Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 376

Realizing the meaning of Lin Ye's expression, Shi Yu's whole heart floated. She knew that this was Lin Ye preparing to show her.

Keep yourself away from him, give up on him, if you choose to refuse, then she is the kind of stalking girl, she is hungry and proud of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, she would never want to encounter that kind of situation.

She didn't want to lose like this, but finally, there was a different boy in her life.

Some are troublesome, some have headaches, but they also appear at a critical moment to solve their own crisis.

"Yes, a true confession."

Kasumigaoka Shiba's joy, which had not been shown because of the initial affirmative answer, was suddenly occupied by loss. She naturally knew what'reality' was.

Could it be that it failed like this, it is really unacceptable.

She thinks that she is no worse than others, is it because she is a few steps behind, she is completely denied.

"If you say you hate me, I won't appear in front of you again."

Rather than being rejected, I might as well use this to restore some of my dignity. She is Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, and she must personally maintain her pride.

"Don't worry, I can do what I say, as long as you say'hate me' now, I will leave without saying anything."

Just looking at Lin Ye's inclination to speak, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled brightly.

She hasn't completely lost yet.

"No matter who my opponents are, I will defeat them. So, you just have to shut your mouth and wait, and you just fall under my pomegranate skirt, Ye Jun."

"I actually..."

On tiptoe, Kasumigaoka Shiyu stretched out a slender index finger to stop Lin Ye, "You have lost the initiative, so I am the one who determines the relationship between the two of us, not you. Please remember this, Ye Lord."

"And..." Looking at the direction of the guest room, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's gaze seemed to see through the door of the room to see Miyuan Qianli who was leaning on the door.

"Although you sleep in the guest room at night, now we can go to your room to do something, after all..."

Chapter 395

This damn goblin killed people and did not pay for his life, knowing that Qian Li was eavesdropping behind the door, and doing so was simply adding chaos to herself.

Although, Shiyu has never stopped making trouble for herself.

"Well, let's forget this. I can sleep with it. After all, I can sleep with Qianli in my arms. Compared with the cold floor, I think the warm bed attracts me more."

Generally speaking, men and women stay in the same room at night, as long as the relationship is not enough, they sleep separately.Lin Ye was insinuating that even though Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was so ambiguous, in the end he would let him sleep on the floor alone.

"How come!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu showed a playful smile, "Ye Jun is worried that I let you sleep on the floor, how can this be! How dare I occupy Ye Jun's bed alone? We will definitely share If you can’t help but sleep together in bed, I can accept whatever you want to do. After all, who is your age and the need is so great!"

His slender fingers pressed against his red lips, his body leaned forward slightly, and the fullness of the front of the white shirt made him tremble. The exposed long legs released a charming luster like white pearls. A seductive body.

If you are a man, you just want to get into trouble.

Men pursue women, chase beautiful women.

However, even if Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is no more attractive, it is not his own, it has nothing to do with him.

The more girls are involved, the more Lin Ye feels sorry for Xueno, Qianli and Mizuno.

"If I need it, I will find other people to help, so I won't bother Shiyu, you care about it. It's not too late, please rest early!"

As if afraid that Shi Yu would continue to focus on this topic, Lin Ye grabbed her wrist directly and pulled her to the room.

The physical contact made Shi Yu stunned for a while, and a blush began to appear on her white face, "Ye Jun, don't worry, the night is long, we have time."

"Yes, yes, some time!"

With a tough attitude, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sat on the bed. Lin Ye scanned his room and found nothing special, and said, "Get a break early! You use this shirt as a pajama, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t want to stay, you can take it back. Now, let’s rest first!"

After speaking, Lin Ye stood at the door of the room, touching the switch with his hand, ready to turn off the light.

"Wait!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's tone became serious, her expression serious, "I didn't ask you last time, I want to know the answer!"

"Eh!" Lin Ye's raised hand was still in the air, completely unaware of what Shi Yu wanted to ask.

After thinking repeatedly, she didn't know what answer she wanted to know.

"What do you want to know, as long as I know, I will answer you!"

"you sure?"

With a somewhat puzzled tone, he confirmed to Lin Ye, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu flashed a joy at this time.

"of course!"

"Why didn't I come to my first signing meeting? It's obviously... it's already agreed!"

I remembered that I waited until no one showed up and the bookstore was closed, but the agreed netizen did not show up, and there was no reply to all the contact emails.

At that time, she was desperate, and later deleted her contact information, but she did not expect to meet again a year later.

The original reason, like an ant bite, made her want to know the answer.

"I... wait for the day you graduate, I will tell you."

That day was also the time for my graduation. At that time, I had to give her the best treasures in the world in front of the teachers and students of the school. At that time, I would attach the fact of the missed appointment, maybe it would be fine!


I want to say that Lin Ye is not keeping promises, but... this kind of cunning answering method that may appear later really makes her helpless.

After all, Lin Ye didn't say when to answer.With this to answer her, she has no choice.After all, she wanted to know the answer, and Lin Ye took the initiative.

"I remember someone was going to put the world..."

"Of course, Treasure, it will make your heart move. I remember girls like sparkling things, so don't worry."

Diamonds, jewels, or other things, in short, as long as they can reflect the charming brilliance of the light, they must be regarded as treasures.

Lin Ye could still get the money, but Lin Ye was afraid that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu would not accept it.After all, accepting something of such great value for no reason will make her hesitate.

Anyway, it was her own business whether to accept it or not, but she gave it as agreed.

"That's good, close the door, you can go!"

Lin Ye was taken aback by the queen's voice, and she couldn't expect Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's attitude to change so quickly.

Lin Ye had to take another look at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, then turned off the light, and then closed the door.

Seeing Lin Ye really left like this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little unhappy. Although she was not prepared to actually have some intimate behavior with Lin Ye, she ignored her and went to the next room, which made her somewhat unacceptable.

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