Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 374

Lin Ye, I feel a little helpless!

No matter what, this matter shouldn't be said to oneself in such a tone.He and her are just acquaintances.

Chapter 393

"Ying Lili stayed for a few days. After the last game of Kings, Qianli and Shuijie also stayed for one night, so there are girl bath products."

Lin Ye told the truth honestly. After all, he wanted to guarantee a normal relationship with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, and did not want her to go too deep. Then, as long as he didn’t take the initiative and the other party chose to stay away from him, then he and Shiyu The relationship between her stopped here.

"You are really honest!"

Honesty is indeed a good quality, but the honesty at this time made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu feel that Lin Ye was faintly rejected by others thousands of miles away.

Because of such things, under normal circumstances, the result is that girls choose to give up.

If you take a shower in a boy’s room, what happens, even if nothing happens, is enough to prove the relationship between the two.

What's more, the names Lin Ye reported were three people.

"I just told the truth, I will prepare a new towel, don't worry."

Girls love to be clean, Lin Ye knows very well, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not bring her own personal items, and Lin Ye can only take out from the spare items.

After they arrived, the reserve of Lin Ye's spare parts went up.

"No, I don't care too much about which towel is yours."

Saying this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also hesitated, but seeing Lin Ye's attitude, she suddenly became angry.

I really want to let myself quit like this.

Her Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is really so bad.

"I'll get a new one right away."

Lin Ye immediately turned and left, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who saw Lin Ye's back, showed a faint smile on her face.

Even if the sound of the shower was blocked by the door and the wall, Lin Ye could hear clearly. Looking at the book in his hand, only the beautiful figure of Shiyu Xiazhiqiu in the shower appeared in his mind.

No, no, I can't think about it anymore.

My self-control is getting worse and worse, I always feel it is very possible to start.

Lin Ye took out the phone directly and dialed Qianli's mobile number.

At this time, listening to their voices can calm down.

"Senior, it's so late, what's the matter!"

Yuyuan Qianli, who was resting in the apartment, had no idea that Lin Ye would take the initiative to call herself.Although she didn't know Lin Ye's purpose, Qian Li was connected immediately.

Wearing pajamas, lying on the bed, with two little feet swaying up and down in an orderly manner, Qianli is in a very good mood.

"I just want to hear your voice."

"Eh, eh eh..."

Qian Li smiled for a moment, then flushed.Lin Yeke had never said this kind of love story.

I just want to hear my own voice, so I called myself and it really made her happy!

"Then have you said to Shui Jie, and she is a seiyuu, compared to me, her voice is better."

Of course, Qian Li also knew that her voice was very good, but she also thought about getting Lin Ye's recognition.

"I like you both!"

"Really, really, very cunning! Senior."

The familiar voice and playful tone made Lin Ye gradually sink into the conversation with Qianli.

Qianli is also in a good mood, because of the music teacher's affairs, her bad mood has gradually recovered.

She was even thinking that being in love is as happy as it says in the book.However, his own affairs really cannot get rid of seniors.

I just heard Lin Ye say that she can ask him if she wants something. Qianli doesn't know if Lin Ye knows something, but she wants to solve it by herself.

"Ye Jun, I have finished washing, you can go to the bathroom."

Wrapped in a bath towel, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was wiping her black hair with her white hands with the towel, opened the door of Linye's room and spoke directly.

"Okay, I get it now……"

With the force of Lin Ye's toes, the seat rotated ninety degrees. Lin Ye stood up directly, really wanting to speak to Qianli that he had gone to take a bath, but Qianli's voice was directly transmitted through the phone. come.

"Senior, you can tell me why Senior Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is in your apartment and also takes a shower."

The familiar and slightly unfamiliar voice reminded Qian Li of the voice's owner.

The combination of bathing, apartment, and evening words reminded Qianli of some very bad associations.

The loud voice was also heard clearly by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Lin Ye only saw the corner of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mouth, and secretly said that he wanted to stop him, but it was obvious that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was a step faster.

"Of course I was going to wait for bed at night, you said right, Ye Jun."

Kacha, Lin Ye didn't know that something was broken on Qianli's side, but the voice shocked Lin Ye.

"Senior, I am coming to your apartment right now. If you do something extraordinary, I will definitely not forgive you."

"Wait, Qianli, I..."

There was only the beep of being hung up in his ears, but Lin Ye called back but said it was off.

Looking helplessly at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu in front of him, Lin Ye didn't say anything to blame, "Shiyu, the next room can be used, you can rest first! I will pick up Qianli, it is too dangerous to come out now."

Thinking of the low temperature at night, Lin Ye took a coat from the middle of the cabinet and rushed out.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu stayed quietly.

She seems to have done a very bad thing, obviously her intention is only...

As for whether to take a break first, how could she take a break first, after all, this matter is only because of her.

Looking down at her current dress, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu decided to change it first.

After thinking about it, he put the target in Lin Ye's cabinet.

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