Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 364


Lin Ye's extremely rude actions made Ying Ting irritable, and even rebuked.

"Why let go, and..."

Toughly turning Sakura Ting's face toward him, Lin Ye seemed to let Sakura Ting understand what he was going to do next, and continued, "Why avoid it!"

At this time, Ying Ting understood that Lin Ye was about to kiss herself, so she turned her head to the side, not wanting Lin Ye to succeed.

"Didn't you kiss it once! What does it matter if you do it again? I know you have a good impression of me, so tonight..."

Deliberately stroked his hands underneath, giving Ying Ting a chance to do it, and Lin Ye was ready to be beaten.


As expected, the left cheek was slammed, Lin Ye entered a surprised expression, and then revealed a fierce light.

"Woman, do you know the consequences of this."

Lin Ye covering her face seemed to dare not question that she was beaten.

But this slap really used all his strength!

"Who are you? Who are you? You are not the Lin Ye I know."

"I pretended to really make you so fascinated?"

No matter which one he was, Lin Ye would not deny it.

"So you are too naive, and you were deceived by my disguise. Sure enough, today is not very suitable. It seems that I still need more experience. It is really disappointing. That's it. I don't want to be taken away by the police. "

Pursing her lips intentionally, Lin Ye got up and walked out of Yingting's apartment.

That's it!

The dark sky is still shining with the light of stars.

Lin Ye walking on the road felt a bit of cold.

After approaching the apartment with no people, there was no trace of popularity at all.

Occasionally, I would like to have someone around me.

Looking at the apartment door not far away, Lin Ye finally gave up.Yukino should be studying hard at this time!

As for others, it is not suitable to contact at this time.

Chapter 384: I Like You

As things happened that night, the relationship between Lin Ye and Ying Ting dropped to a freezing point, and occasionally met on the road, and even the greetings that had already been made disappeared.

Of course, more often, Ying Ting met Lin Ye with Bai Qi. Ying Ting didn't tell Bai Qi what happened that night, but her accidental behavior prevented Bai Qi from contacting Lin Ye.

But Bai Qi faintly felt it.

It seemed that the relationship between Lin Ye and Ying Ting had become the same at the beginning, which made her surprised and deeply worried.

Finally, the relationship between the two became normal, and now for some reason, it became like the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. This made her think about how to restore the relationship between the two.

However, every time she asked Ying Ting, she gave a negative answer.

In normal times, there was no chance to talk to Lin Ye.

Bai Qi could only make up his mind secretly and find a time to talk about this matter.If Lin Ye and Ying Ting had any conflicts or misunderstandings, it would be the best choice to resolve them as soon as possible.

Delaying time will only make things worse.

It seems that everything went back to when I first came to this school.

But this is just an illusion.

No matter what, Lin Ye couldn't deny what had happened, especially the girls who had had a relationship.

Lin Ye is thinking about how to let them experience the taste of love.

No matter what, a pursuit is inevitable. Whether it is Qianli or Shuijie, they need to pursue it by themselves before letting them formally nod and agree to become their girlfriends.

In this way, their inner regrets will be less.

"I love you so much, I even gave up this country for you, but why and why..."

In a secluded part of the school, Lin Ye followed Shui Jie's pace and came here, but saw Shui Jie concentrate and devote himself to the performance.

Leaning against a certain tree, listening to Shui Jie's seiyuu contact, I was secretly surprised.

If he didn't know that the other party was practicing, he would instantly think that what the other party said was true.

The tone and timbre are in line with the context, and it is no wonder that to become an excellent voice actor requires thousands of hard work and countless sweat.

In this way, the water knot practiced for an hour, and Lin Ye waited for an hour not far away until Lin Ye noticed the water knot and stopped practicing. After sitting on a wooden chair to rest, Lin Ye coughed a few times and directly Walked over.

"Ye, Ye Jun..."

The strange voice made Shui Jie cast her gaze over, but she seemed to find an unexpected person appearing in front of her.Since that day, all she thought was Lin Ye.

But I also knew that other things couldn't be left to waste, so I resisted some irritability and put my attention to the seiyuu practice, but it was really worse than before.

Especially in recent days, Lin Ye's contact with her has obviously decreased, which made her feel a little worried.

"Drink water first!"

Lin Ye passed a bottle of mineral water directly.

After careful observation just now, I didn't find that the water was bringing water, so Lin Ye went to the vending machine and bought a bottle.

"Thank you."

The slightly blushing water knot did not refuse, he took it directly, unscrewed the bottle cap, and drank.

The slight upward movement of the little head made Lin Ye stare at the slender and white neck, and the delicate skin made Lin Ye want to caress it well.

Others may not be suitable, but the girl in front of her is okay.

"Don't, don't look at me with such eyes."

The water knot that had already put down the bottle blinked, his eyes flickering and glanced at the other side, and then his voice was shy.

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