Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 363

"I have something to ask you, can you answer me?"

It won't be... Forget it, when she speaks, she will know what she wants to ask.

"Did Xiazhiqiu Shiyu have an accident on the day you went to your apartment?"

"What do you think I did to Kasumigaoka?"

"That's not what I meant. I ran into her this morning and asked why she appeared in your apartment that day. She just replied that I paid off the debt in person."

"Do you believe what she said?"


Expressing his trust without hesitation made Lin Ye feel embarrassed for a while. I really don't know what expression and tone Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu used to describe.

"Something has happened, but when it comes to her privacy, I can't tell you."

Ying Ting felt helpless to Lin Ye's answer.

She couldn't do anything about privacy reasons.

"I should leave. If I don't leave again, I will live here. When I don't want to go back to the apartment, it's already ten o'clock."

"You want to... want to stay overnight, and I... no problem." The ghost uttered these words, and Sakura Ting only felt her face start to get hot.

She was worried that Lin Ye would treat herself as a frivolous girl.

"Cough, cough, cough, I think it's better to forget it, after all, I can’t help but do something if I live alone in the same room."

Lin Ye wanted Ying Ting's impression of herself to become a little bit worse.Only when it gets worse can the distance become farther, and withdrawing before setting foot in this quagmire is the best choice.

He must consider how Xue Nao and the others feel.Although I am very sorry to them now.Therefore, they are their most precious beings who endure all this.

Author's message:

PS: One more update today, and one day off tomorrow.

Chapter 383 I'm Really Fascinated By Me In Disguise

"Ye Jun is such a person!"

"Of course, I am not a herbivorous boy. I will definitely go there if I have a chance. But as a club, I think it is better to maintain a normal relationship with good things."

"But then why not choose to stay!"

But her plain face was sly that could not be concealed. At this time, Sakura Ting obviously said this to Lin Ye on purpose.

When he got along with Lin Ye, he didn't see any strange emotions toward him in the eyes of the other party, which caused her to feel that she was not feminine.

"Sakura Ting, this kind of remarks are actually quite dangerous." Without answering Sakura Ting's expected answer, Lin Ye changed her conversation and sighed. "It's better to say less provocative and stimulating words for girls, because they are misunderstood It's troublesome, especially if you are alone in the same room at night, you will really wipe your guns and get angry, or Sakura Ting, you are to every man who comes here..."

"how is this possible!"

Hearing Lin Ye’s last words, Ying Ting roared angrily, "How could I be like this to every man? I have only said this to you, or do you think I am the kind Flirtatious girl."

The result that he least wanted to appear was that he appeared, and Lin Ye really regarded himself as that kind of frivolous girl.

"Of course it is, if it weren't for a frivolous girl, how could she say such a thing!"

Lin Ye was thinking about how to make Ying Ting notice her own safety issues, and she must leave a deep impression on her.

"you you you……"

Ying Ting opened her eyes wide, her face in disbelief.

"If not, then prove it to me!"

At this time, it should start to think about it, and feel disgusted with oneself, and then scream at oneself out.If this is the case, it will inevitably be a little embarrassing to meet with the Ministry of Service in the future.

Well, just ignore it then.

"Prove... Ming? You, you don't want to... No, no, absolutely no, how can this kind of thing prove. We are not a romantic relationship, and we must never do such a thing."

Holding her chest, her body retreated a little later, Ying Ting shook her head vigorously, denying Lin Ye's suggestion.

"It doesn't matter if it's not a couple. Isn't it normal on the island country? Sakuraba is not the kind of girl with no experience."

Lin Ye clearly knew that Ying Ting belonged to the group of inexperienced girls, the tutor, or her own character, behavior, and demeanor, all of which meant that she was pure and self-loving.

"I, I am..."

When I think that girls in island countries have no experience up to now, they are often considered to be unattractive. However, there is no denying the fact that she can't fabricate a fact that she has experience.

In case, what should she do if Lin Ye used tough methods.

"It turns out that Ying Ting hasn't had a relationship with anyone! Then did I make it today?"

Cocked the corners of his mouth, raised a smile, and looked at Ying Ting with an aggressive look, Lin Ye tried to create himself a pervert and rascal who wanted to do something to her.

"No, I definitely don't want..."

Seeing Lin Ye standing up and walking towards him, Ying Ting turned around to escape, but Lin Ye grabbed her wrist, and after a strong pull, she was pressed against the sofa.

"You, what do you want to do, you have to know that this is a crime."

Sakuraba, who was subdued on the sofa, struggled and resisted vigorously, but facing Lin Ye, she was not an opponent at all.

On the contrary, the more struggling, the more Sakuraba felt the strange feeling caused by the friction between the two bodies.

"Crime, as long as it is not discovered, there is no problem. Moreover, Sakuraba, after the incident, will you, or your family, let you spread this scandal?"

Try to make his expression and tone match the image of the villain, Lin Ye smiled playfully at Ying Ting.


Ying Ting had no idea that the family situation she had told Lin Ye not long ago would be used as an excuse to do such a thing to herself.

"But you... um"

Her ear was bitten by the close forest leaf, which made her tremble unconvincingly.

"Who invited me to come here, who spoke to stop me when I left, and who made the criminal sound just now, so everything is your fault, Sakura Ting."

The left hand in the free space gently rubbed Sakuraba's delicate chin, feeling the delicate skin on it.

However, it really deserves to be Sakuraba, a beautiful girl with long and straight black, with a bulging chest compared to Yukino, where the convexity is convex, where it is curled, and there is a tangy fragrance.

Lin Ye turned out to be such a person, Ying Ting did not expect at all, and even pushed all the blame on her, how could he be like this.

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