Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 369

But this man didn't even care about her, and even refused to post by himself.

Every time I think of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wants to tear the forest leaves alive.

It's not that you are not interested in yourself. After all, the things on the tram and the occasional glances that you swept over certain parts of yourself indicate that the other party is interested in yourself, but only for some reason choose not to contact yourself too much.

This is the fact that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu hates most.

"Ye is my friend, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, you have a problem!"

If I was accidentally caught up, I was going to go on a date or something. In the end, I denied it but I was pressed step by step. In the end, I could only bring Kasumigaoka Shiwa, and Kato Megumi was called by myself. With this woman, Ying Lili knew exactly what would happen.

There is a girl, maybe the atmosphere will be better, but it really failed.

Even because of Lin Ye's relationship, Ying Lili wanted to do more actions that were in line with the lady's behavior, but she felt a little unbearable.

"If you are just a friend, of course there is no problem..."

The expression on the corners of her mouth gave Ying Lili a bad foreboding, and she took a sip of the milk tea in her hand. Ying Lili frowned and asked, "What do you want to say."

"Ye Jun, but spent ten million dollars to obtain my ownership! So, what do you mean by that! Sawamura Spencer Yinglili."

The words were astonishing, Kato Megumi's expression did not change, but his eyes were wandering between the forest leaves and Kasumigaoka Shiba, as if to confirm whether Kasanooka Shiba's words were true.

"Ye, is this woman true?"

One hand pointed at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, while the other side was staring at Lin Ye with blue eyes, waiting for Lin Ye to give an answer.

Of course, Lin Ye wanted to deny it.

The ten million US dollars was just fabricated by them. At the time, I admitted that it was only because Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu accepted that he could let the Yinhe Security Company dispatch.

Only now, it seems to have become a reminder.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought it was true, and also clearly said to herself that she wanted to pay off the debt, but she refused, but she couldn't deny that she had made such a promise.


Lin Ye, who just wanted to speak, felt that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was sitting opposite him, stretched her right leg, and reality touched her knee, and then entered inside again, until Lin Ye subconsciously used the legs of the Patriarch, Do not let it re-enter.

"Of course this is..."

Shi Yu seemed to be the one who sensed that Lin Ye wanted to deny this, and his hinted eyes revealed a threat. At the same time, as if to make up for it, his right leg began to rub against the black silk.

Lin Yeguang was a little excited and excited after thinking about it, but to calm down, he must calm down.

And these two stopped halfway through, but it made Ying Lili think that Lin Ye was just embarrassed to admit that it was like this.

"With that woman, don't you think it is enough!"

One of Ying Lili's revelations was like a large rock thrown into the calm lake water, ripples everywhere.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is currently the party involved, Ying Lili thinks that there is no problem, perhaps let Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu know Lin Ye's reality will obediently withdraw.

As for Lin Ye, since he dared to do this, he must be prepared to be demolished by her.

"Isn't it just a better figure, I don't have room for growth!"

After speaking in detail, Ying Lili's face became serious, and she continued, "But you really want any girl! Then there is one position left, who else, just tell me! Let me do Be mentally prepared so that I won’t surprise me again when I get it."

"It turns out that Ye Jun is not only a bastard with two boats, but also a scum with multiple boats. So, can you answer the question of classmate Zecun and this? I am also very curious, is it some of the original kings game? Girls, or all of them!"

Adding to the eight girls of her own, if all of them had ideas, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu would be very impressed.

However, as for the first Yukino Yukino and Mien Chiri, Shiyu Kasugaoka felt the best possible.

At first I thought it was just a good impression, but now it seems to be more than this level.

"Uh, I think I'll talk about this sooner."

"Then, tell me about the King's Game!"

Ying Lili's smile was a bit piercing.

It seems that since that time, Ying Lili, who has expressed her heart and determination, has begun to change, especially her attitude towards herself.

Chapter 389

While expounding the situation concisely, Lin Ye adopted a way of evasive attention, but looking at the smile on the corner of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mouth, Lin Ye felt that she would tell something.

After all, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, one of the parties involved, was really too aware of what happened at that time.

"Some of the commands in it are also normal, such as making Sakura Ting do a hundred sit-ups, and..."

Thinking hard about the normal order, Lin Ye continued, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was rubbing slightly under the table, came to Lin Ye, his expression a little ugly.

Seeing that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was about to speak to supplement, Lin Ye knew something was wrong.

Stop, you must stop.

"Classmate Zecun, this is not the case, for example..."

Just as Xiazhiqiu Shiyu narrated certain commands in detail, the right foot he was about to withdraw was tightly held by a big hand.

The whole person shuddered, but because of the venue, he stubbornly endured it.

Lin Ye looked like a okay person, glanced at Kato Megumi beside her and saw that she hadn't found anything, Lin Ye continued to write something with her hands.

The soles of the feet are originally sensitive parts of the human body, especially for women.

Lin Ye rubbed and pressed the soles of her feet a little, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly felt a soreness, like a peculiar current surge, making her want to moan.

It's just that I held back, but the words were a bit uncomfortable.

"carry on!"

Why was he not there at that time? That way, I would be able to figure out how many women Lin Ye was looking for.

She even Xiang Lin Ye wanted to use this method to retreat herself.

After all, the promise he made to himself is that he will still choose him after graduation, and he will accept himself, but if he does not accept it, then it means that he will be separated.

I can accept a Xuexia Xuena, but it doesn't mean I can endure Lin Ye's continuous increase in the number of her harem without any restrictions.

Why, why should it be so!Simply concentrate on it.

Ying Lili stared at Lin Ye with dissatisfied eyes, hoping that he could be more focused.

"Are you ordering me? Sawamura classmate!"

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