Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 368


"Shuijie, your long hair is really beautiful!"

Taking the hair dryer, Lin Ye took on the task of drying the pink hair.

Feeling that some moist hair was gradually drying under the action of the hair dryer, Lin Ye felt that he was gradually filled with happiness.

"I am... Serizawa Mizuki! Ye Jun..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Lin Ye, thinking of the fiancée Lin Ye once said, Shuijing was a little unhappy, but more helpless.They were connected because of the hair. She was a little envious of Lin Ye's fiancée, but she also had some feelings.

Unexpectedly, what kind of girl made Lin Ye still unforgettable.

"Well, water knot, from now on I..."

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind, as long as Ye Jun doesn't regard me as a substitute."

Shuijie made a very feminine gesture with her long hair proficiently behind her ears, "Can you tell me the story about her? Of course, if you don't want to doesn't matter."

Curiosity, of course, is there, but more is to take care of Lin Ye's mood.

If I remember it again, Lin Ye will feel sad again.Shuijie didn't want Lin Ye to be in grief.

"After graduation, I will tell you everything, okay!"

All in all, it should be all right then.


Shui Jie nodded directly and agreed.

After the long hair had been dried, Shuijing stood up blushing, embarrassed to look at the forest leaves.

After all, even if it happened in the bathroom, I knew Lin Ye...

"Ye Jun, in the future... or else take some protective measures, Dong, I will prepare things."

In fact, Shui Jie is ashamed to go to the supermarket to buy such things, but for Lin Ye, she is also willing to temporarily suppress the shyness of this girl.

Seeing that Lin Ye didn't answer, Shui Jie raised her head with some worry, "I, I don't hate Ye Jun, and I don't want to be pregnant with Ye Jun...children..." As if all the courage was gathered. In general, in the end, the sound of the water knot became even softer, "It's just that I'm still a student now. It would be very troublesome if I was pregnant."

The unmarried mother didn't say anything. Just because she was pregnant, her studies would be suspended. She didn't want this to happen. Of course, if Lin Ye didn't want to, she would agree.

She knows how big Lin Ye needs to be in this respect, and she feels a little bit worse with that thing, but, just...

"If you are pregnant, I will be responsible."

If Shui Jie is really pregnant, she will be shocked by immense joy, and her subordinates should also be excited.

At that time, it is inevitable to strengthen her protection.

"Responsible...En." Shui Jie subconsciously thought that Lin Ye didn't want to use that thing, so after thinking about it, she could only do that if she didn't want to get pregnant. If she didn't want to get pregnant, she should be fine.

"Afterwards, I, I will buy some refuge..."

"What are you talking about! Shuijie, that thing is not good for your health." Lin Ye, who knew Shuijie's plan all at once, stroked the gentle girl in front of him, feeling pity in his heart.

"Up to now, let me tell you straight! I cannot make you pregnant for some reason."

"Eh eh, Ye Jun, you have a physical problem, then go to the hospital..."

"The top hospitals of the Central Asian Federation have been checked. There is no way with the current technology, and of course it is not absolutely impossible to get pregnant, but the chance is too small and too small. So, water knot, if you are with me, It is very likely that there is not a child between us, even if this is the case..."

"Then we will adopt one at that time."

Leaning gently against Lin Ye's chest, Shui Jie continued, "Ye Jun, there are Qianli, I am enough. However, my parents will ask you to ask Ye Jun."

If it is monogamous, of course there is no problem, but the key is polygamy. Shui Jie assigned this difficult task to Lin Ye, and as a man, he must also take on this task.

At this time, Lin Ye also felt that she had to solve the family problems of the girls.

Chapter 388

If a girl is willing to sacrifice for you to this point, it is absolutely false for Lin Ye to say that she is not moved.

Because of this, Lin Ye owes more to Shuijie and wants to compensate her. Or, those girls, Lin Ye has a guilt and wants to compensate.

However, although their personalities are different, one thing is certain is that they will not accept this kind of compensation, and will not accept a gift without reason.

What's more, it is the compensation that I have given because of guilt.

With pink hair at the fingertips Hua Guo, smelling the scent of shower gel, Lin Ye looked at the sleeping girl next to her with pity.

He stretched out his hand, turned off the lamp, adjusted his posture, put his arms around the water knot, and Lin Ye closed his eyes.


It seems that I haven't met Ying Lili for a long time. This time, she was asked to invite her out for a meal.

Lin Ye can only agree.

Although I have been contacting by mobile phone email, it is a little bit worse after all.

Although I can find a reason to say that Yinglili is busy and I will not bother you, it is obviously inappropriate.

The arrogant girl is also a little scary to be angry.

Walking into the agreed place, Lin Ye didn't expect Yinglili to come here alone, as well as Kasumigaoka Shiba and Kato Megumi who he didn't want to see very much.

However, the girl Kato Megumi was as expressionless as before, as if everything was out of the way.

I feel that many micro expressions can't analyze anything from her.

"Eriri, Kasumigaoka and Kato, good afternoon!"

The four-person seat was empty by Kato Hui, and Lin Ye only went up.

"Hey, it turns out that classmate Zecun made an appointment with classmate Lin Ye. I thought it was some kind of friend!"

The pronunciation of the word "friends" was aggravated, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glared at Lin Ye a little annoyed.

Last time, not only did I refuse to inform me of the specific location of the workplace apprenticeship, but I didn't even send me any emails afterwards, as if I were not important to him.

I...not important...

The pride of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu will never allow it.

Not only is the capital for her appearance, but also because she is a debut writer. She thinks she is better than too many peers.

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