Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 375

According to Qian Li's apartment to her own apartment, she calculated and estimated the route she would take the most, and Lin Ye ran over.

Finally, five minutes later, I saw the distressed purple-haired girl wrapped in a jacket.


He put his hands together slightly, as if trying to resist the cold, but his feet were still moving towards the target location, only the familiar voice was heard.

"Study... long..."

Even if Qian Li thought that Lin Ye would come to find her, but she had already turned off the phone, Lin Ye probably wouldn't know which way she was going.

But now, Lin Ye really appeared in front of her.


Lin Ye put the coat in her hand on Qianli's body, squatted down on the rope, and looked at the shoes that Qianli had worn but didn't notice. Lin Ye only felt that her heart was moved.

"I will carry you to my place! Of course, if I go back to your apartment, I have no opinion."

Author's message:

PS: Released in advance, you can get up late tomorrow morning!

Chapter 394 Senior, don't leave me

"But... just go to the senior's."

Pounced on Lin Ye's back, Qianli felt the heat and breath coming from Lin Ye's back, and she relaxed.

Although she wanted Lin Ye to go back to the apartment with herself, Qian Li always felt uneasy when she thought that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was still with her senior.

But now, Lin Ye rushed over to look for her, already let Qianli know what happened in the middle.

In fact, after hearing the voice of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, she had this idea, but she wanted to play with the little girl’s temperament and her inner anxiety, so she chose to go to Lin in the middle of the night alone. Ye over there.

Because the girl around Lin Ye made her always feel that she would be abandoned one day.

She didn't want the first love in her life to die without a problem.She wanted to walk with him until the end of life.

"Senior, don't leave me!"

The little head was carried on Lin Ye's shoulders, and her beautiful purple eyes stared at Lin Ye's profile. Qianli only hoped that this moment would last forever, and that this road would never end.

"How come! Unless Qianli chooses..."

"No, never!"

Realizing what Lin Ye was going to say, Qianli's surrounding hands pressed harder, as if to show her determination.

"Then, neither will I. No matter what Qianli becomes, as long as Qianli is willing to stay by my side, I will not let go. We will live together."


After a quick kiss on Lin Ye's side, Qianli buried her head shyly.

The speed of returning was not fast, Lin Ye tried to maintain a steady pace so that Qianli on his back was not subject to excessive bumps.

It took five minutes to find her, but it took half an hour to return.

When the two entered Lin Ye's apartment again, Lin Ye found that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not choose to rest, but instead sat on the sofa in a very leisurely manner.

However, the clothes she wears are really familiar.

Isn't this your own shirt!

The white broad shirt on Shiyu Kasumigaoka made her plumpness especially conspicuous, and her fair skin attracted the attention of men under the light.Especially the slender thighs that are no longer wrapped in black silk are indeed a beauty on earth.

"came back!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stood up leisurely like the owner of this apartment, then walked to the two of them, and showed a faint smile at Qianli.

"Student Yuyuan, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to let you come here so late."

"I know."

Qianli's so plain answer made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu a little unexpected, she glanced at Lin Ye, thinking that he had explained it on the way back, so she accepted it so calmly.

"I have prepared a guest room for you, right there!"

Qian Li followed the direction of Shi Yu's fingers, her face a little awkward.

You know that room is where she and the senior and Mizuka are sleeping together.

However, the important thing now is...

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu regarded herself as her master, Qian Li couldn't accept it at all, but she also knew that refuting her temper was completely useless.

If I had done this, I would have fallen victim instead.

"Well, thank you senior sister" Qianli politely bowed to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and then walked to the guest room, but before entering the door, she spoke to Lin Ye, "Senior, agreed. Yes, come with me tonight."

Lin Ye nodded directly.

He didn't know what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu meant, and accepting it was the best choice at this time.

With a sound of "touch!", the door of the guest room was closed, and only Lin Ye and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu were left in the living room.

Now, it is the time Qianli left for herself.

"Shiyu, rest early!"

"Where to sleep?"

Her guest room is occupied, then where should she sleep? She really wants Lin Ye to give herself an answer.

"If you don't dislike it, you can sleep in my room."

"You don't want me to sleep in your bed, and then the next day you can smell what I leave behind like a fool to satisfy your desires! Ye Jun."

"I'll go find Qianli!"

A word directly made Shi Yu stunned, and then his face became gloomy, and her black hair floated out of the gravity of the earth. Lin Ye swallowed, only feeling that the girl in front of her was in a very bad mood.

"Shiyu, I have someone I like."

But there really isn't a formal girlfriend. Yukino is considered an ex-girlfriend, Mizuki refused, and Qianli did not officially acknowledge each other.

"You want to confess to me."

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