's character.Strong and stubborn, never willing to bow his head to apologize.

Especially the emotional aspect.

"No matter what, I will ask you to promise me a chance to pursue, and then we fall in love, get married... or even raise..."

It's just that the last bright future that makes Lin Ye's heart full of bitterness.This may not be achieved in this life.

"Xuno, I know that I am very messy in caring about men and women, but I will give you happiness. Will you give me such a chance?"

Lin Ye passed Xue Nai with one hand and hugged him tightly.The girl's slight struggle did not make Lin Ye intend to give up.

"Give me some time!"

"No matter how long, I will wait! Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to earn enough money for the bride price."

The familiar but fascinating taste belongs to Yukino alone, and now he can only enjoy it by himself.

"First, shall I reply to you in the second semester?"

Yukino hesitated for a moment and finally gave a more specific time.

However, in the second semester, it will take three months faster, and it will be next year if it is slower.

"Well, I will wait for your reply."

After hugging for a full three minutes, Yukino finally spoke in a bit embarrassed manner, "But, can you let me go, now this time, I want to go back to rest."

It's almost two o'clock in the morning, and I really want to go back to rest.Staying up all night by myself will not affect the next day's work, but Xue Nao can't do it at all.

"Tonight, I want to be with you."

Suddenness, tension, happiness, hesitation, and complicated emotions swept through Yukino's body and mind.

Feeling the body temperature of the forest leaf and the faint smell of the forest leaf, Xue Nao finally nodded.


Chapter 377

It was brightly lit outside Tokyo at two o'clock in the morning, but there was unexpected silence in this room.

The desk lamp exudes a faint light, and Yukino, who is standing by the bed, unbuttoned his coat and let it slip directly onto the floor. The pajamas also faded under Lin Ye's gaze. The white to the ultimate exquisite body, even Lin Ye was also taken away from all sight.

Like the most beautiful thing bestowed by God, Lin Ye had to admit that Xue Nao's capital would be jealous of all women in the world. Even if he had seen it at close range once, Lin Ye felt that it was far from enough.

"No, don't look at me all the time." Yukino, who was holding her small chest with her hands and only white underwear left, had a shy tone in her voice, "Ye, take it off quickly, alone. I always feel a little shy."

At this time Lin Ye figured out why Xue Nao did this.There was a problem with her own ideology, Xue Nao understood it wrong.I want to live with her, just want to sleep here.

After all, going back to bed with Dongma again, he felt like he was going to explode.I am too sober now.

Seeing that Lin Ye hadn't done anything yet, Xue Nai walked directly in front of Lin Ye, then gritted his teeth, gathered courage, stretched out his hand and took off Lin Ye's coat directly.

Lin Ye, who came out too fast, had no other clothes except a pair of underwear, but the focus of Yukino's attention at this time was not this, but...

After blinking and confirming that he was not mistaken, Xue Nao grabbed Lin Ye's hand with one hand and touched Lin Ye's chest with the other.

"These are all... the injuries you have suffered!"

There are not two places in one place, but Xue Nai can see more than ten places.

Xue Nai's voice was a little uncomfortable and trembling.

"Does it hurt?"

Seeing these, she realized what kind of occupation the other party had been engaged in.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm sorry, I worry about you, I will go to the hospital to deal with it later, and then..."

"No, absolutely not. These are all proofs of the past and let me know your truth."

Yukino's feminine charm was completely unfolded, and he gently hugged Lin Ye from his back, and put his delicate chin on Lin Ye's shoulder.

"Can you tell me their story?"

Lin Ye grabbed Xue Nao's finger, and stroked her scar.

"This was stabbed by a dagger, because I reacted faster at the time and escaped fatal injuries."

"This was a sneak attack by a human bomb. Because of the scars left by the shrapnel, I survived, not enough for the two comrades around me to die..."

"This is the most dangerous time. The left chest was hit, and the bullet was only five millimeters away from the heart. That time, it should be close to seeing the god of death."

The plain words narrated the danger that he had experienced, and Xue Na only felt that he was so uncomfortable.This man has experienced things that other people of the same age cannot experience in a lifetime.

But even so, he accepted this fact indifferently.



"Let's... rest!"

Is it impulse, or pity, or...

But Xue Nao still spoke.

"Xuno, can I sleep with my arms around you?"

She understood what Lin Ye meant.A stone fell to the ground in my heart, but there was another regret.

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